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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Also, I forgot to say 'please' in the title thread, that was a bit rude...
  2. Pretty much up to date on these... Crazy Lixx The Defiants Dynazty Eclipse First Signal Harem Scarem H.E.A.T. Kissin' Dynamite The Night Flight Orchestra One Desire Treat W.E.T. But these I will look into, thanks... Art Nation Brother Firetribe Care of Night Find Me State of Salazar
  3. As i just posted in another thread, I'm off to China in a few days. Going solo, so I spend my days without much conversation as where I go there isn't much English spoken. So I can go for hours at a time with earphones in (not something I get to do very often at home) So I'm after some new albums to try out. Lately I've been listening a lot to Shiraz Lane, Cats In Space, Gun, Roxanne, so any music like them would be great, but also any other hard rock with hooks and melodies would be good. Doesn't have to be that recent
  4. I can see how that might happen for a band like this. Happens to me every now and then, but after a few songs it all gets better. Kind of happened today with Jellyfish and Gynger Lynn Particularly Gynger Lynn, at the time it was amazing, but it's pretty unique type of sound. The closest they come to are Electrik as far as that sound goes for me. But I slotted back into the 'vibe' soon enough.
  5. Nope, I am taken back to when I used to listen to the music. A perfect example is Danger Danger I frothed them, still love listening to all their stuff, but newer Paul and Ted bands kind of sound very D2ish, and even though I should like them more, I struggle. But I feel that of they were released back in the day, I would have worn them out and they would be entrenched in my head like the rest of the stuff.
  6. Friday night I have Hardcore Superstar and Buckcherry Missed both bands last time they each toured as I was overseas both times, so this time I get to see them both Ironically, I fly to China Saturday morning, picked a nice little gap between this show and my wedding anniversary
  7. Are You Ready To Rock, followed by Monumentum
  8. For me it would be go to bands as I filter all the good songs into folders. If I had to choose only albums, it would likely be Bad City - Welcome To The Wasteland Cats In Space - Day Trip To Narnia Hot Action Cop - ST Gun - Swagger Roxanne - Radio Silence Motley - Dr Feelgood Dangerous Toys - Pissed VH - 5150 Shiraz Lane - Carnival Days Kiss - Unmasked Twisted Sister - Youy Can't Stop RNR
  9. Agree you're bing tough on this one. Will be interesting to see if you change your mind eventually as I've seen you done before. Of course you may not just like it, which is fine. For me the vocals always run in dasnger of being a bit samey, which means the music needs to be diverse, and from what I've heard, they are on track with this. I can see that Blood Wants Bllod getting into my brain eventually...
  10. The Dead Don't Die - pretty shit. Like a Cohen brothers film. Boring In The Shadow Of The Moon - pretty good, developed well, didn't pick the ending, worth a watch Running With The Devil - pretty shitty all round
  11. So I've listened to this a bunch of times now, and here's my review Wide Open Space Bottom Line No Worries All great songs. As usual, Sammy fit into a Led Zepplin type group, where they have some great songs but the others are pretty ordinary, generic and boring. Happy to pick up 3 really good songs though. Only other one woth a listen i Hey Hey which is the kind of reprise of the opening track, but better, but more like a musical filler thn nything else.
  12. Not bad. Ifound them to become a bit 'monotone' for a while and nearly psed on the PRTB/PFTD, but eventully picked them up and was pleasantly surpeised. look forward to the new one if and when it comes.
  13. Song didn't quote for some reason, I was referring to United
  14. Has a big "Krokus - Say Goodbye" feel to the verses guitar.
  15. Love that Rahleigh makes a return appearance
  16. Couldn't find a thread for this one, but it warrants one as I think it is my fav Thunder album. One of those that snuck througha nd I missed until recently, but a lot of great stuff on it.
  17. Thin Blue Line I think is the only song I removed from the album when I made a best of folder. And I am an Extreme fan... but that represents the shittier side of Extreme
  18. PC Bullshit. What the hell, falling off the stage is rock'n'fuckin'roll I find it hard to get in to Keifer and also Pearcy solo stuff. Their voices are so unique that they miss what was at the time. Dee Snider as well to an extent and TS are one of my fave's
  19. Guess it depends on where you're from. Obviously the Queen track has been heard by most. Tubthumping and Young Turks were massive radio hits in their time where I'm from. I'm not one for finding B sides to be better than what's on the album as a rule. Exceptions are Edge Of A Broken Heart and Europe's On Broken Wings, so the BJ song will be interesting. Always liked What's Victoria's Secret and also Mannequin Show I like cover albums that either update and modernise the songs, or change them a lot, not so that you don't recognise them, but just so they are different enough, like that Hayseed Dixie, or metal covers of ABBA songs etc Otherwise what's the point?
  20. Just listening to this for the first time now. Always late to the party.... As expected, easy to listen to, hooky, melodic. Nothing too new, but a great album.
  21. Weird song, weird vocals, boring and contrite. Hope MS doesn't see these comments #livinginfear
  22. I'm in the #3 wasn't as good camp. Probably because my expectations were so high, but also they didn't seem to find too much taht was overly impressive in all the killing. Smacked of a Kill Bill 2 vibe, with the bad guys lining up to die. Interestingly, I saw Olympus Has Fallen recently, and I swear this is basically a draft for the JW style of movie. The way he killed, head shots etc. Tonight I saw The Other Guys because it was on. Really like this film, so well done.
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