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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Yeah, I thought the same thing, but she's old enough to legally carry a gun, so I think we're good.
  2. I've posted a few videos from the "Top 2000 a gogo" channel. This one about the origins of Roxette's "It Must Have Been Love" is great. Short, but sweet.
  3. Okay, starting from left to right, it's a hard choice between #1 and #4, but I think i've gotta go with number 4.
  4. Correct about Metallica and Ozzy's voice, but I could never stand Lemmy's voice. "Motorhead" would have been far more successful with a decent vocalist. "Black Label Society" fell into the same trap. I love the music and at least in this case Zakk Wylde's vocals are tolerable, but they could have been so much better with better vocals.
  5. Yeah, I didn't really notice much of a difference.
  6. Here's one from '81 that my Mum loved. This was around the time where traditional Country music was becoming more of a popular commercial genre.
  7. Steve Grimmett is another one of my favourite vocalists. I really love these two "Lionsheart" tracks, especially "Portrait". The opening riff is killer.
  8. This one popped up in my youtube recommendations. When I saw the title, I had to watch it. "Frankie Goes To Hollywood & Lemmy - Relax". It takes a while to deliver, but there's plenty to watch in the meantime. The "Frankie" boys aren't interested of course, but it's good to see Lemmy swoop in and pick up the crumbs.
  9. Back in the day whenever we heard "Better" or "Noiseworks" - Take Me Back, it was our "Seinfeld Desperado" moment. Greatest drinking/pub songs ever.
  10. The Tony Martin fronted "Black Sabbath" is the best "Black Sabbath" by far. Hands down.
  11. Their debut was more MHR, but Talisman's subsequent stuff with Marcel always had a great Funk vibe IMO.
  12. Darkstone


    100% spot on.
  13. Noiseworks - Love Somebody. Another killer Aussie track from a killer album by a killer Aussie band. These guys deservedly achieved great commercial success down here.
  14. Darkstone


    This forum now has four regular posters from Victoria and we all barrack for different teams.
  15. Agreed. He's right up there with the greats of our music.
  16. Darkstone


    Okay, I now understand why you lost interest. If I was a Hawks supporter, I would have also.
  17. Darkstone


    Which AFL team were you a huge fan of?
  18. Darkstone


    So, you're a Victorian. Nice one mate.
  19. Darkstone


    If you, you're loved ones and vulnerable members of your family and social circle are vaccinated, then why should you give a fuck whether or not I'm vaccinated? You're vaccinated, so don't worry about it. Is that too simplistic?
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