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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Gun? Most people started to hate them after the INXS dude changed their sytle.
  2. I reckon you could take 6 songs off rtist and easily put them on Pissed without missing a beat, just the other songs on the album that were a bit different.
  3. CureTheSane


    Yeah, I have 6 kids ranging from 19 to 25. Especially my 19 y/o and 21 y/o are feeling that they are missing out on being able to go out and have fun. I remember how I was at that age. Indestructible, party animal, mad lad, etc They don't get that freedom, and they don't stop getting older. But yeah, we have lost a lot of freedom. Biggest worry is after all this is over, the governments will feel that they have a new found ability to control us and we will submit. Feels almost like we may enter a half-communist society. We have never been all about freedom and referring to declarations etc like Americans, and maybe we should be. I guess we assumed that because we are a western society, we would enjoy the freedoms by default. But it seems its up to us to say enough is enough and make a stand at some point. Not now, but I foresee a time....
  4. CureTheSane


    We are entering lockdown #5 in 2 hours. because some fuckers from Geoff's state did the wrong thing and travelled covid all around our state. Fuck you New South Welshmen But damn, we have like 8 cases, and full lockdown for 5 days. But it's never been what they said at the start and will drag on, and then we have a couple of months of very gradual easing (no masks outdoors, extend travel limit to 10km, then no masks in the workplace, 15% capacity at sporting venues and pubs, etc, etc)
  5. CureTheSane


    See now, that's weird to me. Read my original post, I was merely mentioning what I had read in passing through the internet (the home page when logging into my web based email) But you seem to want to turn it into a who is right/wrong. I really don't give a toss how accurate or important it is, but I mentioned it as i thought this kind of stuff would start happening. You went into a state of outrage and disbelief, then became detective Glen, obviously saw what I had mentioned, then went into defence mode "let me yell you how it is" OK, but I find that a weird way to live...
  6. From what I've read, it sounds like suicide. Talk of him being estranged and then found by his ex g/f or wife
  7. Just your average run of the mill teens vs witch slasher flick. Saw part 2 tonight which was also good.
  8. So even though I posted on this thread, for some reason I never tried out this album, or the one before it. Not remembering this thread, I listened to both the albums today and found myself questioning if it was the same band. maybe there was another The Last Vegas? I'm hoping to find a few good songs as keepers, but damn, it reminds me of when Hardcore Superstar did that weird album.
  9. CureTheSane


    Um, so it wasn't 'bollocks' then. Like I said, I was just recalling what I read, and even mentioned that it was something to do with paperwork. Point is I was using this as an example of what potentially can happen. Would not surprise me if some countries only allowed people who have had a certain shot. Stupid, but we've seen a lot of stupid happening....
  10. Watched Fear Street Part 1 on Netflix. Was pretty good, looking forward to parts 2 (just released) and 3 (released soon)
  11. CureTheSane


    Yep, and for this reason, Pfizer was always first choice, because America chose it and therefore it was always going to be accepted no matter what
  12. Nope, ACDC, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Kiss, Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, GNR, etc - were hardly very inspirational in the majority of their lyrical content. Then you have others like Jani, who have stories and thoughtful and sometimes inspirational lyrics. Iron Maiden, Butch Walker, Little Caesar, Great White, Sixx AM, Five Finger Death Punch, etc Most bands have a few songs that have these traits, eg: Poison - Something To Believe In, Slaughter - Times They Change, etc but for the most part were just fun rock bands like the rest.
  13. CureTheSane


    Read this morning that the Eu looks like it isn't allowing people with AstraZeneca the same travel opportunities as those who have =had other vaccines. The cited mainly paperwork as the reason, but it is what worried me, and the main reason I waited for Pfizer. Would rather get what is considered a better vaccine and not have to worry about shit later when trying to travel etc. The blood clot stuff didn't worry me, happy with that risk, but I did my own researcha nd saw Pfizer as the better vaccine. The risk I took in waiting for it to be available to me was far greater than the blood clot risk. Anmyway, I get my first jab in 5 days, my wife has had both hers, and yet, she felt shit for a couple of days, like most people, but well worth it IMO>
  14. Also saw Tomorrow War. Wife & I both enjoyed it. Corny at time, but a fun and entertaining blend of a lot of other movie.
  15. I don't think U2 are overrated. I am not a fan of them, but i get that so many were and why. I do like Angel Of Harlem, but the rest I can take of leave. They appealed to the masses though...
  16. CureTheSane


    I'm generally with you on many points, but it's not just a flu. And it will never be remembered that way. the affect it has had on society will see it remembered (rightly or wrongly) in line with the World Wars, depression, etc Your $50 offer is lame. In Vic we have a pot for shot promo happening, where you show you got a shot and you get a pot of beer. Was on the news tonightm apparently Scomo is also a fan
  17. It's actually an amazing album but Pissed is their best Both of those albums are far superior to their first 2 though, and I dig their first 2
  18. The L.A. Maybe is the album of the year so far.
  19. This is close to the album of the year for me. It's everything I want in a record. Diverse songs, different tempos, styles and different vocal ranges at times. Hooks, melodies. I've always been a bit give or take with Myles, but he has absolutely nailed this one. If you haven't heard it, you should.
  20. Probably Humans Being other than that, Dreams, Why Can't This Be Love, the hits etc, are all amazing songs
  21. CureTheSane


    That's how you see it in your head, so anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest? OK. using your argument we would align more with New Zealand or Canada.
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