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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Greek guitarist "Babis Kaisas" has released 3 albums under the band name "Kaisas". The first one features "Tony Mills" on vocals and is solid. The third one features "Gordon Macintosh" on vocals and is also solid. The second one (Degitalize) features "Mark Evans" from "Heaven's Edge" on vocals and is KILLER. Definitely the best of the 3. It's like a defacto "Heaven's Edge" third album.
  2. Yes, I'm aware that a thread for this album exists, but I found it inadequate and unworthy. This is a MONSTER album. Absolute Quality!!! I don't know WTF is in the water in Baltimore, Alpha, but it seems to be a Hard Rock breeding ground. So many acts from Baltimore, particularly in the early days. Your "Baltimore Rocks" thread is insane. *The first clip skips towards the end. Very annoying.
  3. It's endless mate. That's what I love about it.
  4. Some pretty Fucking Awesome Melodic Hard Rock from Cyprus. I'm sure "Kouros" must be all over these guys. "Doggy" should also appreciate the Band's name, not to mention the Killer tunes.
  5. I'd narrow it down a little to '89-'92. Those were the "sweet spot" years for me.
  6. Check out their whole discography. You'll love it. The tracks I posted above are just the tip of the iceberg.
  7. A nice little "Nelson" retrospective. How much time do you reckon they spent on their hair in the second clip?
  8. Yep, it's a cracker! One of my all-time favorites. If you like that, then you'll love their album "Citadel". Actually, everything up to and including Citadel is Great.
  9. I try to keep my finger on the pulse, but it's not easy. There's so much out there and on here. There's also a lot of shit to filter through.
  10. "Beware the Holy Lord of flies".
  11. "Grace and Fire" × 3. KILLER! UK Melodic Progressive Hard Rock from 2021. Sorry Whiplash, but for your consideration, I just checked and this is another one not represented in the database.
  12. TAKE OUT: Christine Sixteen Modern Day Delilah Hell or Hallelujah I'm a Legend Tonight Beth ADD: Hide Your Heart Forever Turn on the Night Sure Know Something Strutter
  13. Damn Freaks - Stranger to Your Touch. Fuck it! Here's another one for today. This is from their second album. The album's solid enough, but nothing else on there compares to this.
  14. Now or Never - Point of No Return. The "Pretty Maids" thread reminded me of these guys. This is from their third album "III". The riffage is beyond KILLER!!!
  15. This was probably the worst kept secret in the industry. Good on him though. I didn't realise he'd been dealing with it from such an early age.
  16. "Don't Settle for Less" would definitely be my #2.
  17. In their day cassettes were great, but as with Vinyl and dare I say CDs, they're too impractical now.
  18. Unfortunately their debut is in Spanish. That's a deal breaker for me..
  19. I used to play "Super Coach" years ago, like 20 years ago. I enjoyed it then, but probably couldn't be bothered now.
  20. I think I'll stick with a sock thanks.
  21. A very tasty bit of Melodic Rock from last year. It's in the main site database, but not mentioned here. Another one that fell through the cracks. Here's 5 from the album. These guys are from Peru, but they certainly know their craft. KILLER, KILLER STUFF!!!
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