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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. That's good gear. You should've posted it in the NRL thread. Go PANTHERS! BTW. I don't like the fact that the eels cheated to get to the GF (forward pass). It's not a good message to send to the kids out there.
  2. Darkstone


    Ah yes, the good old "side boob". Just as good, if not better than the good old "under boob".
  3. Darkstone


    You know your role on this forum by now. Less chat, more titties.
  4. Darkstone


    You've posted this one before mate. Once was bad enough.
  5. Killer Female fronted MHR from Norway. Two albums, two different band names, but really it's like a double album release. "Blonde On Blonde - Labyrinth of Love" from '89 and "Perfect Crime - Blonde on Blonde" from '90. I know, it's confusing. They must've had legal issues with their original name. Great stuff with a real "Vixen" vibe vocally. "Weekend Hero" is a corker of a track!
  6. It's a big call, but I'd say yes.
  7. Yeah, that's a great one. I actually love that album... there, I said it.
  8. Dagger - Not Afraid Of The Night. Solid album, KILLER track!
  9. I can fully understand how GNR's mega fan completists would be all over this. I'm well beyond that stage now. I know it's all about the music, but I can relate. Back in the day there were so many bands that I loved, but only 3 that put me into that "completist" category. "W.A.S.P.", "Queensryche" and "ten".
  10. Definitely not shit. "The Long Road" is a great album.
  11. Dredging up old posts again. You can't help yourself mate. Seriously though, it was fucking heartbreaking. We were always gonna come home hard, but 6 goals was a big ask to over run. The worst part was being resigned to a loss at three quarter time, then having hope build up only to be ripped away. Fucking heartbreaking. The new era of a Black & White Dynasty will have to wait until next year.
  12. I'm not 100% sure, but I think those first two clips are from a different band.
  13. Yeah, not really interested in live DVDs.
  14. One of the best albums and shining lights of "our" music through the dark ages that were the mid 90s. This is a ridiculously underrated gem from the US. The title track, "Sacrifice" is an instrumental, but fuck me, what an instrumental! The rest is just pure class!!! KILLER! Here's 6 from the album.
  15. Not too bad, but if he was just slightly better it may not have been a forgotten album. I come across many albums with Killer music, but the vocals aren't quite on par. It's a shame and very annoying.
  16. Ditto. I've always liked what I've heard from Muse, but I've never really actively sought out their stuff for some reason. I may have to rectify that.
  17. Hey CTS, I'd like to think we can all move on from last week's unpleasantness. We should be concentrating more on the things we all have in common (impeccable taste in music), instead of our differences. I would also like to apologise for your impending heartbreak this evening. I, Doggy, Auslander and yourself were lucky enough to witness an era of one Daicos playing for Collingwood who dominated the league.... DOMINATED! Now we have TWO! A new Black & White Dynasty begins tonight! GO PIES!!!
  18. Another one from the Master, Bill McClintock. Not long after he posted this a while ago, he took it down. I think because of copyright issues with the footage he used originally. Anyway, it's back up and it's a cracker of a mash up. One of the best you'll hear, with a double axe attack from Mick Mars and Ted Nugent.
  19. This guy's pretty good. I've seen a few of his videos.
  20. Darkstone


    Hey, If it stops you from posting in the Song/Album game, then please, read away.
  21. Darkstone


    I'm not interested in participating in a shit fight over the internet, particularly on this subject. Nobody is going to change anybody's mind. However, not only do I disagree with you CTS, I'm finding the "wah wah" comments and personal attacks distasteful. Feel free to have a go but I'm not gonna bite. It's beneath me. I'll just say that on this subject, I'm on team Geoff and leave it at that.
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