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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Went in apprehensive and was pleasantly surprised. Many will hate it but it worked for me. Thanks DP for the share.
  2. Good night. This mindset has only 1 direction and that is south. So many wrongs in this I can't even gather a cohesive thought pattern.
  3. So they are called mullett, they all wear wigs, yet not 1 frickin person has a mullett. smfh. As for he music its, produced well at least.
  4. Good plan. It's been a long while since I've seen that. There is something about this pseudo documentary/behind the scenes style film that appeals to me and that era was (or seems as it was well b4 my time) like a very interesting time to be alive.
  5. The language thing isn't the rub for me, guess I just missed them.
  6. Even though I am not a fan of the pandemic, I do like these virtual jams! Here is another absolute dinger.
  7. Agreed with everything said and as Geoff said, I watch the ones of bands I am not that invested in, but that said after watching the latest installment on Anthem, why was I not balls deep in this band, especially the early wares?
  8. Keep going back to that Samantha's Gone tune, very solid imho.
  9. Yea they crush this song Gina is a frickin shred monster, amazing guitarist.
  10. I recently found the Metal School videos and they are well done, detailed, quality videos and he seems to do bands he likes and that we like. A win win. The razorfist mythos are good, usually waaay long but he to does bands that twist his knickers so he is very passionate about the content and I'd bet they take a hot minute to make so his videos are pretty infrequent. I'll go check out the G'off link. Fingers crossed it has something to do with his nipples...
  11. Not a movie put binged season 3 of Paradise PD on Netflix and if you haven't watched this, god damn do it and do it now. SOOOOOO fucking funny and hyper non PC. So many dick, blowjob titty jokes its staggering. I fucking love this. I hope they make more more more. And it was a little while back but I did watch Mank and do yourself a solid and watch this. Gary O is a stud and is out of everyone's league. Great movie. Oh and revisited Sutter Island. Boy this one was well done as well. Holds up well even after knowing the twist.
  12. I like Slaughter just fine. The Stick it record had some real good songs, but some very fillery filler. I do think this one is brilliant however.
  13. Well this came out of left field and it is simply bad ass. Well done Mr. Taylor, well done. Very much like the video, the cameos and it has some funny and quotable moments for certain. Holy spirit. This is the 3rd single from an album that has been out for a year... smfh. https://www.thecoreytaylor.com/
  14. Funny stuff. Obviously spelling words wrong was a sign of your coolness in the late 80's...
  15. Played some catchup and plowed through a handful of films. Class of '84 - Excellent! I am sure it will get WAAAAY to many Stranger Things comparison but for me it was more Goonies meets The Burbs, but regardless it was very well done. Toy Story 4 - Damn you Disney. Just damn you. This was another great Pixar/Disney pairing and the Toy Story is the GOAT of the combo. Really dug this one and the message is tear worthy. Well done. 3 From Hell - Bad ass, but many already knew this. So many character actors in this one and you got to love Barry Bostwick as the narrator. Coming 2 America - Yep the 2nd installment in the franchise and truth be told it ticked all the boxes and was quite watchable. Seemed that everyone from the 1st was back for number 2. Certainly worth an hour and a half. Boogie Nights - This was a guilty pleasure re-watch. Couldn't be helped and it is still a real good movie. Spree - Harmless little ditty with one of the teenagers from Stranger Things as a UBER/LYFT type driver that wants to be famous on the Youtube, so to get likes he starts killing folks, IE: "spree". Some funny bits and certainly not bad. The House That Jack Built - This was not bad either and had a lot of gory bits. Ran a little long and certainly didn't lack in the pretentious department, but apparently I am not hep and Lars Von Trier is.
  16. James Gebbia, aka Staryder1 used to pay dumb money for cd's as he had an addictive personality, had some money and well some members took advantage of him. I have spent about $25 for a "rare" cd, but that was my cap.
  17. Ah yes a holy trinity. All 3 are great and I would have a hard time ranking them ala 1, 2, 3 as they each have things I like alot and a little less. I know Subuman doesn't get much love and I am not sure why. Listen to Into Another and it would fit on the S/T easily and the band are tight af and Seb's voice isn't wavering a bit. Oh well. I wonder what the later albums would be like with Bach singing? Obviously the Skid guys write great songs, but?
  18. Sounds good, neve heard of this LA RJ, but there was a Seattle band with the same name spelled a bit different, Ruff Justice from about the same time. The bassist of the Seattle version went on to play in the War Babies.
  19. I'll sell you my original cassette tape of this album for $1,000.00. You'd save some money... Seriously goofy.
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