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Everything posted by chocularok

  1. I just checked my block list & low & behold there were 3 names on it, one of which I talk to all the time, so I don't think it works in the first place.
  2. Aww, man...don't tell me that is sucks. I was really looking forward to this one. Is it really THAT bad?
  3. Ordered my copies earlier this week...really looking forward to these releases. The samples are kick ass!
  4. I'd say it would be too little too late. Too many other good sellers out there who are willing to help you out when you have a question.
  5. What would be the point? It's not like he'd reply to it...
  6. Jeez, thanks guys...I hadn't even noticed.
  7. I love buying stuff from Tony...never any surprises. Here's to you, my friend
  8. This may have been covered earlier, but what do you mean by this? So Simple. For example : I'm interested in a X cd which costs $60. Then email the guy : blablabla is that the original? No response. Email again & again & again. After a few emails I got the answer. It's the "reissue". Of course there's no reissue out there just 3 bootleg versions. Email again for a few other rare cds (with a similar price) which I was afraid were bootlegs too. No response... Waste of time! That sounds exactly like my experiences with them...except I usually gave up after a couple emails.
  9. Yeah, I've bought a couple things from them with no problems. It's just if you want to ask them a question about something you're shit out of luck, which makes absolutely no sense at all. Complete fucking idiots if you ask me...
  10. I'm sure this has been covered before, but are these guys to busy smelling their own farts to answer emails?
  11. Reportedly busted selling crack to support his insane cd spending...?
  12. Any word on the "package deal" to the loyal HH members? I may be placing an order soon from another site, but want to hold off till I hear back on this.
  13. I really liked Prisoners in Paradise....hands down my favorite Europe cd. I haven't pulled out Start From The Dark in ages. I guess I need to pull that one back out again.
  14. That's a really good disc that never gets talked about. Congrats on the nice pickup
  15. Well, I've got the Hysteria Delux Edition & it sounds great...no blown levels, etc (also got the MoFi version...I should sit down & compare the 2 someday). As long as they do as good a job with Pyromania & Adrenalize as they did with Hysteria, I'll be happy. Can't wait to see what bonus tracks are on these, too. And where the hell did you get the Cars - Heartbeat City? I pre-ordered it from Deep Discount & it's on backorder. It looked like the pushed the released date back? I assume one of the guys you're talking about is Steve Hoffman. He's the man...he won't do a remaster unless he gets ahold of the master tapes.
  16. I've already got both of these. They're available through the website (or at least they used to be). And for the non-believers, the Making of Winger IV is really good. It's worth it just to see Reb's antics...the guy is a laugh riot!
  17. From the Def Leppard website...can't wait for these!: Those of you out there who keep track of photographer Ross Halfin's blog, found an interesting entry for February 22: "Spoke to Joe Elliott today about work as there are deluxe edtions of Pyromania and Adrenalize coming out and we needed to go through photos. Joe had no idea I'd shot several sessions with them as a four piece, A couple of shoots in the studio in Los Angeles - out in the desert and the Lets Get Rocked video, in the days when I used to shoot stills on videos (something I hated), plus with Vivian Campbell in Los Angeles and Australia. The record company lost all the colour when the PR threw it out by accident but I still have all the black and white. We ended up discussing the Mott The Hoople reunion and The Faces. And Joe was more interested in what DVDs I picked up in Japan and Australia than what photos I have of him..." So, what does this mean? When will these remasters be released?And what will be on them exactly?? Just like last year's "HYSTERIA" DeLuxe Edition, you can probably count on a re-release with a good amount of bonus tracks and new liner notes, but as soon as we hear the exact confirmed details, we'll let you know right away.....
  18. From LeBron's own lips: "Who cares what anyone says?" People nowadays will sling the "racist" tag against anything just to see what sticks. Fuckers...grow up & get a life.
  19. And you just knew that Spike Lee had to weigh in on this & lead a protest march because of the "racist and insensitive" cartoon. Talk about somebody who needs a good bitch slapping.
  20. Well, it would've helped if I'd remembered the damn link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29365272/?GT1=43001
  21. I'm so sick of opportunists looking for ANY excuse to play the "racist" card. I haven't done the research, but I'd bet 100 bucks that this isn't the first time the Post has used a monkey in a cartoon mocking a President. Instead of printing an apology, I wish the Post had just explained what the cartoon was trying to say, which as any educated person can tell was that the stimulus bill is so fucked up, it might as well have been written by a monkey. And if you're offended by that, then you're one of those people looking to stir up shit. Please.....
  22. Oh yeah...if they were going to try & "modernize" the songs it would suck. I wasn't a fan of Revolution, either. But I don't think that's what they're doing here.
  23. I guess I'm the only one really looking forward to this. Sure the original versions can't be touched, but Levin can do Lynch spot on. Plus, hearing these tunes with todays production...I think this will be really cool. Then again, I was one of the few guys who liked it when Testament & Exodus did the same thing with their classics.
  24. I kinda wished they had used the artwork from the original, myself You can check out Disciples Of The Watch here: http://www.myspace.com/ProstheticReissues
  25. Classic album only available on cassette (as far as I know...maybe vinyl, too) is getting reissued. And it gets better...it's the complete show! http://www.testamentlegions.com/news-v5.htm
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