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Everything posted by chocularok

  1. Somebody must have converted recently, cause they turned in their entire Christian metal collection. Check these out: Arlen Salte - Great Big Noise Angelica - Walkin' In Faith Betrayal - The Passing Bloodgood - S/T Bloodgodd - Detonation Bloodgood - Out Of The Darkness Bride - Kinetic Faith Lanny Cordola - Electric Warrior Acoustic Saint Lanny Cordola - Of Riffs And Symphonies Creed - The Sign Of Victory Dreamer - Full Metal Racket Holy Soldier - S/T JAG - The Longest Road Joshua - Surrender Leviticus - Setting Fire To The Earth Leviticus - Knights Of Heaven Lightforce - Mystical Thieves Mortification - Relentless Neon Cross - S/T Ransom - Soul Asylum Recon - Behind Enemy Lines Red Sea - Blood Sacred Warrior - Rebellion Sacred Warrior - Master's Command Seraiah - S/T Shadow Wings - Carry On Shout/Tamplin - At The Top Of Their Lungs Whitecross - Hammer & Nail Whitecross - Unveiled Xalt - History Come Join The Heard (cool sampler released by Pakaderm w/ Guardian, XSinner, etc)
  2. Unbelieveable...& I still can't believe he hasn't come to the board & tried to explain what's been going on. Does he just not give a shit? Koogs, have you talked to him recently?
  3. Hell, I'm excited about the blurb regarding Live After Death & Maiden England finally being released on dvd...
  4. My feelings exactly...I even heard that Mike Matijevic was considered for the lead singer. How kick ass would that have been? And they chose fucking Weiland? That's some close-mindedness right there. At least if you heard the stuff you could say you hate it, like Keith. They had me excited with Sebastian Bach as well but I understood their reasons to want to grow as musicians and a band and still be relevant without having to go back to the past to rehash the G n R stuff that had been done already. They are different, yes. I will give you that. Weiland isn't the greatest singer, he's not even good. But he fits the mold for what they wanted to sound like and I think he's done a good job with the little talent he has. They weren't afraid to take a chance. THAT'S why I like Velvet Revolver. But I have heard their stuff...& I hate it. Scott Weiland is a no-talent hack. His only real talent seems to be shooting up & getting arrested. Didn't like him in STP...don't like in VR, either.
  5. My feelings exactly...I even heard that Mike Matijevic was considered for the lead singer. How kick ass would that have been? And they chose fucking Weiland?
  6. The wifey thing is understandable. As for flying...grow some nuts... LOL!!! I know, I know...it's not that I haven't flown before (my wife's family lives in Washington State). It's just that I have to take some serious meds & basically knock myself out to be able to fly.
  7. Reason is two-fold...number one, it's real close to my anniversay & my wife would have my nuts in a vice if I chose the concert over doing something special with her. Secondly, I've got a serious problem with flying. I know, I'm a pussy...
  8. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the show. I've spoken with Dan & he's going to decide what to do/who gets the tickets. I'd really like to see the show & put some faces with the names of some good friends I've made here at the board. I still owe you one Jarred for the help with the Hurricane fiasco...
  9. Add George (ironsavior) and some guy called endangeredcds (Tony) to that list, too
  10. I'm still curious why PJ hasn't posted in this thread defending his actions...he sure has pissed a lot of people off.
  11. Right back atcha, K...a great trade with a great guy. I owe you one...
  12. Jeez, that's a mountain of negative feedback. After all the troubles I had with him, though, I can't honestly say I'm surprised.
  13. For the love of God Matt....let others enjoy the spotlight. Dan, you might as well give him the tickets now. Sorry...been kinda slow at work lately, so I've been doing this to help kill time.
  14. I used to deal with PJ a lot, but finally got fed up with all the problems & excuses. Took him FOREVER to reply to emails, "lost" cd's that I won (Foxy Roxx), & received several cd's that were in poor shape. The one that sticks out the most is Jilson - Deadly Girl. I think I paid around $175 for a copy, & when it arrived the front insert looked like it had been dropped in the toilet or something...badly stained & lots of water damage. He wasn't interested in giving a partial refund either...only credit towards a future purchase. I agree with what was said earlier...he had all the potential to be one of, if not the best seller of 80's metal, but at least from my point of view he often acts like he doesn't give a shit.
  15. Oh man, I could spend a lot of time listing some of the great buys I've scored, but one that always sticks out was the time I found a CDV of Hurricane - I'm On To You for around .50...
  16. He's claiming it's me. It's something that took place many years ago....and, I sold him the original that was given to me by Steve DeLong himself. Besides....that's only part of the story about our dear Andy.....he fails to mention how he didn't pay the $2,000 he owed me for a batch of cds..and...it took over 6 months to pay for half.....AND.....he tells me in his emails to me that his 'girlfriend' turns tricks....yes...prostitutes herself to make money for him to pay off his debts. Yes.......Andy is a standup guy alright....fuckin' jackoff........ Also....Andy....I live in Houston. When you're in Oklahoma, feel free to come on down to Houston and pay me a visit. I'd love to see if you'd call me a 'twat' to my face. My money is on NOT......... You see Andy.........everyone on this board knows that I'll tell it like it is.....and....everyone on this board knows that you're a flakey dickweed that has more than just 'one' problem, so I don't really care what you have to say about me....but be prepared for a response. And remember....the fucking invitation is open down in Houston, buckwheat...........
  17. Chirst...I really like both of 'em...
  18. Oh yeah, the Kidd Wikkid just SCREAMS bootleg. I just wonder why this cunt hasn't been blasted with negative feedback by now?
  19. I'm in for sure...love the idea of being able to customize, too. And I vote for the white shirt...I always thought I looked like a giant twinkie when I wear tan...
  20. To me, Any Other Day is the best track on the album, hands down. Does anyone else hear the U2 influecne on this one? I also like Lost Highway a lot. But like Geoff said above, Whole Lot Of Leaving & We Got It Going On are fucking brutal. Pure & utter garbage. And the entire second half of the album just runs together to me...all the songs are the same tempo & nothing sticks out. It would be nice if this album tanked so they won't try this shit again, but I wouldn't count on it.
  21. The mega-high quality cd-r's my manufacturer has been using are guaranteed to last 5 times as long as a regular cd. Cool...that's nice to know Sam. Thanks for the info.
  22. Another point that I don't think anyone has brought up is the question of a CDR's durability. I know that I've had more than 1 CDR that has gotten minor scratches on it & won't play for shit. Also, I've had a couple others that have had chunks of the playing surface come off (don't have any idea how *that* happened), & of course, they are now useless. CD's have been around for what, almost 30 years now. I've never had problems with them like I've had with stuff on CDR. I know that there are "cheap" CDR's & there are higher quality ones, but you never know what kind you're getting when you buy something that's released on that format. That's a big reason why I stick with silver pressed stuff.
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