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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Watched that Split again. Sure is a good one even on the second run.
  2. I like the song just fine. Kool solo. I guess enough time has passed that you can reference RP in a crash n burn type scenario. Probably wouldn't have been taken similarly if they would have swapped out RP for say Kurt Cobain or Chris Cornell or even Robyn Williams.
  3. Dude deserves a nomination. But a more mainstream actor could put up a mediocre performance in a movie about a controversial issue. Sad that so many great performances are overlooked. Haven't seen Split yet. Look forward to it now. On a side note, our main movie chain put up a post for anyone who wants a double pass to John Wick 2 to email through their name and address. I did, and they arrived in the mail. Cool, because I had decided to wait for the DVD, because I am still pissed that it took so long to get to Australia. I read a blurb online that Leonardo DiCaprio was in line for this part. Not sure I can see him doing it?
  4. Split Way better than anticipated.James McAvoy does a bang up job!
  5. Oh come now, the list is brilliant, your just jealous and I have been lopping of 2 and 3 at a wack for openers and such. If put to the test I could quadruple that list and still have a handful left over... As for EZN. Saw them twice over the years the latest time was with Britney Fox (not the Dizzy Dean version I'm afraid, but still nice) and the Bullet Boys on June 28th 2007 at the El Corazon in Seattle. Got to meet Chip, the only original EZN member at that show which was nice and of course this line up was sans Donnie and had Monaco on guitar and vox. They were a 3 piece for this one. I did see them April 13th 1996 at a rinky dink place called the China Club supporting Tweaked, unfortunately sans Derek and Viki. Monaco was on guitar and Ricki Parent on drums for this one. The venue had about 50 people in it max but ENZ was tight and sounded very good, playing all the hits until just before the last song which is a fave of mine, Kiss The Clown ( I saw the set list on the monitor), when Donnie and Chip got into a scuffle on stage, Chip tossed Donnie into the drums knocking most of them down and poof the band was gone faster than you can say gone. I don't remember an opener on this one so it was probably some locals that we missed by delaying our arrival. And since we are being all whiny I will scratch a few more off the list that were around other bands that I forgot too. Jane's Addiction and Soundgarden I saw with Mother Love Bone at the Paramount theater on November 17th 1988. Jane's supporting Nothing's Shocking and Soundgarden Ultra Mega OK, but I recall some tunes from Louder Than Love not at the time of course. Jane's was great as were SG and MLB. Jane's filmed the short The Gift at the time and a cool thing about the show was it was a rising star show from the local rock radio station KISW and the gig cost a whole dollar! I will also cross off Prote!n as they opened for the mighty Kings X when I saw them one of the many times I seen them. This show was brilliant! Kings X as always crushed, Sean Kinney (drummer of AIC) and myself song along to Over My Head. This was my intro and outro to Prot!en as they broke up shortly after this show, but I did collect ALL their releases and you should to as Josh is a scorcher of a player and songwriter very akin to the Marvies and BW. Of note Generator later to become Slowrush was the opener opener and for those of that love Dan Reed we also love Slowrush! Judas Priest Little Texas Ozzy Osborne Grunttruck Linkin Park Motley Crue Y&T Iron Maiden Carol King Pat Methany Soundgarden Enuff Z Nuff Winger Alice N Chains Twisted Sister Great White Lizzy Borden Michael Monroe Metal Church Brian Setzer Britny Fox Prot!en LA Guns Def Leppard Georgia Satellites Krokus WASP War Babies Janes Addiction Saigon Kick
  6. I've had this one for a while and it is very good imho.
  7. Thanks for that. It's hard for people to get their head around suicide and some do react negatively to it. There will be a story behind this and I hope this story helps others get the help they need. Yes I do react negatively to it. Especially when its from those of a certain stature. Sure we are all fucked up, but a select few have enough resources to get the best of help, no matter what the demon may be. The rest of us have to just man up and think about the families we have and the responsibilities we have committed to and deal with it. I did a quick Google and he was worth an estimated $60 million dollars and was considered in the top 50 of the wealthiest musicians. Can't imagine what kind of therapy that kind of scratch could buy? I know I would be one happy mother fucker with a third of that...
  8. That intrigues me. How many were there, overall? And how did they all die? Was it all suicide? Confirmed as a suicide for Chris, what a dumb chicken shit thing to do. I don't know him or his issues but please. There are a lot of people worse off then he and certainly not independently wealthy and talented and such. But I digress. Hopefully he has come to terms with his demons. As for the others, I would think the top tier bands at the time were/are: Soundgarden/Chris Cornell/Dead, Alice N Chains/Layne Staley/Dead, Mother Love Bone/Andrew Wood/Dead, Nirvana/Kurt Cobain/Dead, Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder/Alive. Sure there are a few others from that ilk but not to that level of success. MLB was on its way when Andy died and obviously was the catalyst for PJ.
  9. OK so updated the list and included the latest guesses of Bloodgood and DRN. Starting with Dan and company. Me and a few friends were smart enough to take a road trip to Portland, Oregon on December 31st 1991 for the show at The Foxx Theater with the glorious Cherry Poppin' Daddies opening. Of course we did not even hazard a guess that December 31st was New Years Eve, so don't reserve any hotel room or nothing just hit the road and get into town and realize it?!!? Any-who the show was ridiculously awesome. I am a monster DRN fanatic from waaay back (anyone remember the vinyl for Breathless?) and Dan and company do not disappoint. Sounded better than the albums and the energy, forget about it. This tour was in Support of The Heat but they played every song plus some.This show also was featured on that Live At Last CD/DVD. The Daddies, which is what they were going by at this time crushed as well, this was before the massive hit Zoot Suit Riot and like Dan and company, the Daddies were spot on, tight as hell and Steve even rode out on a riding lawn mower size penis that shot confetti, streamers and condoms out the end! I hadn't seen The CPD before this but saw them multiple times after and theirs is a show to be seen. As for Bloodgood, they opened for, yes you guessed it, Stryper who were supporting the best album by them ever Soldiers Under Command. The show was at the Paramount Theater in Seattle on February 28th 1986, wish I still had that SUC t-shirt and that I could fit into the medium I bought. Stryper as you can expect were fantastic. Massive light show tons and tons of "yellow and black" and the band was super spot on. I was enamored as both SUC and TY&BA were in VERY heavy rotation at the time. Bloodgood being a Seattle band and also a "Christian" band got to support and they are a great band. Playing the bulk of the 86' S/T and just wow. Stand in the Light, Anguish & Pain, live! Judas Priest AC/DC Little Texas Ozzy Osborne Grunttruck The Cherry Poppin Daddies Linkin Park Motley Crue Y&T House of Lords Iron Maiden Carol King Kings X Culprit Pat Methany Soundgarden Fastway Enuff Z Nuff Dio Winger Alice N Chains Ratt Poison Dan Reed Network Twisted Sister Kenny Rodgers The Bang Gang Bloodgood Great White Mother Love Bone Lizzy Borden Michael Monroe Metal Church Brian Setzer Metallica Van Halen Britny Fox The Rolling Stones Nelson Kingdom Come Dokken Stryper Scorpions Prot!en Tesla The Ranch LA Guns Def Leppard Georgia Satellites Krokus WASP Queensryche War Babies Janes Addiction Saigon Kick Vain
  10. You'd think, but I went out of my way to catch Mr Rogers at Pier 62 on the waterfront in Seattle July 17th 1999. A glorious sunny summer evening and The Gambler throwing down ALL the classics, The Gambler, Ruby Don't Take Your Love To Town, The Coward of the County, Lady, We Got Tonight, Islands In The Stream, You Decorated My Life, We've Got Tonight, Love Will Turn You Around, The Greatest ( the reason for the tour as this was a big hit from his 99 record), Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer, Daytime Friends and I am sure a few others that I'm neglecting, but anyways a great show and I am quite glad I saw him.
  11. GW always does covers but this one is a super one. And the original by the criminally underrated The Angels:
  12. So kiddies my pal Julian has a new disc that is about to drop, pre orders now for an official May 26th release! Everyone should love Julian who is looking for a good time rock n roll disc of 80's fueled AOR/hard rock with a smattering of glam. Support the man as he is as geeky as we are when it comes to the genre and he is a great player and a cool cat! Here is the first video: Pre order here: http://www.angel-rock.com/tdoc/spcl.html 01. Shoot Me Down 02. The Death Of Cool 03. Clock Strikes 04. She's On Fire 05. Reach 06. Phonograph Needle 07. Rock Like A Woman 08. Hideaway 09. Monsterous 10. Summerbreak 11. Friday Nite Wild (Bonus)
  13. He he, it is funny you joke to this but until last year no. I know weird considering their geographic location. They never were a "local" band as being from Bellevue and then going huge immediately in late 83 early 84. Anywho saw them last year at the Clark County fair, the no Tate version but they were amazing with Todd on vox and he does Geoff better than Geoff does and of course they did ALL the hits which I am glad to say encompasses the bulk of the EP, Jet City Women, Violent Stupidity, I mean Lucidity, etc...
  14. Can I choose neither? Well I will anyway, neither and if I never hear an Aerosmith song again I will live a long and fulfilling life.
  15. Revolt drops May 23rd from these youngsters from Gulfsport Mississippi. Apparently this isn't there first rodeo as they were in a fairly locally known band with a couple releases called Cathercist. https://www.facebook.com/WildFireOfficial1/?ref=page_internal http://www.wildfireofficial.com/ Here is a tune from Wild Fires earlier release: A Cathercist tune:
  16. No movies of late binging on some series'. Better Call Saul season 2 Broad City Season 3 Silicon Valley Season 3 All of which are great in their own special way. On deck Girls season 5.
  17. Sound logic and guess, but alas unfortunately you are incorrect. Being a Seattle resident (south side) for my entire formative years and having musical tenancies and friends I was afforded the pleasure (most of the time) of seeing and befriending some great bands, The Bang Gang albeit good were not one of these great bands and I think they tried to get on that LA band wagon at this point and called home Hollywood. I saw The Bang Gang on Culprit reunion gig in 1989/1990 (?) with my pals band Talks Cheap opening for them all at the DV8. Obviously bassist Scott Earl was in both bands so I assume that was the driver. Culprit was crushing as would be expected as this was not long after their break up maybe a couple 3 years so all original members. Talks Cheap was as always good as Jim is a great player and everything he touches is gold. The Bang Gang albeit a sound band were quite laughable in their approach. I mean they showed up in a 40' white limo and piled out like they were playing Madison Square Garden, simply laughable and a testament to all things bad about the waning years of the scene. Obviously seeing Culprit was the big deal. So we get a two-fer this time: Judas Priest AC/DC Little Texas Ozzy Osborne Grunttruck The Cherry Poppin Daddies Linkin Park Motley Crue Y&T House of Lords Iron Maiden Carol King Kings X Culprit Pat Methany Soundgarden Fastway Enuff Z Nuff Dio Winger Alice N Chains Ratt Poison Dan Reed Network Twisted Sister Kenny Rodgers The Bang Gang Bloodgood Great White Mother Love Bone Lizzy Borden Michael Monroe Metal Church Brian Setzer Metallica Van Halen Britny Fox The Rolling Stones Nelson Kingdom Come Dokken Stryper Scorpions Prot!en Tesla The Ranch LA Guns Def Leppard Georgia Satellites Krokus WASP Queensryche War Babies Janes Addiction Saigon Kick Vain
  18. This one probably fell under a few radars as it was the 90's but it is a stellar tune!
  19. Nice, I had that one open and was moments from posting.
  20. I know I mentioned this on page one but had to add it as it is killer!
  21. Nice song from these Kentucky lads. Quite looking forward to hearing the whole record entitled Open Wide. https://www.facebook.com/Kisskissbangmusic/
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