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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Nice one. I couldn't get the smile off my face.
  2. Inhaler - It Won't Always Be Like This. This track has been featuring fairly regularly on one of our commercial radio stations down here over the last few weeks. I know nothing about the band except that the lead Vocalist is the son of BONO (U2). You can definitely hear him in his Son's voice for sure. I wouldn't be interested in checking them out, but I have to say, this song isn't terrible. Nice chorus.
  3. Shit! You're right mate. My bad.
  4. And of course, don't forget Glenn Wheatly on Bass. The man behind John Farnham during the "Whispering Jack" days. This is one of the best covers you'll ever hear. I think they were originally known as "Pink Zoot". Talking about Daryl Cotton, do any Aussies here remember "The Early Bird Show" and "Marty the Monster"?
  5. Darkstone


    Yep, as I said before, class act. As social media goes, where a pretty special group here.
  6. Darkstone


    Ha! No worries mate.
  7. Darkstone


    WTF? I was thanking you all. I even gave all the comments "likes". Don't know how you misunderstood that mate.
  8. Darkstone


    Thanks guys. I was expecting a tirade of abuse. I wasn't interested in arguing the point with anyone, on this or any other subject for that matter. I've always thought of this site as a sanctuary where we can express ourselves without copping too much shit. No one is going to change any one else's opinion on anything. The important thing is to accept other's opinions without ridicule. Thanks again guys. Class acts.
  9. Darkstone


    Okay, I'm gonna say it. I haven't been vaccinated and I don't intend to. I'm not compelled to with regards to my job, yet. If/When that time comes, I honestly don't know what ill do. I, as have all of you, put up with a lot of shit in our lives that we can't control. The one and possibly only thing that we can control, for good or bad, is what we choose to put in our bodies. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods, sugar, whatever. As detrimental to our own health as these products are, it's OUR choice. As I said before, I've put up with a lot of shit, but I think this may be a "hill I'm willing to die on". I'm sure alot of people here are thinking "and you will die on it". We'll see. Please keep the replies respectful. If you disagree then fine. I don't have a problem with that. Just be nice.
  10. The "Black Sabbath" Tony Martin era is hugely underrated. I love and prefer the original, but this is definitely a worthy tribute.
  11. Just watching the Womens Gymnastics at the moment. Olympics or not, it's a wonderful sport.
  12. I've been "80s Pop" reminiscing today. These six are huge time machines for me. I know, six songs of the day is a little excessive, but there were so many great Pop tracks that we all grew up with. Maybe 80s Pop memories deserves a thread of it's own? "The Breakfast Club" video is pure 80s, BTW.
  13. Agreed. "Get Off" is one of my alltime favorites.
  14. "Oh Diane" The Frederick/Phillips version popped up on my rotation today (great album). I had this track on a compilation CD back in the day. It may have been a Now & Then sampler, I can't remember. This live version with Fergie was the only one I could find on youtube.
  15. Darkstone


    I really wish that everybody on this forum could put all their differences aside and collectively, as a community............ focus on trying to bait Glen into responding to this thread. BTW Glen, I love ya brother, but I think sending a "reaction" to a comment is still technically responding to the thread.
  16. Not a HH track, but I love this one. All the Cheech and Chong movies were regular rentals for me in my early teens. This track just brings a smile to my face.
  17. Whitesnake 1987 being one of the best MHR albums of all time.
  18. Actually, on that note. What does the blue rocket icon represent? We all seem to have one.
  19. It was also on the soundtrack of the Pauly Shore movie "Son in Law".
  20. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jill, the dill, forgot the pill. And now they've got a Daughter. One from my primary school days. Basically, it looks like Jill was a bit of a slut.
  21. Another Quality list mate. I'm not going to go through the mental turmoil and anguish by compiling my own list, but If I did, it wouldn't be too far removed from that. I know it's hard compiling lists like this, but I'm surprised not to see "XYZ - Hungry".
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