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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Two from Europe's "Out of This World". I really love this album. I've posted "Tomorrow", but I didn't listen to it. It's one of my alltime favourites, but that, along with 2 or 3 other various songs, take me to sad places.
  2. Political differences aside. I saw the footage today of the chaos at Kabul airport including that poor bastard falling from the cargo plane. I heard that there were six deaths during the take off of that plane. Fuck me. How completely terrified must you be to even think about holding on to a departing plane? It really puts it all in perspective.
  3. "Deep Purple" × 3, followed by a "Bonfire" chaser. I love the JLT fronted "Deep Purple - Slaves and Masters" album from 1990. The "Bonfire" track is an example of why I love covers (not as good as JLT though).
  4. Darkstone


    Yeah, I fear I may be included in that category. I've noticed that in the US, it's either get vaccinated or submit to regular testing. I don't know if this policy will happen down here, but I'd be happy to be tested twice a day, no worries.
  5. I saw that robot/terminator. That's scary shit man.
  6. Darkstone


    I didn't recognize her from the pics you posted, but yeah Transgressions is awesome. I've got all the Tinto Brass movies on DVD. You can't beat vintage Italian soft core. You can beat it to it, but you can't beat it.
  7. My bad. I thought he was Chinese. I didn't notice Kim in the background. I still stand by my comment though as the US isn't at war with North Korea. Even though the relationship isn't good, I'm not sure South Korea is either.
  8. I still think saluting someone who's put their hand out to shake is a massive Fuck You. Unless, as I said, Trump then preceded to shake his hand. That's okay though mate, even if you disagree, I salute you.
  9. I don't think he did. The US is not at war with China. This is merely a General from a foreign Country. I still think his action was a diplomatic Fuck You. Going with the salute and refusing to shake an offered hand is a huge affront in any culture. (Maybe not so much these days with the 'rona.)
  10. I dunno mate. I don't know the context of this photo, but he essentially had two options, to salute or to take the man's hand. If he had of went with the handshake, then you would've posted that with the same comment. Personally, I think using the formal military greeting as opposed to a handshake is the opposite of weakness. Especially considering the hand was offered. Trump just gave him a big FUCK YOU! Am I interpreting that wrong? Having said that, as I said, I have no idea what happened after the shot. He may have went on to shake his hand and I would look quite the fool. It wouldn't be the first time.
  11. Darkstone


    I concur Sir. I posted these two in the "Song of the day" thread earlier this year, but I think this thread is their rightful home. GOD bless you for creating it. You're a true humanitarian.
  12. Two Killers from "Talisman". Some funky, funkified, funkiness. The recent talk about the new "Hurricane" album has brought up the old, "should a band continue under the same name when main members depart" discussion. Nine times out of ten it's usually the Lead Singer's departure that's discussed, but in this case, even though "Talisman" boasted one of the absolute best vocalists of our music, there is no "Talisman" without Marcel Jacob.
  13. What are you talking about mate? This is the best thread on the site.
  14. Thank you for not making a "Collingwood" supporter reference. (Another Aussie reference).
  15. Killer tune and album! I've always loved this one.
  16. Yeah, Kelly Hansen IS Hurricane. I'll reserve judgement, but even if it's sensational, it won't be Hurricane.
  17. I remember hearing a couple of weeks ago that Charles"Mac" Robinson passed away also. "Night Court" was/is/will always be one of my favourite TV shows of all time. They say things happen in threes. I hope John Larroquette is looking after himself.
  18. We lost Markie Post today. I'm gutted. R.I.P.
  19. It's not the worst thing I've heard but I'm not too crazy about it. "Christian Sleaze" though, is that a thing? It's hard to comprehend. It's almost an oxymoron, like "Christian Porn". Having said that, it's not uncommon to see a Nun pop up every now and then on certain "Gentleman's" sites that I may or may not frequent.
  20. Early Michael Bolton is Killer, drastically underrated stuff. I posted this one from the album recently in a thread I can't remember regarding the state of the World. I think it's even more appropriate now. KILLER TRACK!
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