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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Nice job Blue Tequila!! Or should I call you Acoustic Evil Rick??
  2. I think RM sounds a damned sight better on 'Victory' than he does on FF stuff...........God some of that is so high pitched it sounds like he's on helium! Some singers who are SHIT who I have enjoyed their songs and music over the years - Don Dokken GREAT voice and easily recognizable.
  3. Hilarious. Can't wait for the new album
  4. Yea I bet they could do a 90 minute medley and still leave some hits out... I'm jealous. I caught Hall & Oates on HDNet about a month back. They were fantastic! Definitely one band I'd love to see live. Them, and Cinderella huh Rick??
  5. Love that album!! Only have it on cassette though Good pick up Rick! I got it from CD Baby. Damn I love these guys! Remind me big time of 80's era Helix. TKO was great! Make sure you get the reissues on Divebomb if you don't have them already. Awesome job on those. I've been buying way too much music of late. the Metal Mind reissues have been my musical fix. Just picked up the other two Divebomb releases last week. That was my introduction to TKO. Very glad I got 'em, all of them are great. Do you have the War Babies Rick? Brad Sinsel sings on that one and it's also very good.
  6. Grand Torino Great flick! Dude I graduated with co-wrote the screen play. Awesome story. Better acting.
  7. JOHN CORABI - tba (Acoustics) Evil Rick cannot wait! I on the other hand, cannot wait for the new Debbie Ray. Their first album freakin' smokes!
  8. That sounds interesting. Its hit and miss. I think the first single is on youtube. Give it a shake and let me know if it interests you further.....
  9. Promise is the key word here. I really like the four tracks. Can't wait to hear more from the band! Encouraging EP!
  10. Love that album!! Only have it on cassette though Good pick up Rick!
  11. You and me both Wes. That new FarCry shirt looks friggin' cool as hell! Looking forward to these showing up in the mail any day now. Where can I see the shirt? I'm not finding anything on the site. Where is the shirt you speak of?? I need one! Is it the Optimism cover?
  12. Wow. Such a tragic loss of talent. RIP Jani. Thanks for the music.
  13. But they did rock live. Yep, they did. Just as Acoustic Rick
  14. Happy Birthday Big Guy!! I hope that RJD serenades you birthday songs in your dreams
  15. Took the boy to Captain America last night in the theater. Entertaining.
  16. Doksdad


    Welcome back Man!!
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