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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Usual story, these guys popped up in my rotation today. The first 3 albums feature Tommy Denander and Matt Alfonzetti and are PURE CLASS!, as you'd expect. The following 2 albums without those guys aren't too shabby either. Here's a couple from each album. "Since you've been gone" is one of the best ballads you'll ever hear BTW... IMO.
  2. Yeah, R.I.P. 73... not a bad innings. I don't know if it's ever been reported or explained why he left. I remember being puzzled at the time. I also have zero knowledge of what he'd been up to since he left. I hope he was happy.
  3. Darkstone


    Yep. I'm sure we would love to live in an ice cream and lolly pop world where everybody respects everyone else and there would be no need for weapons of any kind. Unfortunately, we don't. Take away all guns, then knives and swords would be the order of the day. We're animals! Even Glen, and I'm not having a go mate, but even you must have some strategically placed "weapon" in your home or car. Cricket/Baseball bat for example, just in case. In my 50 years on this miserable Earth, I've come to the comclusion that maybe we should all be armed. Criminals and crack pots are gonna get guns no matter what legislation is put in place. Maybe, instead of an "anti gun" mindset, a "pro gun/self defence" mindset should be adopted.
  4. T. Rex is a great call. Without those Glam pioneers, we may not be here today discussing it in any form.
  5. Darkstone


    See! That's why you get a "like". Just change your name to "nyTitties" and keep posting this sort of gear.
  6. Darkstone


    But worth posting in it.
  7. Darkstone


    I tell you what. We have our musical, Religious, Political and philosophical differences, but that is one thing we all agree on. Titties for World peace, that's what I say.
  8. This is such an impossible task, but I reckon, when it comes to Sleaze/Glam, these guys deserve a mention. Pioneers!
  9. I don't like being negative, but when it comes to this topic, I have to add, "Poison - Every Rose Has it's Thorn". Forget about "vomit inducing", this track gives me severe abdominal pain and severe mental distress followed by thoughts of suicide. What a travesty of a disgrace of an excuse for a song...* *Don't forget, when I add a dancing banana, it means I'm only joking.
  10. Actually, that would be a great name for this thread. * *You'll notice that I've included a winky smily face and a dancing banana, so I'm only joking of course. * *
  11. Darkstone


    Scarlett Johansson is Suberb! Although, she has had "breast reduction" surgery in the past and that I cannot abide. To think what could have been, it's a tragedy.
  12. Darkstone


    I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
  13. Yeah, I don't have a problem with any track mentioned, except for, "Heart - All I Wanna Do". I really love "Heart", but I've always hated it. It's basically a story about a Woman who cheats on her Husband, manipulates and seduces a stranger in order to get impregnated and then goes on to manipulate and deceive her Husband into raising a child that isn't his. Not exactly your typical romantic love ballad.
  14. I was also a fan of "Filthy, Rich and Catflap" back in the day.
  15. Good call on "Marillion". I'll also add "Hawkwind". This clip was the first time I'd heard of either of those bands. Only the Aussies and Brits will recognize this. As a wise man once said,...
  16. Darkstone


    This is the way to increase your post/like count. Forget the Song/Album game. This is a true contribution. I think you've found your niche mate.
  17. I know this is a massive call, as I love Foriegner, but I reckon the first two Lou Gramm solo albums and the Shadow King album are on par with the Foriegner discography. I said "on par", not "better than". Mr. Moonlight is awesome BTW.
  18. Looking back now, I don't know how we managed to stay in the loop. Word of mouth, magazines, that was about it. It's so much easier now. I guess that shows the passion we all have.
  19. I just voted "None", but I don't think it registered. Anyway, every single one of those bands have provided me with great memories and produced great music. Whatever these guys choose to create in the future is alright by me. They've all earned it in my book.
  20. No. I absolutely appreciate Air Supply, but no.
  21. The more I dwell on this, the more impossible it is. Sorry mate, I'm out.
  22. I have three for Sleaze/Glam. Motley Crue Gun's n' Roses Skid Row, Again, number four is hard.
  23. My three for AOR would be, Survivor Foriegner Journey, But I'm having trouble with number four.
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