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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Just heard that long time and lineage filled actor Harry Dean Stanton passed away at 91. I recon at 91 Harry had seen and done everything twice at least but he will be missed. RIP Harry.
  2. Quite obviously a departure from her "country" roots. I was going to ask if she is wanting to be that Black Eyed Peas chick. I must say at the 3 minute mark she answers my question/comment by proclaiming the "old Tayler Swift is dead" and the end is a hoot with ALL the TS personalities lined up on display. Hate the "song" but kudos for taking a poke at herself. This version is an improvement...
  3. He he. The Bangels are 0 and 2 now...
  4. He he, for Jez a Children of Bodom cover of, gulp Poison's Talk Dirty To Me... Apparently this COB crew covers a shit ton of 80's rock: And I must say they play extremely well and cover some eclectic shit (of course the growly vocals are a bit much but the clean vocals work well!
  5. That Armored Saint made me think of this Elton John cover by Flotsam and Jetsam. Not awesome but worth a listen just for the piano fills.
  6. I'd like to hear this as the kids sang the heck out of the Tevin Campbell version... On topic: Armored Saints cover of Saturday Night Special, stunning!
  7. Yep, where did they come from this year a shut out to Cinci? Your answer is establishing a run game and it worked well for them. And as mentioned a whole lot of WTF moments in week one. Gobs of veterans either getting hurt or just plain not used in the line ups. Loved the Rams getting after it. Obviously looking forward to week 2...
  8. Yes indeed thanks for letting us know but sad news. As mentioned Marla, among others, have been away too long obviously in Marla's case for good now. She certainly added to our fun when she was about and may she rest in peace of course.
  9. OK kiddies its the most wonderful time of the year! NFL 2017 is among us and after a serious ass handing the Patriots received from the Chiefs on Thursday night anything is possible again this year. Let's chat it up. Highlights for me so far: is to see Marshawn back and Oakland is already relying on Armani Cooper to drop 1 yard TD attempts ala Pete Carol in Seattle instead of beast mode LeGarret crushing it in Phillie and of course (this is a low) the NFL not televising any games I want to see. I mean Phillie and the Redskins? C'mon give me the Steelers or hell even the Cardinal game at least that's divisional... Anywho...
  10. Alien Covenant = Excellent. This and Prometheus were great series resurgent movies. Bay watch. Mixed reviews but went in with low expectations and was pleased with the film. Love me some Zac Efron and his performance was perfect. The humor was smart, especially all the jabs Dwayne took at Zac calling him One Direction and High School Musical. Not anything academy award worthy but funny. King Arthur. Guy Richies latest foray into made up stories revolving around King Arthur. Good movie if your blinders are off.
  11. Ha beat me too it and agree that was my first reaction. My daughter used to like ID, now hates them and she is in love with 30STM, but said the new song is "lazy" and is not a fan of the new music. Still digs the old though.
  12. Fixed, oops I guess my melon was toxic (k) when posting.
  13. Love & Mercy The John Cusack, Paul Dano acted Brian Wilson documentary. The story was engaging enough but whoever mixed this DVD for dialogue audio versus worthless SHOULD NEVER WORK AGAIN! I mean there was literally a 20 tick on my remotes volume between the dialogue and then a rapid turn down whenever this dork threw in a useless sound bite.
  14. martinsane


    For you moshkateers the amazing NYC trash band Toxik closes out the summer of 2017 with an excellent 3 song thrash EP entitled Breaking Class ( the lead off tune of the same name is righteous). Those unfamiliar with Toxik they released 2 quintessential thrashterpieces 1987's World Circus and 1989's Think This! https://www.facebook.com/TOXIKMETAL
  15. Passengers Chris Pratt, that Hunger Games girl, on a ship to the new world, when Pratts sleep pod thingy malfunctions and he is awaken well before the 120 year journey is over. Bad and good choices ensue and there you go. Harmless fluff but worthy of a watch or two.
  16. Fixed. Thanks pal, I too love you. Well played! You know I'm just fucking with you right? Of course.
  17. The 80's version or the 2017 version either way ends well for me...
  18. Fixed. Thanks pal, I too love you.
  19. yes, or if you want to see Lorenza Izzo And who wouldn't? Demolition - another Jake Gyllenhaal film, must be something in the stars, but this one wasn't bad. Jake does fine. Naomi Watts sure looks old? Jake is a thirty something who's wife dies in an auto accident and Jake discovers a lot about himself. Not as Lifetimey as you'd think.
  20. Finished up The Green Inferno and it was a very solid movie. Disturbing but good. Worth a watch if you like a good gross out movie with a surreal vibe.
  21. Prisoners I think I have seen this before or maybe it was just an SVU episode the wife made me gag through. Needless to say well you get it a movie that could have been 40 minutes long and had Ice T in it.
  22. Wow. https://www.facebook.com/deathvalleyknights/
  23. New EP dropped and available here: http://www.horrorpaingoredeath.com/store/hpgd154.html New stuff is as good as the prior! Still need to get this bands discography. https://www.facebook.com/ONTOPROCK/
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