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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Great track and Phenomenal album. I created a thread not too long ago with my favourites from it. I'll re-post it here. Killer stuff and one of my all time favourite albums. Paul Rodgers always had the chops. "Bad Company" is a great example of "Bluesy Hard Rock" Their self titled single kicks arse!
  2. Great track, Great album. I've always loved "Mother Night". This is the best version of it I can find on the Tubes. BTW mate, I've noticed you tend to post around the same time I do after work. You wouldn't happen to be another Aussie by any chance? Where exactly is "Right Here"?
  3. Growing up, the weekly English 1st Division, then Premier League highlights show on the ABC tv channel down here, was essential viewing for me. I was quite into it in the 90s. I have no personal connection with any of the clubs, so I chose the team I support based on kit. Being an AFL Collingwood supporter, I had to go with the Magpies, Newcastle. The same goes for Juventus in Italy.
  4. I don't think I've looked forward to a release as much as this since "The Defiants" debut. Fingers well and truly crossed.
  5. I've always loved the "Blues" and realized that it doesn't have it's own "Song of the Day" thread. I'm gonna try and post some of my favourites, from old school to "Blues Rock" and hope you guys do as well. I'll start off with these three. I was listening to these two Gary Moore albums today. These two albums are absolute time machines for me and I played the shit out of them back in the day.
  6. I agree, but post "Soul Provider" he was banging Nichollette Sheridan in her prime. Surely that must count for something?
  7. The Mighty "House of Lords". Their first three albums are Legendary. This album isn't too shabby either. I think this is my favourite of many killer tracks from it. It doesn't get much better than this.
  8. Yep, very good call. These two tracks are big favourites of mine. Again, Lead Vocal duties go to Joe Bonamassa on these two. These tracks are EPIC! IMO.
  9. Very funny. Sometimes the darkest comedy is the funniest. If you don't find a way to laugh through these times, then you'll go insane.
  10. I saw the press conference where the leader of the Taliban/Afghanistan, was asked about the rights of women in the future. He responded with a long answer about maintaining all aspects of women's rights and then ending it with, "under Sharia/Muslim Law". Shit's about to get medieval over there. BTW, apparently the Taliban has a Twitter account. Those pieces of shit banned Trump, but the Taliban's fine. FFS!
  11. Darkstone


    Exactly! Instead of G-Off, it should be F-Off!
  12. Thanks for the heads up mate. Not really what I was expecting at all. Those tracks bear no resemblance to the three I posted. I really hate being negative, but based on those tracks, I'm disappointed. I do like the "Icon" cover though.
  13. Darkstone


    Yeah, I know. Maybe it's just an exercise in fear and control. I think there is an agenda, but I don't know what it is. None of this shit makes sense. This isn't the "bubonic plague" as we all were led to believe. People aren't dropping like flies in the streets. Many have died from a terrible disease and that's not good, but welcome to life. We live in a technological time now where this sort of fear can truly be taken advantage of when it comes to tracking and so forth. Is it really all about control? I don't know.
  14. Darkstone


    Hmmm, The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  15. It's gotten to the point where he should be dressed like "Uncle Sam". I think he could pull it off.
  16. This clip is from our morning "Today" show. I think all Aussies and everyone else internationally agrees with the sentiment. The US President and as a result, the US, has lost a huge amount of credibility. You want to talk about weakness? Biden's comments are a disgrace.
  17. Two from Europe's "Out of This World". I really love this album. I've posted "Tomorrow", but I didn't listen to it. It's one of my alltime favourites, but that, along with 2 or 3 other various songs, take me to sad places.
  18. Political differences aside. I saw the footage today of the chaos at Kabul airport including that poor bastard falling from the cargo plane. I heard that there were six deaths during the take off of that plane. Fuck me. How completely terrified must you be to even think about holding on to a departing plane? It really puts it all in perspective.
  19. "Deep Purple" × 3, followed by a "Bonfire" chaser. I love the JLT fronted "Deep Purple - Slaves and Masters" album from 1990. The "Bonfire" track is an example of why I love covers (not as good as JLT though).
  20. Darkstone


    Yeah, I fear I may be included in that category. I've noticed that in the US, it's either get vaccinated or submit to regular testing. I don't know if this policy will happen down here, but I'd be happy to be tested twice a day, no worries.
  21. I saw that robot/terminator. That's scary shit man.
  22. Darkstone


    I didn't recognize her from the pics you posted, but yeah Transgressions is awesome. I've got all the Tinto Brass movies on DVD. You can't beat vintage Italian soft core. You can beat it to it, but you can't beat it.
  23. My bad. I thought he was Chinese. I didn't notice Kim in the background. I still stand by my comment though as the US isn't at war with North Korea. Even though the relationship isn't good, I'm not sure South Korea is either.
  24. I still think saluting someone who's put their hand out to shake is a massive Fuck You. Unless, as I said, Trump then preceded to shake his hand. That's okay though mate, even if you disagree, I salute you.
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