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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Wow I thought the original four were filler free and they all still get many plays from me. Patchy was the wrong word. They were actually really consistent. It's hard to say... they were just generally consistent at a slightly lesser level than some of my favourite bands. A lot of good solid songs, only a few exceptional ones... imo. Don't get me wrong. They're one of the bands like Motley Crue, Ratt, Dokken, Keel etc. that epitomize awesome early 80's metal to me. I do enjoy them a lot... just not a top 10 fave or anything like that. Good thing you said those words. Otherwise I was going to get on a plane and head to Aussie land and set you straight Great band. And Jamie is super cool
  2. I will be there!!! Tickets go on sale Monday March 14th. Just scored Tesla tickets yesterday at the same venue for a concert on May 6th. Second row, dead center Any idea what this venue is like? Here's the layout: Shooting Star Casino
  3. I will be there!!! Tickets go on sale Monday March 14th. Just scored Tesla tickets yesterday at the same venue for a concert on May 6th. Second row, dead center
  4. Happy Birthday Pete! Kick up your heels and have a cold one!!
  5. Chad, you planning on going I assume? I thought Dokken was done touring? I guess not! The thing that sucks is they are going to be in Fargo on March 18th too. I will be in St. Paul for the WCHA Final Five Hockey Tournament. I go every year. So, I am not sure if I will be at either show I know my wife will attend the show in Fargo on the 18th though.
  6. I was in High School and in the hallway when a teacher told me the news. I remember it vividly. I remember when Ronald Reagan got shot too. I was in middle school and in shop class. Memories I will likely take to my grave.
  7. I heard that it was the best show that has been done in the last 20 years in the tri-state area! Plus, EVERY hot chick in the crowd had their shirts off and were throwing their bras up on stage throughout the set. Sounds like you really missed out. I heard that too Rick! Plus, they had a suprise guest, some band called Parasite City. Ever heard of them?? On a sort of related note, Dokken and Quiet Riot are scheduled to play in Medina on March 19th. So look out for that show Jeff!
  8. The Wii connects to the internet wirelessly. I have a wireless router set up in the house that our Wii connects to. Ah....might have to check into that.
  9. One question Rick. How do you connect the Wii to the internet? Is it a coaxial cable from the wall or do you have to go through the computer? I have a Wii which is connected to the tv that also has a cable box, does it need to go through there?
  10. I actually like Guillotine Babies quite a bit, but do agree somewhat on Stand & Deliver though I don't consider it filler enough to skip over it. On a CD with so many great tunes it just happens to be a little weaker of the bunch. Overall, a very good disc. Guillotine Babies Rocks Very cool tune. Also agree that this album is awesome and I do not skip any of the tracks! Highly recommended!
  11. Yep. Love it! They have not put out a bad record.
  12. Looks like someone puked Bulldog all over it
  13. Love me a Bud Select. But if I am hanging with the Melodic Mafia it's Coors Light
  14. I love that VVI! Two from Retrospect for me: Saker - s/t Joined Forces - s/t I have GOT to pick up that Saker cd! Me too! I also agree with Pete on the VVI You'll probably dig the Joined Forces as well, it's Jimi Bell's (House of Lords) old band... straight up hair metal with big ass choruses, killer riffs, etc. Never heard of 'em I will have to look them up! Thanks Pete!
  15. I love that VVI! Two from Retrospect for me: Saker - s/t Joined Forces - s/t I have GOT to pick up that Saker cd! Me too! I also agree with Pete on the VVI
  16. That CD is bit expensive for me..... http://cgi.ebay.ca/Distorted-Wonderland-Distorted-Wonderland-CD-De-/310284677077?pt=Music_CDs&hash=item483e686fd5 $1000? But shipping is free Jeff gave me a headsup that this one is 9.99 at cduniverse. That's where I picked up my copy. I think it friggin ROCKS!!
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