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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. You like Rap? Country & Western? Death Metal? Grunge? Hip Hop? Classical? K-Pop? J-Pop? Etc? If the answer in no to any of those, you could apply your own argument to yourself
  2. That's because it's shit. Perfect example of a song that has been taken to a place that it shouldn't have been. They're like "let's cover a pop song, and give it a metal spin, but try to keep the pop vibe" Weird
  3. Vocals are AC/DCish at times, but here's why it isn't an ACDC copy, it's really good. What AC/DC could be doing if they moved an inch from their formula. Anyway, I love it. Only listened twice and got off both times
  4. Bad Trip - was flicking around Netflix and this one popped up. Boring Sunday afternoon so we whacked it on. Pretty fucking funny. Cross between Borat and Jackass, with some really funny moments. Just go with the stupidity and you'll have fun. Godzilla Vs Kong - Pretty much what I expected, perhaps exceed my low expectations. Cross between Alien Vs Predator and Pacific Rim. Just don't think about the plot AT ALL. I mean every part of the plot is a plot hole lol
  5. I'm with Leykis here. You'd hope that those more well off contribute to those who are not, but there should not be an obligation to do so. You can't just increase taxes based on personal morals. I really don't know how the tax system works in the US, but over here, those who earn more, pay a higher percentage of tax. Taxable income Tax on this income 0 – $18,200 Nil $18,201 – $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200 $37,001 – $90,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000 $90,001 – $180,000 $20,797 plus 37c for each $1 over $90,000
  6. Great start toi the season. Swans win and Collingwood fall apart
  7. Bang was great. I got 8 keepers off that.
  8. No real comment from me. Thank christ that when the election ended, so did pretty much most US news. Australia doesn't really seem to care that much any more. We had our time (like the rest of the world) to take a ride with the Trump side show, but then the politics just got boring again. Taxes, immigration, probably health care, gun rights will be back soon. Since Perth was mentioned, it should be noted that the leader of Western Australia was just re-elected in a MASSIVE majority. This dude is obviously pretty well regarded by his people for the way he handled the covid shit. They are saying that the chances of him being able to lose power at the next election in 4 years will be pretty remote because of the massive majority he currently holds. But yeah, one thing missing from the US election was talk about the actual issues lol It was all Twitter, and "will Biden live through his term" and riots, and black lives, etc, etc I guess that's the same everywhere, but you guys really got it on steroids, and nobody seemingly cared too much about the real issues that you discuss going into an election
  9. I'm liking this one more quickly that most of their older stuff so far. Saw that Gonna Be My Girl clip today and I like the song, but I felt like I was watching Michael Bolton. Yeah, I know they are older but sometimes it's better to imagine the song sung rather than see the reality...
  10. Is this heavy metal enough to make this thread?
  11. Here is the start of my best off BJ folder. Based on this, 7800 really doesn't rate for me...
  12. Me too. I can see how some will have grown tired of it being overplayed etc, but it's one of the few songs I'd pick to demonstrate what a metal ballad is.
  13. CureTheSane


    Well, you saved me the trouble of quoting you. Shit, I couldn't be fucked arguing about this anyway. What I will argue about id that I was disrespectful. All my posts are unedited. Please quote any part of them where I disrespected you or your opinions...
  14. I did. My wife and daughter watched this with me, and I said "holy fuck, Ozzy Ostrich is in this, was wondering where he ended up. My daughter loved it, I knew she would dig it when it started because she lives movies like this. My wife I wasn't so sure about but she dug it also. That said, she love Nic Cage, but more the Captain Corelli's Mandolin or National Treasure version, rather than the Ghost Rider version.
  15. CureTheSane


    What views? All I have seen is "you're wrong" without anything to back that up. If you want to just go with you're gut feeling, then cool, good luck. And the ebola reference, while true, was just a fun jab, and you know it
  16. Willy's Wonderland. Cool quirky movie. Nic Cage battles human soul possessed animatronics. Hope he wasn't paid per spoken word in this one My only advice is watch when you are relaxed, destressed and are able to turn off your brain and roll with the movie.
  17. CureTheSane


    Dispute away. I'll start. Coronavirus vaccines can be one of four types. Vector vaccines, mRNA vaccines, protein subunit vaccines, and nucleic acid vaccines. Vector, MRNA and nucleic acid vaccines act in pretty much the same way. But in the end, they all stimulate an immune response to the antigen, the protein found on the surface of the virus The influenza vaccine is a vector vaccine. But they are all put under the same rigorous testing (in this case, rigorous worldwide extreme testing, and the side effects of each are comparable to each other and also comparable to those of the traditional flu vaccine. The Ebola vaccine is also a vector vaccine. If you're in an area full of Ebola, I would certainly suggest giving up on any vaccine phobias and take it. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/vaccines/COVID-19-viral-vector-infographic_D_FINAL-508_030621.pdf
  18. Everyone is starting to sound more like Def Lep. No real issues with that, I was one of the few that dug the last Tesla album but everyone else complained that it was Def Tesla. Pixilated album cover in the clip was a little try hard. Not sure people are holding their breath that much waiting to see it lol
  19. CureTheSane


    I really couldn't care less if people choose to get vaccinated or not. What I will say is that if you take a flu vax happily, and then say covid vax is dangerous or whatever, then you have a problem. They are basically the same types of vaccines. yes, I know corona is not the flu, but the way the vaccines are developed and tested etc is the same. If anything, corona has undergone far far more testing that usual.
  20. lol drummer sometimes looks like he's yawning when doing background vocals
  21. My 21 year old daughter let the c word slip the other night watching Below Deck. It was justified
  22. And we have a winner. Sad that I participated in the scam
  23. haha, yeeah. Did I get my wires crossed some other time and quote the wrong song? Was definitely So Savage The Heart, although he did like the Pretty Maids song as well. Another one he loved, and I mentioned this on a different music forum years ago and copped a lot of shit was Buckcherry's Lit Up. He had no idea what the lyrics were about and it wasn't like I let him bellow it at the shopping centre or whatever. Swearing is weird with kids. I never swore in front of any of them until they were adults (aside from the odd slip up) But music gets a little hall pass. Hell, free to air TV started allowing 'shit' to be said at 7pm like 10 or so years ago. Hard to define a standard for these things when it seems so acceptable. These days the c word is like shit was when I was growing up. Kids these days just throw it around. Mine don't (in front of me at least lol)
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