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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. That article is 3 years old, makes one wonder how "full" the inbox really is...
  2. http://www.crushlive.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Crush-official-182631071797717/ You can also order the physical CD from the bands we site: http://kunaki.com/sales.asp?PID=PX0069YO3C It appears you did not hear of them as they are a cover band that snuck out an EP...
  3. I think I would be disillusioned as well. Don't care how cool or not you may think you are, that period in time was an integral part of your "career" and to ignore someone paying homage to something you created is just being a bad person. I can not imagine that the inbox is overflowing (other than maybe sexy Russian singles or penis enhancement creams) and to take 22 seconds to reply "glad to get your message but blah blah blah" or "way to busy" or " piss off I hate Giant" or whatever, doesn't seem like a great effort. As for the records the first was very nice indeed can't recall spinning number 2 as frequently as the first or without looking the album up pull a song or two to the forefront of my memory...
  4. I both love and hate those places. Ha! Yea, I'm the same way. I love it when there's so much cool junk to search thru, but at the same time I'm like "how do you expect me to buy your stuff if I can't find anything under all this crap?" Haha Those shops are good times for sure. HOWEVER $5 a throw is well outside my comfort zone and after being told that I would have not bothered digging... Not sure where these junk shops get there pricing but sheeesh. Same as the Goodwill's out here $2.99 for cd's. Certainly nothing "goodwill" about them prices.
  5. Tis good. I also rather enjoyed Zathuru.
  6. Now I am ultra curious to hear version 1. Any boots about with Seann on vox? Maybe they should release a disc set with both versions? Was able to find a track called the Seeker, the others from earlier in this thread have been pulled...
  7. That is a fine reboot! Todd and Mike sound great together! Many don't dig live records but the impending release from MC has some killer fan bundles available... https://www.ratpakrecordsamerica.com/metal-church
  8. Also that Stripper is intriguing with their Salty Dog sound!
  9. Haven't chimed in in a bit but this MOF cut is nice, any other info's on them?
  10. That/those songs are nice. Never did understand why TH did not get the love they deserved as the earlier music did hint to a this progression they did create some strong music and at times they certainly rocked and the singer Billy always had a very nice voice.
  11. Certainly an enjoyable demo with a massive old school glam rock vibe from this 5 piece from Croatia. https://www.facebook.com/materialdamage/
  12. Masterminds funny movie and another based on a true story.
  13. Sounds fine by me! https://www.facebook.com/StreetCreepsBand/
  14. Super funny and QR will NOT play any songs from the Road Rage album live.!? Why not scrap it and re-record it or just scrap it anyway? Or record it again and have 2 versions?
  15. Yep. He's been watching the videos of the pro yoers since late summer and then he got his plutonium signature model for Christmas. He spends about 4 hours a day yoing and watching yoing videos. Totally obsessed and it is virtually a habit for him as he will get up grab the yo and just wander about banging out tricks. I'm totally into watching it to as it is boggling. And to see him improving daily is very sweet as well. He met up with a guy today my wife found through FB who is sponsored by Eternal Throw a yo yo maker in the Seattle area. The wife mentioned they yo'd for about an hour and Evan was trying to show the guy a trick he made up and the guy got lost, couldn't do it. Let the endorsements begin.
  16. Thanks everyone for the comments and encouragement. My son read them and was quite happy! And I don't yo, it boggles my mind the stuff they do. Evan has only been doing this since Christmas when he got his first yo yo, so about 2-3 months seriously.
  17. The Legend of Tarzan Epic retelling of the Edgar Rice Burroughs story. Massive effects and CGI abound. The movie was neither bad nor good just 2 hours of filler. Reminded me of Spider Man in the jungle. Max Steel Based on the toy and subsequent cartoon show, this "super" hero movie was pretty darn entertaining. It had a solid cast and the set up was done well. Great banter between the lead Max and Steel. I would hope for, even thought that prognosis is poor from what I read, a sequel and will watch this one again.
  18. Bad Santa 2 If you enjoyed the first film this one sticks to the formula and is as Billy Bob says in the deleted scenes "this film is a hard R" and he is not lying. If irreverent, sexual and way un PC humor is not for you than avoid, but if you want to see the always sexy as anything Cristina Hendricks getting railed by BBT and here her explain what "feltching" is than dive in head first cause you will laugh out load a ton and then put the film back in the cue cuz you can't remember all the quotable diatribes.
  19. ...at least it should be and is to me being a proud Dad and all! This is what my son and I did last Saturday. Nothing compares to watching your kids be amazing. For all you Facebookers share this thing around please, as the more views the cooler for this lil boy. He also got a snap in the Seattle Times news paper as well! A great day all around.
  20. Fixed. Ha! nice I do do that. That song is SOOOO bad I have subconsciously named the whole album after it.
  21. That one sounds like Wolfmother or something... except for the half decent chorus. I think I will keep on avoiding this one. ? Yes Magick Touch does in fact mix up some old school Thin Lizzy in their music. Good stuff imho however but I would thing that element may sway some from being into them.
  22. My distaste for Vain is certainly known as Beat the Bullet a massively over rated steamer. This song is a hundred times superior to anything from BTB but I am skeptic that this is "new" material. Sounds very dated in a good way someone wonders if this is a cleaned up demo? Either way good song, I won't be beating any. Jokers to the record store to buy but it was a fine listen.
  23. Bang on! I'm not trying to be a dick here. It's not like he's some hideous troll. If that's 2017 Don so be it. But I honestly wouldn't have known him unless someone told me it was him. Yep. Down here in Portland Oregon I walk past 4 guys a day that look like that and another dozen in a younger form. Certainly couldn't pick him out of a line up.
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