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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Looking forward to the new album!!
  2. That's unfortunate. Tate's voice is shot and they play to much new stuff. Maybe for a festival like this they would focus on the older more known songs from the early albums up through Promised Land. Last year the back stage had Pretty Boy Floyd, Lita Ford, Big Noise (J.L. Turner & Co), Black N Blue, Faster Pussycat Man, Lita Ford on a back stage? That's just freakin' wrong.... Not to mention the others. Sounds like a FU'd festival :
  3. Really like this one Wes!! Midnight Club~ Circus of Life
  4. Just ordered from Perris Records: Funny Money - Back Again(Bonus Tracks) Funny Money - Stick It Bai Bang - Best Of Dirty Looks - California Free Ride Sweet Cheater - Eatin aint Cheatin RedRum - No Turning Back These arrived today! Nice batch there. Yepper!! Nice little disc with that Scarecrow Rick!!!
  5. I received mine too John! Arrived safely. Nice posters (the band and the cd cover)! Nice thick paper on these too! They will go in my Guy Town Basement! Thanks John! ~Chad
  6. I pre-ordered quite awhile ago! You can send me my poster early John!
  7. Yep. A pretty solid album.
  8. And Green Bay's D is any better
  9. If we do... It better match the carpet. Although sometimes its fun to unwrap the package and get a suprise
  10. The whole day prior to this show I was trying to lower my expectations for this show so I wasn't let down. Child's Play hit the stage with "Good Ol' Rock and Roll" and from that instant I knew that a let down wasn't possible. Nicky Kay was spot on with guitar playing and Idzi (who I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years) was still holding his own on bass. And as expected, John Allen was a beast on drums. Two or three songs into the set it became evident that Brian Jack had been drinking heavily prior to going on stage. Brian's drinking didn't effect the songs, as his voice was surprisingly good. His between song banter did slow the show down a bit... but not to the point that it influenced my enjoyment of the show itself. There was a pretty good crowd considering it was the night prior to New Year's Eve. The set consisted of every song from the "Rat Race" release plus an couple of covers, including an AC/DC song. Child's Play also pulled out a couple old unreleased songs from their past, which nearly the whole crowd was singing along. All in all this was a great night. It isn't often when a band can take you back in time like Child's Play did last night. Tons of emotions were flowing through me the whole night.. You have to remember that I had probably seen this band 30 or 40 times back in the day. When Child's Play was an active band was probably some of the best years of my life. It was great to be able to reflect back on those days. It was also cool to run into people I hadn't seen in 20 years... There were a ton of old Hammerjack's regulars at the show. I was even approached by some guy who I didn't recognize at all. He called me by my name so I started chatting with him. I was somewhat embarrassed when I had to ask him who he was... turns out he was a guy who I worked with and went to a few shows with back in the mid-80's. I don't think Child's Play could reunite and play shows like KIX has... but I am glad that they were able to do it for this one very special night. Very Cool Dave. Thanks for being candid in your review. Hopefully this show will be released.
  11. DeGarmo left. Duh Bonedog~ Blame the Cat Pretty damn good blues rock
  12. Really did nothing for me. I think it's a weak song.
  13. That Stained Class is killer! Definitely! This last batch completes my Judas Priest remasters collection. SWEET! Let us see a photo of the spines! Will do Terry. And just an FYI the Sin After Sin is the "J". taken with my crappy camera phone... Sa-Weet!!!!
  14. Best Live album EVER! Spinnin' Dokken~ Under Lock And Key
  15. Fuck Tracii Guns. He's a bitch.
  16. Same here. Would she prefer your demise or Marshall's more? no comment. Marshall
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