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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Not bad but just sounds like a continuation of the last few releases from these guys...missing that classic HOL sound for me unfortunately.
  2. About bloody time,I mean it was announced an age ago followed by that video preview...a year and a half!! really liked the debut so ill definitely be checking this out in May
  3. Mine arrived today from AORHeaven,a bit of a let down if im honest,only one spin in but it lacks that instant vibe of the debut,it sounds ok but I feel its maybe the songs that are letting it down for me atm...will give it a few more listens before a final decision.
  4. Hmm...is this payback for the rest of em doin the Ted Poley album will be interested to hear this though tbh.
  5. Khymera - Master Of Illusions Harem Scarem - Change The World Nasty High - Where The River Runs Steel City - Mach II
  6. Digging up this old post for one reason only...it may have been mentioned before...but...did the guy that did the artwork for this have spare pictures lying around and gave em to the Revolution Saints for Light In The Dark? just noticed the very very similar covers...could be a new thread of album artwork comparisons
  7. First spin through on this and its sounding really good,classy stuff so far and for me i'm liking it better than Harem Scarem's new one,like it too though...its early days.
  8. Its pretty good to my ears,HS doin what HS do...sometimes it seems like they are just going through the motions...but theyre motions are better than some bands best efforts
  9. Yeah they do songs like that so well,enjoying this but its their weakest release thus far for me.
  10. Yeah that's how I feel about em too.
  11. I'm liking it,not a million miles from the Dark Skies album which is fine by me,enjoyed that and enjoy this
  12. Yeah it is ,had this on preorder and release date is 6th March...mine has already been sent along with the new Khymera release
  13. Nice,these guys releases are quite enjoyable
  14. Have never been much of a fan of these guys,a song here and there but that one is definitely up there as a track that I like from them,very nice stuff...feel like im playing Out Run
  15. The Night Flight Orchestra - Aeromantic H.E.A.T - II Confess - Burn 'Em All Grand Design - V
  16. simo called this one right on the release date no fanfare at all and sounding quite good to my ears....wonder if a physical release is on the cards?
  17. Brilliant..absolutely brilliant,this is simply stunning to my ears,it arrived today along with my belated H.E.A.T II cd and the new one from Confess,have to say Confess hasn't had a spin yet but zacharyamelie had H.E.A.T at number one for a week...it lasted about an hour as mine as this is going to be hard to better for me,it just ebbs & flows pure class. Maybe my end of year may be different as H.E.A.T is definatley more my musical style and dare I say tastes...but my tastes are expanding over the years and NFO,Cats In Space & LeBrock all hold a place in my heart now as quality operators
  18. Yeah "The Warrior" is next,strange release for me as it didn't really stand out when ive spun the disc as opposed to some others,it would be right down the list but maybe others will like it more...probably will...all tastes are different,im not saying its a bad tune though...just better on the album imho
  19. I only have the disc "Live Your Life Forever" featuring John Lawton which is pretty good,is it the same band?All I know is that they're called Zar .
  20. As opposed to my H.E.A.T disc which is almost a week late dunno why it came so early,got an email from em last week to say it had been dispatched but still expected it next week...ah well
  21. Received this today in the post from the band and gave it a few spins.really nice,if you are familiar with these guys then this follows the same path as the other releases,for me thus far my favs are the double barrel team of "Shame On U" & "Walkin' The Wire" maybe not as consistent as their first few albums but Im still really enjoying this and will do for a while more because my H.E.A.T II cd is yet to arrive ffs
  22. Collateral - s/t H.E.A.T - II still hasn't arrived
  23. Don't mind that,they finally removed some of the stick from their ass and went a bit heavier for a change,but nowhere near classic Gotthard,I know im not the only one who thinks they never will,but they are what they are now and I don't mind em at all.
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