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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. How was the shoe Jeff? I note that Scarlett Haze is playing at ERF. How were they??
  2. But let's be honest with ourselves. If a Firehouse song is used for a movie, commercial or TV (a HUUUUGE "if" in the first place), are the re-recorded songs released either independently, or on some tiny label going to be used, or are the songs that were commercial successes on a big label in the first place going to be used? probably comes down to the "who did they ask". If they ask the band then they will have material that they can say yes to without worring about record labels. If they go to the label the band is just out of luck. And it may come down also to the fact that the band may ask less for the use of the song and get more money than if the label gives the ok. I'm sure with some of these "retro" movies that have come out as of late Firehouse may have had a chance or will have a chance to get a song in a movie. Do I need to point out that if that chance came up, one can only assume that for the purpose of a "retro" film they'd also use the "retro" version of the song? Sorry mate, don't mean to sound cynical but I just truly cannot see one instance in the world where the re-recorded version would get picked by anyone for anything over the original recording. Hey Geoff Not entirley true. Alot of times its easier and cheaper for a company to secure a alternate version of the orginal song. It's been done more times then you know, and you dont even realize it. In the movie MIB 2. They are playing a LIVE CONCERT version of SPEED DEMON by Keel in the post office scene. Not the orginal recorded version, but in fact a concert version! lol. There is a gain commercial running right now that uses Warrants Heaven. Which is not the orginal version. However in other cases. They do use the orginal recordings. So it can go either way. In the movie, the wrestler, FIREHOUSE had the orginal recording of DONT WALK AWAY in the strip bar scene. This also comes into play for dvd releases, Wrestling shows, tv shows etc etc. Sometimes the orginal broadcast will have the orginal song, but the dvd version may have a differant version or a differant song all together in its place due to the $$ to further extend the license. You'll notice this when they play major movie pictures on television. The movie Slapshot for instance has a cool soundtrack but nary a song gets played when they happen to show it on cable.
  3. Hey John! My copy has been pre-ordered from Pete! Mark me down for a rocker as the next cut from the album! KICK ME IN THE TEETH
  4. Doksdad


    Hope all was not lost Geoff and you mananged to have some fun on your birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday Jez Rock it up!!!!
  6. Tesla~ Forever More In prep for the concert tonight
  7. THAT'S a good morning Wes!!! Dynazty~ Knock You Down
  8. Rick nailed it. I miss Jani's SONGS
  9. Actually "Streaming" the album by Faithsedge. Good stuff! Go Here to Stream
  10. FarCry~"Optimism". With some guy named Pete's autograph
  11. DONE! Looking forward to the new release Pete
  12. I agree with Wes. I like both and own them on DVD.
  13. I believe Jepson is also fronting the new version of Fastway. Fast Eddie Clark is still the head of the band.
  14. Bonafide~ Fill Your Head With Rock Old,New,Tried & True
  15. I am torn. Too soon? Can they live up to RJD? Not sure
  16. I voted all Crazy Lixx EXCEPT for I think New Religion slightly beats out Generation Wild. Top two releases in 2010 for me. GREAT poll. GREAT bands. Love 'em both.
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