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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. I've been revisiting some great Sleaze albums. I can't believe this is 10 years old! Killer artwork too.
  2. Released last week. Probably more "Modern Rock" than "Hard Rock" TBH. It's a Great album.
  3. Interesting point. I didn't notice that before.
  4. "Gasoline" is a great album! I didn't know about this new one. I missed this thread. Thanks for the heads up DP.
  5. I think the novelty has worn off with these guys.
  6. Ha! As a 50 year old I am very familiar with "Mylanta".
  7. Baton Rogue Morgue - Massacre of St. Valentine's Day. Great track despite the clunky chorus. Solid album.
  8. I've just posted this "Grim Reaper" retrospective in another thread, but it should be here as well.
  9. "Grim Reaper" features this time. I don't know if he had this one in the works, but it's a nice tribute.
  10. The full album's on YouTube.
  11. Yeah, it's a great album (Vanity Kills, 2010). Any new material on the horizon?
  12. I've just been revisiting the first 2 "Lionsheart" albums. Great memories. "Portrait" based on "The Picture of Dorian Gray" from the debut is one of my all time favourites. Killer riffage! "Gods of War" and "Pain in my Heart" (Killer ballad, one of the best you'll ever hear BTW) from the follow up album are also huge favourites. It's always sad when an Artist passes away, but it's nice to know that their Art lives on.
  13. Yeah, it's a traditional dish also known as "the cream of sumyunguys"
  14. Blondie on the right of the second shot is PERFECTION!
  15. Another one from this year that hasn't had much fanfare. These guys are always great value. Very, very solid, Killer Hard Rock!!! I get a Robert Mason "vibe" with the vocals, which is always a good thing.
  16. R.I.P. Sad news, I Love the "Lionsheart" albums.
  17. Coheed and Cambria - Love Murder One. I posted this track in another thread today, but I had to post it here. I can't stop listening to it. These guys definitely lean towards the more Melodic side of Modern Rock. Great stuff!
  18. Here's 4 Killer tracks from their pretty great new album released last month. These guys are always quality. They deserve more recognition.
  19. One from '99 with a "Queensryche" vibe, especially the chorus.
  20. I probably could have added more, but I've left it at these "essential" (IMO) 11. Harem Scarem - Mood Swings Mark Free - Long Way From Love Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French Winger - Pull Talisman - Genesis Eyes - Windows to the Soul Jeff Paris - Lucky This Time Shotgun Symphony - ST Vince Neil - Exposed Gary Hughes - ST George Lynch - Sacred Groove
  21. That "Joey Tempest" debut is an underrated Masterpiece. I don't agree with Warrant, Mr. Big, GNR or W.A.S.P. Skid Row is a tough one, but I think I prefer "Slave", just.
  22. Just listening to the debut today, so I have to add "Shotgun Symphony".
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