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Everything posted by Glen

  1. superb, incredibly accurate review.. words from an "almost there" true master! i only wish i took the cd cover with me to firefest this year for steve to sign it like he's done with my other newman cd covers. Aw shucks. Group hug. Thanks mate. Great to hear, Geoff !! I will make sure it is on my looooooooong list. I LOVE Newman ! Yeah, it's a must, mate. I think even Jez and I will agree on this one. Told ya it was good !! Shit i had it in my hand at Firefest as well. was only a tenner. many have to seek this one out.
  2. Way to go Logan. remember Norks are good. In every way
  3. I enjoyed the robot in T3......several times
  4. Snooker legend Steve David stands at the end of the bed studying his naked wife from every single angle. He walks slowly around the bed, crouches down with one eye shut. After a while he says 'ok love, turn over'..... and he repeats the entire process. After a few more minutes, his wife asks : 'Steve, what the fuck are you doing?!' He replies : 'Just deciding whether to take the easy pink or the tight brown!'
  5. Well there's going to be no surprises here........my fav band is Journey and here's the reason why - First off the band. Several lead singers along the way, but my fav easily is Steve Perry. A few will no doubt disagree but probably recognised as THE voice of AOR throughout the 80s. Schon - my fav guitarist. Every Journey song seems to have a bloody great solo in it.......whether it be ballads or rockers. The guy smokes live too. & the rest....well firstly Steve Smith, followed by Dean. 2 great drummers and what a voice on Dean too. Ross - a very underrated bass player. & wouldnt be complete without mentioning J Cain - a prize dick - but changed the face of Journey when he joined the band on the Escape tour. Secondly the song writing. I doubt there has ever been better song writing partnerships than Schon/Cain......Cain/Perry.....Schon/Perry. Whichever you choose. Thirdly the albums. Only band I know that has released 3 (virtually) filler free back to back albums - Infinity/Evolution/Escape. However, Frontiers, Raised on Radio and Revelation are all snapping at their awesome heels IMO. Arrival and Departure arent too shabby either....I make that 8! Live - never saw them with Perry, but ive seen the vids and heard the bootlegs I dont think they fully clicked with JSS, but with Arnel Pineda they are back and firing on all cylinders. Their London show earlier in the year was totally awesome..... On a side issue, there have obviously been some rocky times for Journey in recent years...the click tapes, Augeri out, JSS in, JSS fired.....a singer from You Tube. But you know what, at the end of the day its the music that counts and to come back and record an album like Revelation after 20 odd years is nothing short of remarkable.....its still my fav release this year...and its been a very good year! & lastly, the most important reason why I love Journey - 11 or 12 years old - whacking on that vinyl of Escape in my bros bedroom and us both being blown away. Still does that now, nearly 30 years down the line....the sign of a great great album. My fav infact. Over and out.
  6. She did win,albeit with a voting scandal rearing its head......... Quality prevailed but voting is down to the public and the majority haven`t got a clue (myself included) It's all bollocks really........... Fuck me tho, how good was Beyonce?? I have new respect for her. Man can she sing. & that rock number she did on the results show was blinding! Id buy it!!! Absolute class.
  7. Put it this way....if this song had been recorded and sung by say JSS or Harem Scarem (imagine Hess singing it!) we would all be hailing it as the best thing since sliced bread. Truth.
  8. Genius at Firefest. agreed but jss's setlist sucked at his best........... what do you mean by that??
  9. Yeah but dont expect BJ to come out with juvenile lyrics like Hinder. I wasnt so keen on Lost Highway, but HAND was pretty damned good in my book, especially if you picked up the European version, which had the excellent bonus tracks on it. I await with interest. Yeah, I should also point out that my appreciation for 'Have a Nice Day' involves that bounty of great bonus tracks. As for lyrics, I actually far prefer Hinder's over-sexed lyrics to hearing about living your life every day and life this and life that. That's because youre juvenile
  10. fantastic song from a fantastic disc. Dead Or Alive - Journey
  11. What, they played a cover number
  12. Yeah but dont expect BJ to come out with juvenile lyrics like Hinder. I wasnt so keen on Lost Highway, but HAND was pretty damned good in my book, especially if you picked up the European version, which had the excellent bonus tracks on it. I await with interest.
  13. Genius at Firefest. He was damned fine at The Gods festival aswell. Yeah and I dont really remember one f**k throughout the whole set. Nor when I saw him with Journey the other year. Nor when I saw him at The Underworld??
  14. Geoff will be more or less alone in this category, I guess ..... I actually think he'll be mad about it considering he hates the label. Can't remember ever saying that. At least not anymore than I dislike any other label. Geoff will be more or less alone in this category, I guess ..... Otherwise it's a good idea, Dan ! Last time I checked, there were actually a couple of us here with good taste is music, mate. In fact, you might find yourself alone with your dust and vintage opinions pretty soon. yep you can count me in
  15. one of the most shocking things ive heard in many a year. That would be near the bottom of a list of every album ive heard in the last 10 years.
  16. 'Rule The World' is a freakin great track. I dearly love that song. Almost perfect melody.
  17. Well, I'm just a caring kind of guy. I'd hate to see her tongue and the back of her throat get burnt. If only there were more humanitarians, like you, in the world Geoff. It'd be a much better place. Thanks for the recognition. I see (89 times in a row) you deliver yet another quality avatar. Nice work mate. I sent him that avatar. & v nice it is too
  18. Yeah slightly harsh........we all love winding the Aussies up, but its gotta be in good spirit. That aint IMO
  19. Only Time Will Tell - Asia
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