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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. I say you just drink the beer you left in Rick's garage from the night before.....
  2. First cd I ever owned!!! Spinnin' Bloody Mary~ We Rock, You Suck
  3. Bad Attitude is a pretty good jam. Good band.
  4. Hope it was a good one fellas!!
  5. Would ya quit rubbin' it in Dave!! Spinnin' Jet Red~ Flight Plan
  6. I agree with Rick. He loves the game too much and had a great time last year.
  7. Yep. What Wes said. Man, what a weekend. Thanks to the rest of the Melodic Mafie and to John Kivel, Pete, David, Rif and the rest of the Kivel entourage! It was a weekend to remember!!! Well, except for getting hit by Hurricane Marshall..... my ribs still hurt! Or it could just be my liver
  8. I really like the album. But I like all the stuff from the guys in Savannah. It's worth tracking down, in my opinion. I didn't pay too much on evilbay for my copy.
  9. Wow, you know, I just realized Wildstreet is no longer listed on the DRF schedule either, I wonder what the story is? Have fun @ Rock In America Dave! Maybe one of these years we will get you down here. I just noted that too. That sucks. Safe travels to you too Dave! Enjoy the bands at RIA!
  10. Should be about the time I roll in too
  11. I changed my mind, I'm going to Rockamerica... NOT! It's gonna be a great time! Absolutely!!!!! Looking forward to hanging out and hearing some great bands!!! Hopefully we continue our trend of awesome weather for the weekend!!
  12. Enjoy the show Jeff! Dokken was great last Saturday in Fargo, ND. Don was not feeling well but gutted it out. I would say they had close to 4000 people at the show with Slaughter. No security problems that I noted. Just lots of people having a good time, enjoying good food, beer and music. LOTS of kids at the show too. Pretty cool to see the generations of music fans coming out to see the music. Also, it was my kids first concert! They had a great time!
  13. Yep. Good stuff and a definate Buckcherry vibe. The entire disc is worthy. Recommended.
  14. Gearing up to see them live tomorrow! Dokken~ Greatest Hits 2
  15. GREAT news Pete!!! It will be awesome seeing you work the stage twice that weekend! Can't wait!! Also really looking forward to meeting Vic. Corresponded with him a few times via pm's and he's a really cool guy. I didn't ever think I would get to see Poley either!!! Shaping up to be an awesome weekend!
  16. Woot!!! I had a great Saturday and spent every waking minute outside doing things, so I never did get back to the computer until this a.m.! Great disc and wonderful Summer Time Tunes!!! Looks like more great weather is in store for the week too!
  17. Alright Everyone!! It's a beautiful sunny spring day (at least in MN!)!!! What a perfect day to be outside, enjoy the weather, tip an ice cold beverage and spin some great hard rock!!! I challenge everyone that reads this to spin the Farcry~ High Gear CD!!! I am sure everyone has it, and if you don't, well you should!!! Boardmember and Guitar Wizard Pete Fry is hard at work on the follow up to this excellent release, so it's about time we re-visit how great the debut is!!! C'mon everyone, throw it in your car, boombox or Ipod and rock out!!! From the opener "Love Won't Wait" until the final chords of "Those Were the Days", Rock it up!!!! You don't have to thank me right now, but after you spin it again, you can certainly send me a shout via this thread!!! Have a great Farcry Saturday Everyone!!! I know I will!!! ~C
  18. I am HUGE Y&T fan. Unimpressed. I am holding on to the album being WAY better than this.
  19. Actually, grew up on 'em. My sister was a huge REO fan. So I of course heard them all the time. I like the band.
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