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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Yeah quite a nice album,it aint amazing,but the Nickelbackisms & country rock sound are a put off for me for overall replay value,and theyre from the UK too which sorta surprised me,didnt realise that until I ordered the disc from them
  2. Yeah "Rainy Days" was the other I believe.
  3. Very good,look forward to this one also
  4. Yeah it should have been mentioned by the seller, instead you end up paying for ultimately something you could've done yourself for nothing,i can definitely see why its irked you...i'd be the same...maybe send it back?
  5. Really like that...looking forward to this one
  6. Yeah just found/checked mine...its silver pressed
  7. Went with Detonator as its the one I would listen to more often,all are pretty good though apart from the self titled for me,loved the Infestation cd...pity they never followed that up...oh and one of my fav tunes by em isn't available for vote..."Nobody Rides For Free"
  8. Friday for me on this so so close
  9. I Honestly don't think that mine is a CD-R, I could be wrong...I bought it at the time directly from Terry from XYZ and the FYCO records label,It has a barcode and suchlike as well copyright stuff if I remember rightly,I haven't looked at it in a while,maybe someone else has it closer to hand to check, that also got it back then?
  10. Just seen these guys again on Saturday night in Belfast...enjoyed it again too Big shout out to Wayward Sons,Sam Wood is an absolute gent,took the time to talk...thanx
  11. Black Swan - Shake The World Shiraz Lane - Vibration I
  12. Like that last song,reminds of why I liked Dynazty to begin with...the word being liked as I haven't been a fan of much of theirs since Sultans Of Sin.
  13. A very good album,not mind blowing but very good,Reb is on fine form...so much energy...suppose that's what happens when you have the energy bunny that is Jeff Pilson next to you
  14. Hopefully the time since that last cd has given em that time to make another World Upside Down...I hope
  15. Don't know why and I'm not complaining but my cd arrived today well pleased,quick flick through it so far,proper full listen tomorrow at work but I can't get "Johnny Came Marching" outta my head and the throwback ballady tones of "Make It There" sound very nice...it screams 80's radio hit,but overall it sounds great to my ears...all band members seem on top form.
  16. Few months away yet then,looking forward to it though
  17. In all honesty I don't really care if someone likes or indeed dislikes a band,to each their own and if I like it then I like it for me in the same way that someone dislikes it as its not their thing ,I don't think there are really too many bands on here that we all agree on..but that's how it is and indeed how I like it...if we al agreed it would be fucking boring I love these guys,they offer something different to me from the norm that I usually listen to and are so good at it,to me they just ooze class
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