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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Eric Brittingham says that February 1st wil now be celebrated as a holiday. The Mafia says the Keef hasn't been payin' is pittance and he should watch his back
  2. It's a Van Halen album. Just not a CLASSIC Van Halen album
  3. I don't get this one. They have a freakin' awesome 80's rocker like Rockin' All Night and then they mix it with a bunch of nu metal. It's annoying. Either stay with the 80's stuff and market yourself as glam or stick with the screaming and the kick drums. Not sure if I like this band or not. I really don't. They are just so all over the place. I do then I don't. It's yo you music.
  4. Happy Birthday ya Big B-kue!!! LOL!!! Tip your glass!!
  5. Eh, so ok, those three are probably better than that Tattoo crap but it wouldn't take much to be better than that. Can they put something together that has a little melody? These just sound like they went "hey, why don't you hit the drums fast as you can, you play your own deal on the guitar and I will just spout out lyrics of some nature". Ack. Plenty of melody in those songs. Not sure what you was listening to. Classic Van Halen sounding to a tee. Here, let me help you...see those last 2 words? Not in my opinion. And not all "classic" Van Halen sound is a good thing. My opinion on them is the songs that made the radio were, for the most part, the only songs that were worth a shit. mel·o·dy/ˈmelədē/ Noun: A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying. Here let me help you, whats with the fucking attitude? The word melody doesnt say, "musically satisfying to Jeff" last time I looked. You dont hear any melody, thats fine, but that doesnt mean it actually does lack melody. Not sure what those last two words you are talking about either. You're the smart ass know it all that said "not sure what your are listening to", so what's with your fucking attitude? You act like you're the only one who can have an opinion? I don't like what I hear and I disagree with you and I reckon anyone else who has said positive things, but none of them get on my case because I don't like it. Not everyone agrees with everyone one this board. Most in this thread seem to like what they hear. That is their opinion and that is great. I have mine. Yeah, "musically satisfying" are the 2 words. The word satisfying makes it open to opinion, therefore it is not musically satisfying to Jeff. WOOT! Note to self. Don't piss of the Jeff Mafia
  6. Rainman First time my kids have watched it. Classic. Yah, I get my undewear at K-Mart. Classic. Mafia
  7. Wotty is a CLASS act. Congrats Ian!! Mafia
  8. I am considering pick up this DVD. I've already got 2 other STYX Live DVDs so I'm on the fence on this one. I may pick it up just because the two I have are with Dennis DeYoung. I've seen STYX maybe 4 times live with Gowan and think that he was just the shot in the arm this band needed. I know not many will agree, but I believe Gowan is much better than DeYoung at this stage in his career. Even today STYX is a great live band. I agree. A boot of Southgang on their Group Therapy Tour Mafia
  9. Can they play some freakin' Foghat riffs??????? Mafia.
  10. Not as debut as I would have liked. More EP which scares me.
  11. Yeah, I don't know exactly what the deal is - maybe just getting the remastered versions of their old songs out there, along with some new ones to say they're back... see if anyone's interested? Also, has anyone ever heard Colorvine? I'm interested to check them out. Dumb question, but why not just remaster the two releases and add 2 new songs as bonus tracks to each album? Backed. I would buy those. Not so much this release.
  12. Looking forward to both of these releases!!!!
  13. Wow. Nice rundown of the songs by Rif. That's quite the teaser!! Cannot wait for the disc!!!!
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