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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Pathology Alright thriller, but Alyssa Milano is in the buff which makes this movie Oscar worthy!
  2. TOO HOT? Don't get me wrong she is quit HOT, but that video wasn't any "hotter" than a hundred other videos from Madonna to Mariah to Motley's Girls, Girls, Girls... Maybe its because videos are extinct and as far as the other 3 videos made this year it is "hot" in comparison.?
  3. Caught the 3:10 To Yuma re-make with the ever so dreamy Christian Bale... solid remake.
  4. Haven't read the book but I'm told it differs greatly from the film (even tho the author of the novel also wrote the movie's script...). Good stuff either way. That blonde chick was a piece of a** too. Nice sig pic, by the way, Terry. Wonder where you found that? Some East Coaster located it for me... Still need to know who in the heck they are?
  5. The book is leaps and bounds better than the movie, but aren't they all. I did enjoy the movie though.
  6. When are you going to be in the good ole Pacific NW again? I'd love to see you live. Like I said in an earlier post that 45 was pure gold for me and I spun it a lot...
  7. That is the Adam Bomb 45 I refer to in my popst! It has Heavy Metal and SST on the b-side. I got that Black N Blue one too. Swing Time and Miss Mystery. Got a grom Reaper 45 that way too!
  8. Here is the Rock Like F*$k video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53KMpAbYijo I Want My Heavy Metal! (LOVE THIS ONE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EseI9mv9vVU Live version of SST (KILLER SONG): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IsySZ7mgPY And of course Adam "Bomb" Brenner in TKO I Wanna Fight live: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrgTcO8f3Eg
  9. Miley is legal...? Now did you wonder if she would do an "official porn release"..? Or does the one she and I made together that I keep under my bed count? Sorry Dave, I think the one her dad did with her was the first "official" video.
  10. I've always like him. His work with TKO was great and I still have the 45 of SST, which was a great song on a great album. I'd chalk it up to the fickleness (word?) of us bloody americans and probably the lack of proper distribution/management. Maybe he pissed someone off that was akin to the Bills never winning the big game...
  11. Not the biggest Nick Cage fan in the world, but saw Bad Lueitenant and he was just perfect as the drug crazed corrupt cop. Not quite the epic Harvey Kitel performance of years past, but a step up for Cage.
  12. Speaking of those "fish" stickers I saw one recently that had the fish and in the fish it said chips. My fave fish is one I got years ago: The satan fish. Complete with horns and a tail...
  13. That does flippin' suck! That and all those damn network logos emblazed on the screen...
  14. That is the worst. First off 5 kids!! Time to have some plumbing reworked... And If you have to advertise that your kids are great, they more than likely ain't. Lastly: Out here in Seattle that "vanity" plate would run you about $50 a year. I could think of many better uses for the $$$$$$.
  15. I despise all commercial content! I hate that the commercials are always WAY louder than the show I was watching. And I don't get why we have commercials on networks that we have to PAY for? That said I'm not an idiot, I get that its about the $$$$$, but come on, I'm in at a least $50.00 a month for cable, times that by every other sap in the known free world and I'd wager that's a big fat bag o' cash! Besides, Iknow what I want to buy I don't need corperate America to shove their "approved" products down my throught while I'm watching a South Park rerun...
  16. Off topic, but worth mentioning: This thread is on page 666!
  17. Yea these are all over out West too, on the same Escalade as the giant Harley Davidson sticker... Absolutely stupid and here is an obvious reason why: YOU HAVE A 10,000 POUND CADILLAC WITH 30" CHROME SPINNER WHEELS AND THEN YOU ADD A PAIR OF "BALLS" THE SIZE OF GOLF BALLS... Are those actual size or does your ride have a roid problem?
  18. Sounds like the longbox of yesterday. For $2.00 its a great buy!
  19. When I took graphics shop in high school, I wanted to print up a bunch of stickers with a picture of a screw on them, just so I could go through the mall parking lot and cover up the "heart" on every "I (Heart) My..." bumper sticker I saw with a screw, thus making them read "I screw my dog," "I screw my cat," "I screw my horse," "I screw the NY Giants," or whatever. Unfortunately, this diabolical but brilliant plan was ultimately foiled by the shop teacher, who didn't think the idea was nearly as funny as I did. ~In my best Homer Simpson voice~ "Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter." ALways wanted to do the same with that red circle with the slash through it. You know the "buster". Would be cool to slap that on all the Harley Davidson stickers on the soccer mom's Escalades and all those stupid FOX stickers, or Hello Kitties or those damn Calvins pissing on everything... Saw one today that made me puke a little bit in my mouth: This saying in a dog bone "I Love My Grand Dogs." WTF!!!! You mean your son or daughter did it with a dog and had puppie/kids or your kids kids are just fugly??? Or do you really consider your kids' PETS their kids!?
  20. I'd go... Could be good for a laugh and maybe one of the other bands will be good.
  21. Just showed mine Sinbad and they loved it! PLan on watching the original Clash Of The Titans this weekend. Going to have to look for J & TA... On topic: Stan Helsing Yea its a spoof of a million horror movies with dead pan humor and a Leslie Neilson cameo. And Geoff, the 2 lead girl actressess are smokin' and spend the entire movie scantily clad since th emovie takes place on Halloween night, which as we all know is code for "dress like whore"...
  22. Here's a real stinker I watched last night that my main man Keith should groove on. It's called SEA BEAST and stars none other than Parker Lewis Can't Lose star Corin Nemic. Here is the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzVe_8bM84o
  23. Not heard of this one,so I had a look on Amazon, where it's described as, "mix of martial arts, horror, and French period drama". Sounds fantastic! What did you think? Well, it's a strange movie for sure... Fantastic (and very modern) cinematography, gore and nudity (Monica Bellucci included ) but the story is far-fetched and long - even though it's based on a true story. But it's worth watching. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beast_of_G%C3%A9vaudan I did enjoy thisa lot. Have watched it multiple times! Watched Superhero The Movie (RIP Leslie) and Quarantine (perfect for Blair Witch/Cloverleaf fans)
  24. Or when they combine this one to make the ever so amazingly DUMB: "My (insert dog breed here) is smarter than your honor student."
  25. Yes. If they have a physical CD by that date, a copy would be nice. Would pay for it and international postage, of course. At the moment the band says it is only on iTunes and Amazon. (mp3s I assume)....or Maybe they will have a CD version to order by then internationally. I will keep you and Lindsday posted on what shakes out, they say they are having "a merch table" at the show and I see they have shirts available already. It also appears they are shopping the albums for release. That said I would wager they will have at a minimum, band made cdr's at the show? We will see soon I'm sure.
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