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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I will be at the show on Jan 7 (with W.A.S. and Metal Church) if I don't hear back from Les prior to the show. If them have them you want one?
  2. Those are all the rage out here in the Pacific NW. Anything from skull and crossbones to pirates to... They bug me a ton, but the thing that concerns me, being a parent and of course highly pessimistic, is isn't this the easiest way to tell the local pediphile or kidnapper or whoever, what you have in your rig and at your house? Whats stickers are next: Plasma, hand guns, jewelry, dvd player, address, social security number...
  3. Happy Birthday Sir Ian! Best wishes from the West Coast...
  4. Would have LOVED to seen Riot!! Did see Quiet Riot on the Metal Health tou opening for AC/DC (Flick Of The Switch). Fastway was the opener supporting their S/T. Saw Great White supporting their S/T opening for Judas Priest, Defenders of The Faith tour if memory serves.
  5. Happy Day Big B, hope a nice pile of compact discs have made there way to you on this gloriousof gloryful days... OH, And "Iche bein ihne berleiner".
  6. Reminds me of that big ole speaker that Mike Fox plugged his guitar into in Back To The Future...
  7. I remember when this first came out in the late 90's, then suddenly it was recalled due to some copyright issues. Now there's about 5 different versions floating around. Very good Heart style rock and recommended if you're a Paul Sabu fan! I like Heart & Sabu, so i'm in luck. It was only $4.00. I'm even thinking about getting her country stuff as well.. I just found this about a week ago too, is yours a 2 disc? THe one I found has the original album in its glory and then a "remastered" version as well.
  8. The S/T is a good album, but "A Blur In Time" is beyond words!! A must own imho... Is there a hint of Metal Church? Not even close. Which is good and bad. I LOVE METAL CHURCH, but this Vanderhoof release is such an amazing slice of AOR with crunchy guitar, keys and some great soaring vocals. If I had to compare I would give it that Bostony, Rushish, Kansas, proggy vein of music nod... Can't seem to find a Youtube video.
  9. The S/T is a good album, but "A Blur In Time" is beyond words!! A must own imho...
  10. Well kids, I just got through speaking with our #1 collector and all around great guy James Gebbia. Turns out he is in the hospital with pneumonia and has been for a few days and will be there for at least one more, if he and when he can get his oxygen capacity up to where it needs to be. He told me today that with the assistance of the oxygen he is at 80%, blood/oxygen, which apparently is the minimum we all need to be at to maintain. Just wanted to let the gang know and wish him my best on a speady recovery. I am sure he will appreciate everyones well wishes... Get well buddy, Seattle needs you back for a cd rousting!
  11. Religulous Bill Mahr's quest for the truth's/facts about Christianity, Jesus, et al... Pretty interesting, especially for us of little faith who question?????????????
  12. None, but April Wine would have been great to see, especially in a bar!
  13. That Man Bites Dog was a great film! That list was/is completely irrelevent. Granted the originally I Spit On Your Grave was quite good and consider when it came out too. Hostel was just weak, weak, weak. I am surprised that in any "violent" movie list that A Bronx Tale or American History X doesn't make it. A Bronx Tale has one of the longest and most brutal gang/bat beating I've seen and that scene in American History X were Norton smashes that kids face on the curb...Granted these films aren't nonestop violence and gore throughout, but? There was a couple of negative budget movies made back in the 90's called Video Violence that were pretty brutal with lots of shlock too.
  14. That is kick ass! Like a heavy heavy dose of Pantera with a dash of Black Label Society. That guitarist with the Dean is certainly encanting the Dimebag. Whats the story Dave. Another of your pet projects?
  15. Twisted Sister on the Stay Hungry tour with Lita Ford and Y&T in the opening slots. Y&T were supporting In Rock We Trust and man were they great, of course TS and Lita were pretty damn awesome of course. Krokus on the Blitz tour with W.A.S.P. opening supporting their debut. Both bands were awesome! Georgia Satellites on their debut tour for a buck! Played every song off the debut plus Keep Your Hands to Yourself twice. I remember the players being so damn good, that they swapped instruments throughout the show and even shared vocal leads all night...
  16. Did not now about the AILD connection. Very talented group and quite entertaining.
  17. I forgot to mention that one, a great horror film, really creepy. The ending is nasty; brilliant, but very disturbing. I too will concur that The Descent was rather tasty and as brother Keef pointed out the tension was palpable way before the "Chuds" appeared. Hell the second Descent isn't bad either. Doesn't stray too far from the original and leaves the door WIDE open for another film.
  18. I must be far to desensitised (sp) over the years if watching everything "scary" or "the scariest movie ever", but I will agree that Dead Silence was a good movie and how can you miss with Donnie Wahlberg and creepy "Magic" like dolls and puppets. One that sits ill with me, still, is The Shining. for some reason that scene at the top of the stares with the mouse masked dude blowing the other masked dude still gives me the heebee jeebee's. The ending of The Blair Witch was damn good too! I wouldn't go into my basement at night for a long while after that. There are many good horror/thriller genre movies out there, nothing too make you wet yourself, but some quality productions none the less. The Scream trilogy is sweat. I know What You Did Last Summer. From Beyond. Re-Animator. My Bloody Valentine (the original). Ravenous. Brotherhood Of The Wolf. I Spit On Your Grave. The Demon movies are good and gory/scary. Wolfen. The Prophecy. Scanners. Halloween (original). To name a few. And not to slam anyone, but the recent flood of "scary" movies have been pretty pathetic. I know many love Paranormal Activity, but the cheap jolt scare is lame imho. The original ending was SO VERY much better, but obviously not "scary" enough for for the masses. Had to think about it too much I suppose. And the slewof Asian quality scary movies that where americanized did little for me. The whole Grudge series was a bust. The Ring was OK, but The Ring 2 was not so good.
  19. Red Hot Chili Peppers... ANd completely agree with the U2 & REM.
  20. I'm with you on swallowing some of the salt water. Sometimes I get the right angle, sometimes I don't... My pot doesn't however resemble your blue penis pot. I got a plain ole white one, looks more like a tea pot. That said the saline/salt water certainly does help with a number sinus issues.
  21. Yep, same band. That song is on the Crown Of Thorns cd. Yea I saw those Keef, I just meant compared to most bands. Sure would like to know where are they know and such. This band is just begging for a re-issue with all the singles and such they've done...Stormspell/Iordan get on this would ya'!
  22. Man I need to get any and all the Briar releases. Have about 6 different releases on cdr, but you know, the real deal would be best... Found some cool vid's to show my appreciation of these guys. Frankie promovideo from 1988 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIvJJYLlotI Frankie a second version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glZ2R3iDm40 Prisoner from BBC TV Ox­ford Road Show 1984 (the announcer says they're 17 years old! So musically mature for youngsters) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asvUqab2_5w Not alot out there in cyberspace about these guys, that I could find anyway.
  23. Any one else digging this? It is obviously brooootal and many will probably ignore it, but the lyrics are pretty damn funny and the band definately shreds. Definately have a sense of humor and a love of governor Schwartzenager. Here are some videos. I Need Your Clothes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPhCc10Od30 Screw You Benny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKZLRgziwHE If It Bleeds We Can Kill It http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQF_DR_uDU4 You Have Just Been Erased http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q5e3BwSAOA Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mRA96x_rYs Who's Your Daddy and What Does He Do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yetoim8aczI And this is cool, the cops breaking up the bands first show... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAD53eAGySE
  24. These kids are doing just fine! I like it. Wish all 18-25 year olds played in bands like this the world would be a much better place... Here is the video for "Take Me For A Ride" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEYhapqsb3I Great stuff! And the video for "Wildlife" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrKgeYUqg2Y
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