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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Sometimes it is easy to understand why a band kicks their original singer out (Van Halen comes to mind) and at first it seems simple with Jack due to substance or alcohol abuse leading to serious health issues, but then you see the revolving door of singers and you start to question whether Jack's departure was really his fault. I give Jack big props as he did an interview a few years back where he shouldered a lot of the blame himself, admitting his problems and gave his support to Terry after he was dismissed. Jack for all his faults, has more class than any other member of the band. Great White and Skid Row to me are very similar bands for this sort of shit. Like we all know Seb can be a jackass, but going on how they have treated all their singers since (lets see how it goes with Erik) Seb was booted, you have to say they have a lot in common with Great White, always putting the blame on other people and never acknowledging they are jackasses too.
  2. Fantastic album as expected. Got my signed CD this morning and loving it. Have not bought many albums this year due to finances (gonna have to do some serious catching up when I start working again next year), but it's gonna be extremely tough to pick a top album of the year due to how much I love this, the new Megadeth and new Electric Callboy. (just shows how varied my tastes are ha ha)
  3. How many times have I told you to pay attention in class?
  4. I saw this story with him being a temporary replacement a few weeks ago, and said to myself "That's the last we will see of Freeman". Btw, just shows how hard this is to keep up with as you said Malloy instead of Freeman at the end of your timeline break down. I am just waiting til everyone on this board is Great White singer at some point.
  5. This is not a new album, it is their 2014 debut album that was only ever available in India and has been out of print for some time. Frontiers mentioned around the time the most recent album was released that they had finally managed to obtain the rights and would be releasing it later. https://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=8933&CDName=Back on Earth
  6. Mines bigger than yours and it came first ... see, dick jokes can still be funny .. maybe
  7. Yes. It's the new guy. 2:46 is probably his only close up, but you can see him in a lot of wide shots too
  8. This is the only song I still have by them as it was the only song I really liked.
  9. Song is ok, but nothing that made me go wow or laugh my arse off.
  10. Better than the version on Wait, but not even close to matching the Steel Dragon version on Rock Star soundtrack.
  11. He announced a re-recorded greatest hits compilation back in 2018 that was supposed to come out in 2019 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the band, but it never happened. This must be that, but it can hardly be called the 30th anniversary three years too late.
  12. Midnite City ยท *ANNOUNCEMENT* We are sorry to announce that we have parted company with our drummer Pete Newdeck. This was an amicable and mutual decision from both sides and we all still remain best of friends. We'd like to thank Pete for all his hard work, 5 incredible years together, and wish him nothing but the very best for the future! The awesome Ryan Briggs from Atlas will be playing our final 2 shows of the year with us, following which, we will recommence work on our fourth album which will be out next year, alongside the announcement of our new permanent drummer.
  13. I heard this song on the Peacemaker TV show, and first of all I thought it was Buckcherry as it had all the hallmarks of one of their ballads, and vocal style was similar. Then part way through the song a few of the lines I changed my mind to "maybe it's Tesla, as that sounds like Jeff Keith now". Of course it was neither.
  14. I love the fact they are all over the place, makes for a great album to be honest. I love the fact they have the obviously more comedic songs they are known for, but also some great "serious" tracks like Neon, Parasite and Mindreader. Hell, I even love the pop punk style of Fuckboi. My only complaint is the album runtime isn't that long.
  15. Thank god you saw that as well. I thought for a second I was having another seizure again
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