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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Sounds fine by me thanks for sharing and no lie two boatloads of zeppelin here. Going to go search out the ep now.
  2. No musical blinders here but the very first song that popped into my cerebral cortex is 'Never Enough' by Tora Tora. I could spin this one endlessly.
  3. Agreed worth having for Best Of Friends alone. I do live the self titled as well. As for the song it's fine by me.
  4. Yes that is nice indeed. A great example of an arena rock anthem and a fine addition to the Styx catolog.
  5. Would have liked to hear the bass solo that was t ing up when the video ended.
  6. IN the film Fanboys the man character has a massive Rush fetish. Come to think of it doesn't the film Role Models have a similar Rush fetish or was theirs KISS?
  7. Lets just say that Kirsten Dunst has been responsible for turning me japanese on several occasions. True and after watching the video again well I think you are tracking...
  8. And?? is this the Radcliffe's latest movie ? yeah interested to hear what you think of it I don't think I've even heard of this. Yes it is Daniel Radcliff and Paul Dano. The film is filmed very nicely and the plot is eclectic enough to be enjoyable. The ending was sketchy, but overall watchable in a super hepster, funny hat, beard, shaved head kind of way. A perfect Portland movie. SPOILER: never went into the how's so don't expect any explanation as to how Dano's character got shipwrecked or whether Dano's character is just plumb crazy or if Radcliff is truly a "Swiss Army Corpse"?
  9. Here is one that kind of threw me and obviously as the song implies I too turned Japanese watching. Kirsten Dunst=
  10. Here is a nice cover from a new band. Certainly for those who enjoy modern rock however.
  11. That's sad to hear as I too LOVE them too...
  12. We broke out the widescreen THX VHS of A New Hope yesterday as the kids wanted to enjoy their Easter candy watching movies and we commented at how well this film still holds up and even the effects, by way of models and such are still groundbreaking. Which of course as Glen points out truly ingrains your psyche, well for the past 40 years! I too was a wide eyed innocent of 7 when I saw this one that fateful summer of 1977. The folks took us to the drive in for this one after they saw it opening weekend in downtown Seattle. Over the years I have literally seen this film thousands of times and spent the equivalent on various format changes/releases. I know I mention Empire as being the better of the 2 films and it is from a written perspective but ANH is the one that is watched and re watched and has certainly set the bar way too high.
  13. Blake Livelys ass in the shark attack vehicle The Shallows. Not bad all in all and if you like Blake seeing her in a bikini for an hour and a half is alright I recon and again a good amount of long lingering shots of her arse. So much so my wife commented.
  14. That's right kiddies the mofo that started the whole rage is turning 40 in about month on May 25th. Hard to frickin' imagine and I can't wait to see what gets made over or produced to commemorate the event and of course take my $$$$$$$$$.
  15. Yeah, I loved that flick. Way better than I had ever expected it to be. My son and I watch this one every couple three weeks and we quote the shit out of endlessly. So many great one liners that I don't know where to start.
  16. Oh my I saw this and although I concur with the 3x5 card comment enjoyable is an overstatement for sure.
  17. I get you and don't disagree, I am splitting hairs when I put Empire above A New Hope. The story in Empire is just epic that's what edges it over A New Hope but A New Hope is priceless. I should show my list with Hoe and Empire sharing the number 1 slot.
  18. Sure they could....I have heard plenty worse....Let's hope track 2 is a cover of the epic Chris DeBurgh tune. https://youtu.be/3S52rlVMsrc And no the name is as gay as it is implied to be. And yes I am not using the word as it was defined- happy.
  19. The Rocker Just watch it it is hysterical and the band Vesuvius priceless. In brief Rainne Wilson is the drummer of said band and in the night of their signing he is fired from the band. Obviously the band becomes huge and Rainne stews for 20 years. Cameo by original Beatles drummer Pete Best is very funny even though you have to watch the deleted scenes for the better scene.
  20. There's simply too much nostalgia in the first three films that nothing will ever top them, so Rogue One slid into slot four for me. And then A New Hope II. ;} OH I 82% agree with you on that and if Jedi would have ended halfway through or actually if the Kasdan scribes Revenge of Said Jedi would have happened than no doubt! Jedi loses it in the second half nostalgia or no nostalgia, courtesy of Lucas' cash grab mentality. #1 Empire #2 A New Hope #3 Rogue One #3.5 first half of Jedi #4 A Force Awakens #5 Jedi (if judged on the entire film) #6,7 an #8 all the others.
  21. Could not have found a dumber name for the band.
  22. Rogue One Ridiculously excellent, easily superior to the amazing The Force Awakens and slides gracefully into the 3rd slot in the franchise!
  23. Out west that is not a concern as we run transgender potties, so herm is good to go!
  24. Why Him? Fairly safe humor here with a story pretty thin. Still some good chuckles and there is a bit revolving around his and everyone's favorite bukaki (so) that is hilarious.
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