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Wig Wam: "Wall Street" review (Hardrock Haven)

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My review of Wig Wam's latest album, "Wall Street," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Judging from the hate for this CD 'round HH, I expect not many people will agree with me, but to see for yourself, click the link below:




Despite too many dull tracks, and not enough of that classic Wig Wam sound, I still enjoyed this release.

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I think I rated slightly lower at around 7/10, but still not sure how it turns out in the second or third spin,

but one thing that certain is this is their weakest to date. Well just hope they hit rock bottom and start to rebound in their next chapter

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Well I like the first two songs :whistle:

Well I like 6 of the 11 tracks, but I do agree that the first two songs are the best.

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Well I like the first two songs :whistle:

Well I like 6 of the 11 tracks, but I do agree that the first two songs are the best.


After the first 2 tracks you think you might be listening to another Wig Wam classic, but then the quality drops off a cliff.


Really disappointing given how awesome their first 2 albums were.

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I have to spin it more to be 100% accurate but it's not terrible but it won't make even my top 10 for the year. OMG I wish I Had A Gun is awesome though.

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5 or 6 good tracks and lots of filler. Hardly a classic but not a disaster by any means. I've spun it 5 or 6 times so far, and it does get better.

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Spinning it for the 2nd time as I type. I may have been a little harsh first time around, but the truth of the matter is that if this wasn't Wig Wam I have to admit I probably wouldn't bother putting in the effort. But yeah, although it is poor, maybe not the complete trainwreck I originally though. Just a bad car crash...

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  • 2 months later...

5 or 6 good tracks and lots of filler. Hardly a classic but not a disaster by any means. I've spun it 5 or 6 times so far, and it does get better.


I'm a little late to the party here, but I'll second what Jez says exactly...Some good tracks, filler, not great, but ok.

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