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Kiss - Monster (2012)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't know this was coming, not heard a note from it and know nothing about it... but it's in the mail on it's way so I look forward to the surprise. :)

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As a huge KISS fan, I couldn't be happier with this album! Sonic Boom was awesome and this is the perfect continuation. Monster feels even more intense. It's the perfect album title, because everything about this album is massive. Rockin' riffs, catchy hooks, big choruses, songs about sex, songs about rock and roll, songs about believing in yourself...it's a KISS album for sure!



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As a huge KISS fan, I couldn't be happier with this album! Sonic Boom was awesome and this is the perfect continuation. Monster feels even more intense. It's the perfect album title, because everything about this album is massive. Rockin' riffs, catchy hooks, big choruses, songs about sex, songs about rock and roll, songs about believing in yourself...it's a KISS album for sure!






Maybe I shouldn't have bought it then... haha, kidding, I guess it's a given with these types of CDs...

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As a huge KISS fan, I couldn't be happier with this album! Sonic Boom was awesome and this is the perfect continuation. Monster feels even more intense. It's the perfect album title, because everything about this album is massive. Rockin' riffs, catchy hooks, big choruses, songs about sex, songs about rock and roll, songs about believing in yourself...it's a KISS album for sure!




I couldn't have put it better.


I get a huge Revenge feel on many of the songs and there's not a bad tune. Where SB was an updated Love Gun/Rock N Roll Over sound, Monster is something totally fresh and newer and heavier but still awesome.

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Geoff, if you like Sonic Boom and the thought of an album fairly close to that but a little heavier appeals to you, then I think that you will enjoy Monster.


Sounding real nice... especially with the 'Revenge' comparison below too. Really looking forward to hearing it.

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I have to say I like the CD so far after a few spins. Classic late 70's sound with a Revenge era vibe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my blog entry on the new KISS album.



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  • 5 years later...

Like most here, I'm a massive Kiss fan.

Just have never been able to get in to this album though.

The only track I really like is the Peter Criss song "All For The Love OF Rock & Roll"

That probably speaks volumes.

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Also a Kiss fan, but never got into this or Sonic boom. Just never really excited me because they just sounded to forced.

Trying to recapture a sound they really could not do anymore.


As for the All for the love of rock n roll, is that really a Criss song?

Everything I have ever seen says it was written by Paul Stanley, although I must admit that the CD has been filed away for years so cannot remember what the credits on that said.

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Was sung by Criss at least.

Normally I gravitate towards Paul's songs, like most I guess.

Like you I was never able to get in to Sonic Boom either.
Not sure why. I think they just ran out of steam.

What they always did was what they wanted.
Disco songs, alternative stuff, The Elder etc.
And while sometimes it missed the mark, it was true.
They said that they were trying to recapture the early sound with these.
Pretty sure they tried to market one of them as Love Gun 2 for a while.


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"All For the Love..." was sung by Eric Singer, who just happens to do a pretty damn fine Criss vocal impression. 

Peter was loooong out of the band by the time Kiss did "Monster." He quit in 2004.


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  • 1 year later...

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