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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Yeah love that new Sunstorm, still holdin' up high for me there but then I'm not very familiar with the original version of those Bolton tracks, to be honest, so I think the rendition are pretty damn fine to these ears. For God sake, why has no-one heard the Bolton version?? Very surprising since it is such a CLASSIC song. Alot of people haven't because they associate him as being a 'Housewives Choice' singing soft ballads and forget that the guy had (and still has) one hell of a voice and actually used to rock. As witnessed here, The biggest ever case of one vocalist murdering another one. Move aside JLT Yes, but don't forget the time difference!What was this?, 25 years ago when MB sang it. I would'nt say the biggest case EVER! I like all 3 versions of this song.
  2. Scorpions- Savage Amusement Ratt- Invasion Ozzy- Ultimate Sin
  3. Those samples do sound tasty, can't wait for it!
  4. The USA has no idea what they are missing!!!
  5. Sounds like good modern rock.
  6. I think W.A.S.P. definitely has the edge in overall discography. Love both bands though. Im a huge fan of both bands but those first two or three LA Guns discs are almost flawless and Waking Dead is up there two but WASP might have 2 or 3 more great albums but have also put out more albums. I agree, but the production on L.A. Guns s/t could have been better.
  7. I really like the last cd, but like the last post I always make a compilation of my favorite tunes from a band. Can't wait for this years releases, it's gonna be hard to do but this year could beat last year!
  8. Nice stuff. Np:- BENEATH THE MASSACRE - "Incongruous" Pretty sure they're a new hi-tech AOR band? It's heavy stuff with growling. I know you guys have candy-floss ears and hate any vocalist that sounds even remotely agressive - so nothing to see here. You say that, but I'm sure I saw Geoff and Glen down the front at a Cannibal Corpse gig a few weeks ago. Aggressive singing is one thing, GROWLING is crap not singing
  9. We need a 3rd PLACE VENDOME disc. The first two were utterly awesome IMHO... I like what I've heard from Unisonic, BUT I agree 100% on a 3rd Place Vendome. Out of the first 2, I love the first one but the 2nd is real good also.
  10. You seriously like that song?! You criticise stuff like "Memories" (on the Magnificent) and "Life To Die For" (by Treat) for being too cheesy, then rate this? I can only assume it's some sort of piss-take, piss-weak vocals and a cringeworthy chorus that ends in some big gay singalong. Westlife have written better ballads. You mean Westlife and copied better ballads.........surely?! [/quote
  11. I will have to do some research. The Firehouse song is not only one of my favorite Firehouse songs, it is one of my favorites period !
  12. I have been sampling this for a day or 2, finally got to listen to it as a whole. All I can say is that(for me) this is the best of the 3. There are 3 cover songs on here that JLT made his own for sure, and then you have the others. The opening track is great(Never Give Up), Wish You Were Here, Torn In Half, The Higher You Rise, and Follow Your Heart are all awesome! Oh, and Lay Down Your Arms is nice.
  13. Van Halen- A Different Kind Of Truth Fox-2012 Sunstorm- Emotional Fire
  14. I liked the last one. I find that I listen to that one as a whole more than the others.
  15. My 6 year old love's this show. He mainly watches it with the wife, but sometimes I watch it with him ON DEMAND. I don't watch "Reality tv", or whatever you want to call those shows, but I just got hooked on INK MASTER for some reason.
  16. I think I remember mine being THIS COULD BE THE NIGHT by LOVERBOY.
  17. Yes, they sound really good. Can't wait!
  18. The insane amount of great bands and the legend that is Mats Naslund should make you even prouder...that and the fact that the hottest blonde chicks come from there. All hail Sweden Yeah we've produced some great hockey players too..., and don't forget IKEA The question is: where are the H.E.A.T's of the U.S and Canada? You have a huge musical heritage in AOR and melodic rock music, but I don't see (at least don't know of) many young bands from those countries playing in the same style and class as the likes of H.E.A.T, or why not Crazy Lixx or Crashdïet. It's strange in a way that a country with 9 million people can produce more young quality bands than the US or Canada, the same countries that once gave us so much good music... Yes, it really sucks here!
  19. It must be all those meatballs.... YES!
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