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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. The only thing gay about this thread is that you're in it. Get out. If you hadn't noticed, everyone else is enjoying themselves here.
  2. Just booked my flight this morning, mate. I'll be there early next month to inspect your monkeys. 18 years in the Monkey Distribution business and I've not ever had any of my stock act like this. I'll get to the bottom of this, regardless of the fact that they are no longer under warranty. Cutbacks or not, my monkeys weren't bred to be burdens.
  3. Nah mate, you should know that's not how I roll. I wouldn't bother with samples of these guys. I've heard the whole thing, including the Jap bonus tracks. Comments are based on an entire (painful) listen of the disc. Come on mate, let's be serious. Bands that destroy Fair Warning, imo: Bonfire (Even if you only acknowledge 'Fireworks' and 'Point Blank' you can't honestly tell me there is any material on the first 4 Fair Warning discs that match these? Add 'Knock out' and 'Fuel to the Flames' and their best 4 discs are better than FW's best 4, imo. And yeah, the rest of the discography is weak, but not that weak) Casanova Pink Cream 69 Place Vendome Frontline (I know we disagree on these guys, but I'll never get it. Up-tempo, lively melodic rock with stunning hard rock riff after riff, big melodic hooks and choruses on every track... amazed you don't acknowledge them) Universe Hotwire Human Zoo Jaded Heart (again, 'Slaves and masters' is the weakest they've done and even that is pretty freakin' good. The rest are excellent!) VICTORY Bands better than Fair Warning, imo: Mad Max Craaft Roko Charade Demon Drive Sargant Fury Subway Wicked Sensation Wild Frontier One hit wonders with equal to or better albums than any of Fair Warning's: Aidean 48 Crash MT Eyes Midnite Sky Blue Velvet Corako Diary EZ Livin' Emergency Zillion Bands at least on par with Fair Warning: Affair Boysvoice Axel Rudi Pell Domain
  4. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.ph...hl=optimystical Just how good is it then?? Worth picking up?? Cheers Not bad, but a lot of fillers, imo. Aftermath - 'Natural Destruction' Agnes - 'When night falls' Aidean - 'Promises' Zo2 - 'Casino Logic'
  5. Sounds like The Used have a new album called 'Artwork' due 1st of September this year. Some songs: Blood on My Hands Blown It Empty With You Cut Yourself This, however, is preventing me from being too excited: "Bert McCracken stated "In the past, we've always kind of brought pop sensibility into heavy rock, but this is going to be all that much more tantalizing and brutal. Our songs are 10 times messier and noisier than they've ever been."
  6. Now playing: 'Talk to me' - Farcry
  7. I can't help but notice no one has replied to this yet. I'd have thought the polar bears would speak to us all.
  8. If you like 'Four' or 'Brother's Keeper' you'll probably dig this one, mate. Though I think even the die-hards will struggle.
  9. I think one part of the "joke" that a lot of people don't seem to have taken on board is the fact that I have not a single doubt in my mind that these guys could write more subtle tongue-in-cheek lyrics... if they wanted to. But I think a huge part of the joke here is that they've purposely not gone this route. This isn't aimed at you at all Dahun, just a general comment. But the thing that disappoints me most is that people are saying, in so many words, that they're not comfortable with a band doing something a little different, and that for this band to appeal to them they'd have to sound like everyone else and produce cliche and heard-it-all before lyrics that you can find on any CD any day of the week. I'm glad there are still plenty of people enjoying this, but also disappointed to see that so many fans of this music would rather another dime-a-dozen release as opposed to something that kicks a recently tiring genre in the balls a little.
  10. The nostrils breathed in the atmosphere and the donkey praised Jesus for coming to make him tea. 'But damn, fool,' he said. 'You forgot to put the second sugar in dat shit. Jesus, fetch me another sugar you slack-jawed son-of-a-bitch!'
  11. ---> So there you go. Polar bears.
  12. Damn, where the fuck is everyone at?
  13. ... Or do these guys genuinely really suck? Sorry to be harsh, but I just don't "get it" when it comes to these guys. If I was in a rush to go out and buy milk and someone said to me as I was walking out the door, 'What do you think of this CD?' I would have to say, in a hurry, that it swallows and gurgles dog balls. And then I'd leave, in a hurry. If I sat down on an internet forum and expanded on my thoughts on the album I'd say these guys just bore the living shit out of me. The opening song is pretty cool and would pretty easily fit on one of their first 3 CDs, but what follows after that is just painful to hear. These guys are so freakin' boring, imo. The songs are drawn out, ridiculously samey, devoid of decent hooks or choruses that even really separate themselves from the verses... there is just nothing happening here! I know these guys have a great reputation and I'll give credit where it's due and admit that there is an album's worth of great songs that you could pluck from s/t, 'Rainmaker' and their crowning achievement, 'Go!'. You could get 10 good songs from those discs and make something worthwhile, but after that I find 'Four', 'Brother's Keeper' and 'Aura' to be total wastes of time. Am I alone here, or do others find these guys a seriously dull band?
  14. Geoff

    Is it ?

    Wow, only one page worth of new posts today. Man these boards have been so freakin' quiet this year.
  15. Is it seriously still only Wednesday? Slowest penis-looking week ever.
  16. Thanks to cousin Wes: Faith Circus - s/t
  17. I read yesterday that it might hit fuckin 39C is the next couple of weeks. A record for the UK. I fuckin' hope not............... me fuckin too............ Haha... you poor little fuckers will melt!
  18. Oh indeed I saw that tonight too and I had a very similar thought pattern. What a true prick of a man.
  19. Happy Birthday my love... ly friend. Uh, of course. Don't you dare wear pants on your special day!
  20. 'Fighting for your love' - Fair Warning Not bad at all. Very Fair Warning.
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