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Everything posted by chocularok

  1. And by the way, his feedback rating is 89.7% & dropping like a rock. He also recently made his feedback profile private.
  2. I'll bet you got the "invalid number" message because the fuckwad isn't a registered ebay member anymore.
  3. Yep, same guy. He fucked me, too but paypal got my money back. Liar, thief, etc...just the kind of guy that ebay will welcome back with open arms as soon as he creates a new user profile.
  4. Backed...best song they ever wrote. I could listen to that song over & over again.
  5. Backed 100%. I love this band...thought there would've been a lot more fans sounding off about this reunion. Even a reunion with Ritchie Kotzen would've been killer, IMO. Kotzen is smokin' live...
  6. So are the other two released silver pressed yet? Don't have a clue, but my guess would be no.
  7. Thought I'd bump this...I've emailed the band twice now about the silver pressing of Cry In The Night cd. He (Tommy) responded to the first email & said that they'd be available in November. I emailed him twice more in December & haven't heard back...so I guess he really is a scumbag liar.
  8. Yeah, but for 7 bucks a pop new...plus 6-7 bucks shipping. I'd prefer to find them locally for 5 bucks each. And a lot of the guys selling new/used ones are telling me they have cut-out markings, which I don't want.
  9. I've been trying to find the Damn Yankees & Britny Fox cd's, but no luck so far. Wal Mart carries a lot of the extended versions cd's & for only 5 bucks a pop. If anybody notices either of these 2, please send me a PM. Thanks
  10. I'll be picking up the Damn Yankees for sure. I'd like the Britny Fox & the others as long as the songs were recorded "back in the day", & not a couple years ago. That's whats cool about the Quiet Riot & Europe cd's. All those songs were recorded back in the 80's.
  11. I've picked up a few of these, & they are suprisingly good. The Europe, Quiet Riot, & Cinderella are all live shows (or parts of live shows) that aren't repackaged versions of previous releases, which from what I've heard is the case with a lot of the other Extended Versions releases. Does anybody have any info on the Britny Fox, Mr. Big, White Lion, Slaughter, & Krokus cd's from this series? Also, another one worth picking up is the Damn Yankees...it's all the audio tracks from the Uprisinig Live video that was released on dvd a couple years ago.
  12. chocularok


    had it done last month, half paid for already. Sorry...guess I stumbled across this thread a little late.
  13. chocularok


    400 bucks to paint a hood is bullshit...I had my hood repainted 6 months ago for around 250. They're fucking you...I'd shop that around if I were you.
  14. The funniest part of all this to me is that Kip has more talent in his little pinky then everybody in Leppard put together...
  15. Might as well add Winger to the tour...Joe was talking smack about them, too...& Kip kinda called him out in his latest Metal Sludge interview: "He didn't seem to want to talk about Alice Cooper, but he opened up about a lot of other stuff, including a little smack talk about Lars Ulrich! In fact, after the interview was over, Kip actually asked C.C. Banana to turn the recorder back on so he could vent about somebody else! Apparently he had some stuff he wanted to get off his chest about the comments made this past summer by Joe Elliott of Def Leppard, calling Winger, Warrant and Poison "shite bands." Anyway, here's what Kip had to say about that: Yeah, I just want to say that I read what Joe Elliott said, slagging off bands like Poison and Winger. I've gotten used to being the punching bag, I take it all! But Poison is really good live and Bret Michaels' own response to Joe was awesome. I also love Def Leppard and I think they're a great band. But if Joe Elliott wants to meet me at an L.A. club of his choice with an acoustic guitar, leave the Pro Tools at home and I'll open up a can of whoop-ass on him!"
  16. While I really detest 99.9% of the grunge crap that came out, of the big 4 bands, I could easily see AIC being on this site. But let me add that I would probably throw up a little in my mouth if they were. I don't listen to jack as far as the newer bands...the limited exposure I've had to them has been VH1 in the morning while getting ready for work. And from that, absolutely nothing stands out...everybody sounds exactly the same to me...shitty downtuned guitars played by talentless hacks who have no business having a record contract. It just kills me that that kind of stuff gets played when something REALLY good like the new Whitesnake album is released & it gets zip as far as airplay. Now that's a crime!
  17. Personally, I don't like to eat anything unless it had parents...
  18. To look at this guy, you would think he sucks...I was literally cringing when he grabbed the mike. But when he started singing I was going "holy shit...he's really good!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVOI8byA0pY...re=channel_page
  19. I also ordered Taupier, Jungle Blue, Road Ratt, & Bad Attitude...hope they arrive by the weekend. Can't wait to check them all out!
  20. No kidding...when you look up the word "cocksucker" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of this guy.
  21. With all the people Lonnie fucked over, I'm still amazed that 1) someone hasn't hauled his ass into court over it and 2) He hasn't gotten a royal ass whuppin'...he must have one hell of a sore neck from looking over his shoulder the past couple years.
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