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Sony Extended Versions CD's


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I've picked up a few of these, & they are suprisingly good. The Europe, Quiet Riot, & Cinderella are all live shows (or parts of live shows) that aren't repackaged versions of previous releases, which from what I've heard is the case with a lot of the other Extended Versions releases.


Does anybody have any info on the Britny Fox, Mr. Big, White Lion, Slaughter, & Krokus cd's from this series?


Also, another one worth picking up is the Damn Yankees...it's all the audio tracks from the Uprisinig Live video that was released on dvd a couple years ago.

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I'll be picking up the Damn Yankees for sure. I'd like the Britny Fox & the others as long as the songs were recorded "back in the day", & not a couple years ago. That's whats cool about the Quiet Riot & Europe cd's. All those songs were recorded back in the 80's.

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The only one I've bothered with was the Overkill "Extended Versions," which was merely a pared-down version of the 2-CD "WRECKING YOUR NECK live album from 1995 :hammer:

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I had the Overkill one, it appears I don't anymore though. I also picked up the Cinderella one recently but have yet to give it a spin.

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I've been trying to find the Damn Yankees & Britny Fox cd's, but no luck so far. Wal Mart carries a lot of the extended versions cd's & for only 5 bucks a pop. If anybody notices either of these 2, please send me a PM. Thanks

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Yeah, but for 7 bucks a pop new...plus 6-7 bucks shipping. I'd prefer to find them locally for 5 bucks each. And a lot of the guys selling new/used ones are telling me they have cut-out markings, which I don't want.

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Matt, You can pick up the Damn Yankees on Half.com for $4.42. Of course you will have the $2.99 shipping charge. I don't know if it has any cut-outs,markings etc. Three sellers have it for $4.53 or less. Hope I helped. :headbanger:

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I generally don't take notice of these "Extended Versions" discs cuz I rarely have the patience to go rooting thru the "Discount" rack or dump bins at Walmart or Best Buy (which is where they're usually found) but I have acquired a couple of 'em recently on a whim (Megadeth and Anthrax, plus I bought a Quiet Riot one some time ago) and they're pretty cool, cheap pickups. I'm generally not a big collector of live albums but I'll gladly pay five bucks for a pared-down version of one rather than double-CD prices for the "full" album.


...on a whim I just skimmed thru a bunch of these on GoHastings.com and DAMN, used copies of most of'em are dirt cheap, less than three bucks for the ones I'm interested in, so I may be placing an order for a heap of these discs soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two recent additions to my mini-collection of "Extended Versions" discs: Alice Cooper (audio taken from the TRASHES THE WORLD home video circa 1990) and Motorhead (tracks borrowed from the now out-of-print EVERYTHING LOUDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE 2-CD live album from 1999).


Both were used copies from GoHastings.com and even with shipping included, I think I spent less than five bucks for the pair. :beerbang:

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  • 1 year later...

Picked up Stryper's Extended Versions volume from GoHastings this past week. I'm told the tracks were lifted from the previously released 7 Weeks: Live In America album, but that's fine by me cuz I never bothered to pick that one up.


Added bonuses: My least favorite Stryper song, "Sing-Along Song," was the opening track on 7 Weeks but it didn't make the cut for the Extended Versions album (thank goodness, cuz I really REALLY hate that song!). The Extended Versions disc also has one song ("More than a Man") that wasn't on 7 Weeks.


So if you're a anal-compulsive Gotta-Catch-Em-All super completist for this band, I guess you gotta buy the Extended Versions disc even if you already have 7 Weeks just to have that one track.... :D


I also picked up a Dokken disc called Yesterday & Today, which seems to be part of a similar series of live-rehash compilation discs - half of the tracks were lifted from the One Live Night release (which I own) and the other half from the Live From The Sun disc (which I don't.) The Yesterday & Today discs (RateYourMusic also shows a Styx volume in this series) were also released by Sony/BMG, who are also the makers of the "E.V." series. Soooooo.... why this Dokken disc wasn't simply released as an Extended Versions is anybody's guess, I suppose.

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I just ordered the Damn Yankees' "Extended Versions" disc from GoHastings, which inspired my latest HubPage blah-de-blah about collecting the series.


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  • 6 months later...

Two more Extended Versions discs have been added to my collection since I last posted (I guess I'm the only one who bothers with these things huh??) - Ted Nugent and Krokus.


The Krokus disc is pretty damn good, it was recorded at the Sweden Rock Festival in 2003.

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