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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Well kids looks like the Seachickens pulled one out of their backsides and beat the, albeit planned, former Superbowl champion NO Taints, I mean Saints. There were a few other wildcard games, but none are worth repeating... Coming up this weekend will certainly show who's who in the NFL and appears to be a promising weekend of football. So what are your pix for this weekend and of course the big game? I'm running with Big Ben and the Steelers of coarse. Here is what's established so far: New York Jets W 17-16Indianapolis Baltimore W 30-7Kansas City New Orleans Seattle W 41-36 Green Bay W 21-16Philadelphia This weekend: Baltimore @ Pittsburgh New York Jets @ New England Green Bay @ Atlanta Seattle @ Chicago My pix for this weekend: Pitt over Baltimore (for so many reasons...) The Jets will upset the Patriots (Truly hate both teams so who cares? ) Green Bay will beat Hotlanta Seahawks over Da' Bears (Love the bears, but Seattle beat them already in Chi-town this year andcrazier things have happened right? What would be stranger than the first team in NFL history to win their division with a losing record to not only go to, but win the Superbowl...)
  2. I will respond ala Keith and go with all the above! Certainly depends on the day and which way the wind blows as to who would be a fave... I am "enjoying" the gal in pic #5 at the moment...
  3. Well it seems to me that they are emulating them in their prime, as many consider Hysteria to be the pinacle of their career, and was easily their biggest selling album. That would be why that have Clarke and want a one armed drummer. Wasn't Pyromania the big record? For me it was anyway and Rick had a pair of stick twirlers then...
  4. For ultimate current accuracy would they not have Viv Campbell in the band? Steve is kind of dead isn't he? And lastly, wouldn't you want to emulate your favorite band in their prime? I think Rick would rather have the pair???
  5. Actually, they're only favored by 10 or 10.5 depending on where ya look. That trip to the north-west is a great equalizer, and I personally don't expect the Saints to just roll over them. If the Seahawks can keep it close in the first half, I think they can frustrate the Saints and make it quite interesting. Watch 'em lose 35-0 now that I've said that... That's one thing that has always been with Seattle, the "what team is playing today?' syndrome. NO being a "dome" team might favor the Hawks today, it is a balmy mid 30's with a good chance of rain.
  6. I still don't understand how a huge city like Seattle can't get another NBA team. Or why such a big Northern Pacific city can't get a freakin' NHL team. The NHL, in all its wisdom chose hockey hotbeds like Tampa Bay, Florida(Sunrise just north of Miami), Atlanta, Anaheim, San Jose and of course Phoenix. I guess they were banking on the retired Canadian snowbirds and Disney fans to fill the seats. A pro hockey team would be awesome and the fascilities are here, we have 4 (?) minor level hockey teams and they are quit entertaining and popular... I saw on the morning news last week that the NBA is offering up another expansion team this year, but " Seattle's fascilities are not up to the standards of the NBA." So I guess our arena is not cool enough for the NBA, ironically that is why the Sonics left. What's the line on the Seahawks Saints game tomorrow? Saints by 21? 35???
  7. If that's not one the of signs of the apocolypse I don't know what is...
  8. Agreed this is a GREAT CD and kuddos for finding on the cheap!
  9. Man 2 iconic bassists in one day... RIP
  10. Another icon of my fomitive years passes... sad sad day for music. I will honor Phil with a few spins of Barroom Boogie and a small kodle of the guitar pick I got from him on the Open Fire tour. RIP Phil or to quote Big Man Dave: "Play it Phil!"
  11. That is too funny and yes people Seatown is off the rails with the "big" game tomorrow... One of these days people will realize that ALL of our pro sports team just plain suck. Wait, except the WNBA team The Storm, they did win the big trophy last year.
  12. What little I've seen has been total "WTF?" nonsense thus far. You get dropped into the story without a single clue of who the characters are, what the story's supposed to be about, etc. Basically the guy who I assume will end up being the hero has spent the entire time getting into fights with other characters (in slow motion, in what I assume is an attempt to be stylish) and screaming "AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" a lot, while Travolta (under about 100 pounds of ugly makeup that makes him look like the love child of Yoda and a Klingon) stands around cackling and arguing with the other alien characters. Y'know all those awful post-apocalyptic "Mad Max" ripoff movies that were made in Italy back in the '80s, that tried to mix the science-fiction and sword-and-sorcery genres (badly)? This is like one of those movies, with a $50 million dollar budget. I have yet to see this,but I did read the book and it was quite good. Not surprised that the book got messed up in movie translation. Crazyheart Jeff Bridges as an alcoholic has been country western entertainer. Not bad. Can't imagine the role was too big a stretch...
  13. James, I will dig a little deeper tonight and report back soon... Terry
  14. "I wanna kiss your lips, not the one's on your face." From Quiet Riot's Let Get Crazy One of my fave's that could be from a song??? That skirt looks great and it sure would match my carpet...
  15. No shit! She wails on that electric twanger.
  16. http://www.allsubs.org/subs-download/a-private-affair-une-affaire-privee-2002-dvd/397953/ http://www.all4divx.com/download_subtitle/2850944/Private%20Affair,%20A%20(Une%20affaire%20priv%C3%A9e).subtitle Here are a few links for watching and downloading. I have never downloaded a film online, but I've watched a few.
  17. Buy them here martin...Cd's £11.00...Price includes p+p inside UK...Hope this helps. http://www.shotguncharlie.co.uk/briarbuy.htm Very helpful, was never able to find these releases, have had cdr's forever, but not able to find physical releases. THANKS. Now to find an extra $100... Crown Of Thorns Cd is here but its a lot of cash too shell out http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370368796380#ht_2665wt_905 WOW! I have a=only seen Jap issues of this. I have a promo cassette I got from CBS, was this released on cd anywhere other than Japan???
  18. Always dug Head East, Nazerath and Molly Hatchet. Boston did well in the 70's and Kansas. Oh and Steve Miller....
  19. Those Briar discs! Every so often the Crown of Thorns album for way too much, but NEVER anything else...anywhere? I would love to have any of them!
  20. I don't know wether I'd unwrap that one or not? I am sure I'd like it both ways. One can dream, especially me. Merry Christmas gang and a Happy New Year too!
  21. So AB where do you hang your hat these days? Do you ever get West and vist your old stomping grounds?
  22. That is classic. Sounds like Mrs. Jeff and Mrs Martinson have similar tolerances to their Mr... And so you don;t feel too bad, I can't do a project without a cut, bruise or whatever, it's just expected.
  23. (*Immediately adds this film to the top of "MUST SEE LIST"*) There's also a snappy little red-head that is a stone cold fox and as naked as a jaybird too...
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