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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I like California Summer Song. Reminds me a lot of Ammunition's Miss Summertime. For me some of the songs on this disc are really great, but then I thought that about Mr. Bigs latest album and not many agree there\either.
  2. Only one that really sticks out for m is Tesla. Mike Tramp released his best album in years, but I need to give this more time My daughters band, Greyview, released an EP, so I should probably include that. The End Machine was good Need to try The TReatment again but from memory it was very ACDC, so likely won't many any of my lists.
  3. This isn't meant to be bitch or provocative, but this is so weird to me. Not sure how anyone can put this disc on and not love at least some of the songs. There are some that aren't my favorites, and I'd understand if others liked those and didn't like the ones I prefer as much. But essentially it's a great rock album. Light rock, even pop rock for some songs. Fascinating to me that we are all listening here within a genre of music and an album like this draws hate. I get that some people may give it a few spins and then think, "it's ok, but not what I want to be hearing right now" or whatever. For example, I am not a big fan of the Defiants. Love D2, and all of that type of music in the past, but for whatever reason, the album doesn't do it for me and I stopped playing it after a while. But for me it's still an OK record. I wouldn't change radio stations if one of the songs came on. Anyway, carry on
  4. So my wife & I headed out to see Corabi play Motley 94 last night. Power to the Music Uncle Jack Hooligan's Holiday Misunderstood Loveshine Poison Apples Hammered 'Til Death Do Us Part Welcome to the Numb Smoke the Sky Droppin' Like Flies Driftaway 10,000 Miles Away Friends Unlike most gigs, we didn't go in not knowing what we'd be getting We were getting the 12 songs of 94 in order. I did check out some recent set lists and it appeared that they played extra songs. Although it seems Sydney only got the 12 songs so that crown mustn't have been great (Melbourne is always better ) Ablaze opened. We were having dinner before the show and googled the set times. Didn't realise that he had 3 openers which was kinda stupid. We were having dinner at 7pm and realised that we'd be watching Corabi well after midnight. I'm kinda 'too old for that shit' so we continued dinner through Ablaze (the football was on in the restaurant so I got to see the first half live) Headed a few doors down to see Sister's Doll. I kind of like them, but not a massive fan. But I thought they put on a great set of 6 songs including a new one Black Mirror which was nice. My wife thought their show was lame. She doesn't get glam rock and showmanship etc Next up were Electric Mary. To avoid 3 or 4 hours of standing up, we bailed and walked down to the beach for an hour. Electric Mary are good, but we saw them recently. The show was at the Bandroom in St.Kilda. Hadn't been there before and it's a weird venue in that there is a structural support column right in the middle of the room, so you were generally either on an angle from the side, or more directly in front missing one of the band members. We have Pop Evil there next week, so will be prepared to get a really good spot for that. We got back for Corabi. Band were really good. His son was playing drums, and as he pointed out, was also in the start of the Man On The Moon clip at the start holding a lawnmower. Played the first 6 songs straight through without much chat or interaction. I love five songs of this album, and unfortunately for me, four of them are grouped together from Hooligan's Holiday to Poison Apples. Poison Apples would be in my all time top 10 songs so it was great to see him play it live, and it sounded awesome. In fact all the songs were true to the originals. Then came Hammered, and from there to the end he stopped and told stories between the songs, like how he got in Motley, some jokes, general banter etc. At times he rambled a bit long, and I would have preferred a little less and an extra song, but for me, the second half of the album is generally pretty average so it kept me entertained between songs. Welcome To The Numb is apparently near impossible to play live. He said that he and Mick couldn't figure it out as pro tools were used along with 3 different keys. Sounded kinda average as a result. Driftaway ended the 94 songs, which I also love. Then they left and the house lights came off, so people started to leave. Then some dude appeared on stage and threw his hands in the air. To a few odd yells and claps they reappeared to play the last two songs. The last one they said was the first time ever they had played it live electronically, so that was cool. Was waiting for Love (I Don't Need It Any More) which is also in my top 10 ever songs, but they didn't do that one, even though they have been playing it generally in the Motley 94 gigs. I guess having so much music on before made it a long night, so they had to pack it in. In the end we walked out of the venue around 1am, so it was a 5 hour show all up if you got there for the openers. So while I left hearing what I expected, I guess I felt that 3 opening acts allowed Corabi to do a shorter set than I expected. I recall reading that he'd be doing all of 94 and then 8 or 9 other songs, so a little let down that it didn't turn out that way. Will post pics soon.
  5. haha, I really like both the songs you could do without. I don't see it as overproduced, but it's on the 'richer production' side. Listening for the second time now. My worry is that often songs that I instantly like get old pretty quick, and the ones that take a few listens to work into your brain are the ones that long term stick out. This album is full of songs I instantly find to be great. Even those that are fillers for me are OK>
  6. Well, I got the album. I was wrong about it, it's far better than I anticipated and I'll take away 7 or 8 songs from it to add to their best of list. Only heard it once, but it was impressive. If you're after early hard edge rocking Tesla, look away. This is mellow, more AOR then they usually are and it works. Also quite a few ballads, which for me also works with Tesla.
  7. FYI for any Aussies, Pop Evil tickets now only $40 Melb gig is April 5th, other cities will be around that date.
  8. Yeah, I'm through the first 4 episodes. Will do the rest over the next few days, then wait 12 months for season 4
  9. No I didn't go. To be honest I was kind of put off a bit because of the last time I saw TS. I saw them in Melbourne 1985. I was 16 and in awe of the energy, crowd engagement, and the way the whole crowd were drawn into the show. when Dee said "We'll be back next year Melbourne. I know other bands say that as part of their show, and they never do it. But when Twisted Fucking Sister says it, we fucking mean it, we will be back." They never came back, and I was kind of pissed about that for a long time. Still the best show I've ever seen though... Next time I saw TS, I decided to come back from Europe via the US because they were playing a show in Milwaukee 2003.. Sadly, even after 18 years the show was a let down, even more of a let down that them not coming back. The whole show was the same shtick. Pretty much EXACTLY the same. Telling everyone in the crowd to get up and then calling out someone who is sitting and turns out they were in a wheelchair. Etc. So many lines were the same after all that time, the show hadn't evolved. Energy was still great, but I was just rolling my eyes all show. I know the Dee Snider thing would have been different, but it would have been more of a Dee fest. All about him. I hate hearing Dee talk about himself. Gene is cool, because he is unashamedly self indulgent. But Dee, like Nikki, doesn't get how pompous he sounds. The Dee talking show would have been total pain, but I considered the music show, but because of the fact he'd still ramble on about how great he is, and play a bunch of songs I don't like. Plus I think it was pretty expensive for what it was. Or maybe it was because he said he'd come back, which was a lie, so my payback was not going when he did eventually come back. ;) I can be a spiteful fucker.
  10. Makes sense, in hindsight it's about as much a Dee song as Leader Of The Pack is.
  11. I disagree with all the Theatre Of Pain is shit talk. I like it. Not their best, but still good. City Boy Blues --- crappy Smokin' In The Boys Room --- great Louder Than Hell --- great Keep Your Eye On the Money --- great Home Sweet Home --- great Tonight (We Need a Lover) --- great Use It or Lose It ----- great Save Our Souls --- good Raise Your Hands to Rock --- great Fight for Your Rights --- average
  12. Happy Gilmore again because it's awesome Limitless again because it's awesome
  13. Yeah, that's him. And my opinion is primarily based (unfairly) on an interview I saw him do dealing with religion. He was overly religious and completely biased and came across as a total ass. Can't think of too many others I dislike, don't really watch too much TV these days. Sometimes last at night I'll watch the Regular Show and I don't really like CJ. Does that count? There are a range of Australia media personalities I don't like, but would be boring to mention here. Mainly morning show hosts, and news related people. In fact I seriously do not watch TV to get my news at all any more. If it doesn't get to my Facebook feed and last there a couple of days, then I don't really know about it, because I don't really spend that much time on Facebook either lol
  14. That late night talk show host who looks like the dad from Full House
  15. At least Nikki and tommy should stop accusing Kiss of copying them now... They got the press they wanted from that.
  16. Lots of poor reviews were good for me to read before I watched it as I loved the book and kind of expected the movie to be epic. The poor reviews allowed me to go in with a blank canvas. As such, I thought it was good. Agree some seemed rushed. Normally you'd expect a downward spiral for Vonce when he left the band and Skylar got ill, but that was all pretty fast. Also skipped his solo albums. In fact it was hard to tell how many years had passed at times. Smacked of a Netflix movie rather than a big budget movie like the Queen one. My 19 yo daughter loved it. My wife thought it was ok. Apparently fans love it, but the critics don't...
  17. For Geoff: Metal Church are touring Aus in August. Not my type of music. Maybe yours though. Corabi plays MC94 album + extras next week Pop Evil are the week after. Tix are cheap at $55 each
  18. My expectations were probably a bit high after the first one, so I was a little let down. Second time i watched I really enjoyed though. Kind of like The Equalizer. Looking forward to JW3 though.
  19. Not really a spoiler, I dare say he'll live through JW3 Much the same as hale of the avengers and earths population will have to come back for all the planned sequels lol Saw Triple Frontier. Nice enough movie, with a couple of nice surprises, but got frustrating watching it and the cringy at the end.
  20. Dead Pool 2 - still great Altitude - Denise Richards, Dolph Lundgren Acting - poor Plot - poor Production - poor Special Effects = poor
  21. Edit: Track 3 had a pretty cringeworthy moment where he references Kiss, Gene and Paul, and then rhymed it with piss. Still a nice song, but those lines will make it hard to enjoy. Hopefully more listens with soften the cornyness, like the chorus of Hide Your Heart the first time you heard it...
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