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JSS's "Fuck You!" to Journey...


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I haven't tried to hide my opinion on the new W.E.T. CD, that I think it's very good, but not the aural orgasm it's made out to be over on the MR forum.


That being said, the last track on the CD, "If I Fall" is just a monster, and a big ole' FUCK YOU to Neal and the boys.


It really makes you wonder what a full Journey studio CD would have been with JSS. And quite frankly, I think JSS should do a full Journey album... without Journey. :lol:


Give it a listen. It's a long track, just over 6 minutes in length. Everything from the vocals to the guitars to the song choruses is pure vintage Journey.


If I Fall (256kbps)



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I don't even like Journey most the time but even I picked up on this one. Killer song, regardless, and better than anything I've ever heard on a Journey CD, that's for sure. :)

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I'm getting wary of this release now....from being pretty much indispensible it seems to be garnering less favourable comments even being called generic ... which doesn't sit too well with me considering it was being mooted as THE AOR album of the year.

Especially since I'm not a huge fan of anything JSS has done and am increasingly finding my love affair with AOR these days dramatically on the wane due to the general wimpiness and lack of direction of the bulk of it released now.

The video/song over at Melrock some months back was great I'll admit but is that song simply a diamond amongst a bunch of lemons that any old "copying the AOR blueprint" band can produce.


I'm a tad worried.....


but at the other end of the spectrum I've cancelled my pre-order of the new Dare as I've heard a few sound bytes and it's the old Celtic influence again, which although I quite like it's no way going to be as essential as an album returning to the style of Out of the Silence would be....I'll wait until I can pick that up for a fiver or less now!


I'm a man full of contradictions :lol:


Anyway good on JSS giving the finger to Journey as they treated him pretty shoddily.

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Far too much talk and analysation of this album, and it hasnt even been released yet!


Just sit back and enjoy it for what it is.....an excellent melodic hard rock album. I think if Andrew had given this album 95% instead of 100% it wouldnt have attracted half the arguments it has. Its one person's opinion of an album, that's all.


My advice to people is to get this as it is no doubt one of the top albums this year. Whether its better than this or that, who cares.


Oh and as for the comments around 'It I Fall' being better than any Journey song.........well. I listened to Revelation again on the way back from Firefest and there are at least 3 or 4 songs on that album as good as 'If I Fall' and that's not even taking into account the classic Journey era.



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my love affair with AOR these days dramatically on the wane due to the general wimpiness and lack of direction of the bulk of it released now.

I have to admit, that's actually one thing I do like about this album. It's actually really got some balls. If you heard the last Eclipse album, think of that mixed with JSS's 'Lost in translation' for an indication of how heavy it is. Not saying that some balls = a good album, but the beefy sound certainly does assist the songs here.


I also think the 100% review might be responsible for some of the backlash and people are maybe trying too hard to get their point across that it's not a 100% album and over-emphasising the negatives about the album.


To be totally honest this is not even close to a 100% album, in my opinion of course... but it is a very good album with a few outstanding songs. There are a few fillers which will keep it away from the peak of my list this year, but it will no doubt be a top 10 finisher, I'm sure.

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my love affair with AOR these days dramatically on the wane due to the general wimpiness and lack of direction of the bulk of it released now.

If you heard the last Eclipse album, think of that mixed with JSS's 'Lost in translation'.


Now that makes me want to hear this disc. I thought the last Eclipse was excellent. :headbanger:

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my love affair with AOR these days dramatically on the wane due to the general wimpiness and lack of direction of the bulk of it released now.

If you heard the last Eclipse album, think of that mixed with JSS's 'Lost in translation'.


Now that makes me want to hear this disc. I thought the last Eclipse was excellent. :headbanger:

Yeah, it definitely has the balls of an Eclipse album. It would be incorrect to assume it's Journey-esque wimpy AOR because it's sure as hell not.

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I'm amazed....no STUNNED....that anyone loving this music could describe WET as generic. Fuck me! Don't mind if someone doesn't buy into it or whatever....but generic it isn't.

Influenced completely by the genre it represents yes, but fresh, punchy, heavier than expected and sparckling performances. Love it to death.


New Mastedon is quite amazing also. Blanc Faces a little safe, but very very "nice"... and Leverage is kicking my ass currently.

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my love affair with AOR these days dramatically on the wane due to the general wimpiness and lack of direction of the bulk of it released now.

I have to admit, that's actually one thing I do like about this album. It's actually really got some balls.


Well that's a bit of a plus mate...as I know you generally don't give praise to the AOR genre too readily unless it deserves it somewhat. As I said the track I have heard I like a hell of a lot, but over the last few years I've become wary of the old "AOR album of the year" tag thrown about before albums are properly released which in my eyes builds expectancy to a level that more often than not cannot be sustained once the album hits the streets. I don't think that helps the genre or a particular album either. I fell in to that trap too many times the most noteable being the 1st Blanc Faces release ... which I sold after about a month.

I guess Glen sums it up best, "enjoy the album for what it is", but avoid letting the hyperbole surrounding it taint your enjoyment. No doubt I'll grab it and W.E.T. myself with excitement :lol:


:hijack: BTW Dan ... sorry the thread seemed to become hijacked somewhat...that wasn't my intention.

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Wow - I've just read the review... Is it really that good? The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good. I thought the last ECLIPSE sounded great but wasn't all that consistent. I also might check out the WINGER, which sounded okay from the soundclips but not much more.


The only one of the above discs I've heard start to finish is the BLANC FACES. It's good, but just sounds like outtakes from the first disc (which is no bad thing).

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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.

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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.



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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.



Nice. Thanks for that. Will test those samples asap!

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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.


Yeah that would be the 3 actual fillers, which in fact arent fillers at all.


Just great instead of excellent.

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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.


Yeah that would be the 3 actual fillers, which in fact arent fillers at all.


Just great instead of excellent.

Haha... at first I thought the same thing. But no doubt about it, 'Damage Is Done' is a filler of the highest order, and I skip 'Just go' now too after the first chorus. 'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is' is the best of those three, but still has filler written all over it. Still, three fillers from 12 songs is still an amazing effort.

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The only song I've heard ("Brothers In Arms") is KILLER, but am stoked to hear the whole thing could be that good.

In my opinion that is the 4th weakest song on the disc (next in line after the three actual fillers), so I think you're going to be in for a very pleasant surprise!!!


Man I want to hear this Blanc Faces disc. I didn't realise it was that close to being ready.


Yeah that would be the 3 actual fillers, which in fact arent fillers at all.


Just great instead of excellent.

Haha... at first I thought the same thing. But no doubt about it, 'Damage Is Done' is a filler of the highest order, and I skip 'Just go' now too after the first chorus. 'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is' is the best of those three, but still has filler written all over it. Still, three fillers from 12 songs is still an amazing effort.


mate if they are your idea of filler then i am at a loss.


Damage Is Done - excellent track with pure Journey chorus.....no wonder you dont like it ;-)


Money - man, this was one of my fav tracks on the album on first listen...totally kicked my arse!


Just Go - OK, so the chorus is probably one of the weaker on the album, but the start of the track is killer and that solo :headbanger:

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Damage Is Done - excellent track with pure Journey chorus.....no wonder you dont like it ;-)

What chorus? :lol:;) Seriously, I just listen to that song and wonder what I was meant to be interested in.

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