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Everything posted by DaHun72

  1. Have to say I'm a big RH fan but after many listens I find this to be one of their weakest releases.
  2. New non-xmas album out next week! From Loudwire.com... Trans-Siberian Orchestra have set the wheels in motion for their sixth studio album, Letters From the Labyrinth, which is now due out Nov. 13 on Universal Music. The album will extend the concept they began in 2009 with Night Castle with the bands two creative visionaries, Savatages Jon Oliva and producer Paul ONeill, spearheading everything once again. Letters From the Labyrinth boasts 14 new tracks, the fewest of any TSO release to date, but does offer an intriguing bonus track called Forget About the Blame that features Lzzy Hale of Halestorm. You can check out the full track listing for the disc below. Trans-Siberian Orchestra are most celebrated for their fusion of heavy metal and an orchestra to create a unique Christmas-time experience, but the band have branched out from the holiday theme, starting with their previous album. This time, the inspiration comes from history. A collector of historical artifacts, ONeill offered this insight, Over the years I have been able to read and hold in my hands letters from people that have inspired me and left a mark on civilization. People like Mark Twain, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Orville Wright when I actually held a letter in my hand that President Lincoln wrote, it brought me into his world in a way I could never have imagined. The theme will be topical with lessons from the past being intertwined with hopes for the future. Expanding on this facet, ONeill added, I love making music and I love making it relevant. I always believed the arts have a way of inspiring and uniting people. We try to maintain that tradition on the albums and all the other projects we do. I think that when everything else is falling apart, people look to the arts to help make sense of things and put the events they are experiencing into some kind of context. Pre-orders for Letters From the Labyrinth are currently underway at Amazon. Trans-Siberian Orchestra will be hitting the road in late November to begin a lengthy trek across the United States, performing twice a day in most cities. To see a full listing of dates, check the bands official website. Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Letters From the Labyrinth Track Listing 01. Time and Distance 02. Madness of Men 03. Prometheus 04. Mountain Labyrinth 05. King Rurik 06. Prince Igor 07. The Night Conceives 08. Forget About the Blame 09. Not Dead Yet 10. Past Tomorrow 11. Stay 12. Not the Same 13. Who I Am 14. Lullaby Night 15. Forget About the Blame (bonus track featuring Lzzy Hale Listen to Lzzy singing TSO here: http://m.billboard.com/entry/view/id/145670
  3. I love Herman but Hartmann is a much better singer imo.
  4. That's what I was gonna say! Yep everyone slagged the BJ release except for a couple of tracks. You knew what you were getting with BJ tho (leftovers with the current shite style).... I think it's fair to say that we were led down a certain path by DL given the pre-release tracks they chose. That said, they are the best tracks and why wouldn't you release them to drum up interest. Both band suck nowadays anyway. They're so confused as they carry so much career baggage.
  5. Shits and giggles. But don't waste time recording covers. Depends on what they do with the covers. At least they chose songs you don't tend to hear covered. I'm going to watch this one with interest. Way more interesting than the last 'snake album!
  6. Not a fan of this one. Sure you hear that lead in riff on let's go and you think here we go, awesome sauce but let's fact it, it's not that good a track - Grand Design are much better these days. It's a standout track on the album for obvious reasons. We should write to Serafino and tell him to put an order in for Pyro-hysterio-mania. Surely he can convince them that his label caters for the melodic rock crowd and he knows what they want!
  7. I saw this was available at jb hifi in Melbourne Ciry today. It was $20, couldn't bring myself to buy it tho given my complete lack of faith in the band.
  8. Have been on a Japanese binge of late. Don't mind these chicks, great guitarist also. A clip from a song off each of their 2 albums:
  9. Agreed on all fronts. The only C2C album worth owning is Watching In Silence thanks to Oliva's songwriting.
  10. Interested to see how The Poodles score when you get to them.
  11. ..this Living in the 70s and Horror Movie are classics. A few other tracks like Ego, You only like me coz I'm good in bed are pretty good. Hey, I even lived in Balwyn for a while. Shirl came into our grade 3 classroom as we built a frog pond and planted heaps of trees as part if his Shirl's Neighborhood TV show.
  12. Everything is 'grand design' these days. It must have toppled the long suffering 'children of the night' as the most used phrase in rock/metal?
  13. Live that mud slick keep crawlin' album. How did you rate it?
  14. It's Geoff's fault! There's only one way to fix this and that's add a myki card with every gig ticket.
  15. Come on Geoff, trams are old school like our taste in music. We sometimes turn left from the right hand lane because we have multiple lane roads. You'll learn about this once you guys start sealing your roads etc.
  16. I know it's not new, but the whole point of the original post is the dream you are sold as a youngster, and then the reality of it all. As I said, I was always taught ... Work hard, be the best you can, save and you'll get ahead and be successful. 20 years later I now know that is a crock of shit. No matter what I've done, how hard I've worked I'm still and always going to be middle / working class and a slave to the corporate world. And sometimes I feel I just wanna break out of that, but it's not possible to do so in the way you are brainwashed into believing. How else do you get kids to study, or find a job? I completely agree with what you're saying but what's the alternative for parents, teachers etc? Imagine if you knew then what you knew now? Where you be? What would you be doing?
  17. Very poppy, but then they always lead off their poppiest stuff.
  18. Well it was the last time they released an OK album with a chart topping single. So yes, I knew that pic instantly!
  19. Headliners have to be Def Lep? Maybe they are listening finally given the sound if the latest samples? Water under the bridge Andrew?
  20. I followed the DVD mastering trade crowd for a long time. They would get the best possible copies of material of shows, promo vids and then clean them up as best they could, add really nice menus etc. They would look totally legit because they were done by the fans who cared, unlike this one. Some bands actually picked up on these boots and organised to have them released. I could be wrong but I think steelheart released one : http://www.steelheart.com/music.html
  21. DaHun72

    What's up all?

    Welcome! Please no jazz posts
  22. Million are such a patchy band, never held onto any if their CDs. Millennium's Hourglass is a classic tho! How'd it rate?
  23. I ditched their CDs a while back, nice that they're still around tho.
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