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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Nah, it doesn't. It sure helps though. I personally think those movies just look "flimsy", cheap, rushed, unstructured and messy. More like a Uni student's failed experiment rather than a "proper" movie. Ha, my exact thoughts on films like 'Scary Movie'........go figure eh???! Anyways man, sounds like Tuesday is getting you down. You a right negative bugger at mo!!!!!
  2. 3 pretty good albums there mate you mean 3 bloody well good albums right there mate (& the Hinder aint too shabby either) What songs in particular are you enjoying off Death Magnetic? All of them....even the instrumental. This album kicks my arse.
  3. The same today........ TV = crap Music = good, if you choose right. Easy choice. But we've uninteresting tv here.... Point emphasised. Yeah but Ian watches bloody 'Loose Women' so his opinion doesnt count. & its not what you think - its a bunch of ugly middle age women talking crap.
  4. The 'Scary Movie's are trash, but at least they're humerous trash with attractive women. Those British films you mention there are the cheapest and most unamusing peices of "comedy" I can find. Obviously a different kind of humour and if that's your thing, good stuff. But I prefer stuff that makes me laugh... regardless of how stupid it is. Wow, pretty much summed up Australia there. I'm obviously the sole exception, sitting here in the office at a computer like a f*cking schmuck in this "job thingy" than no one else in Australia has, 'cause they're too busy sitting in the sun. well I thought Hot Fuzz and Shaun were great movies. Hey ho to each their own. I didnt realise that a film needed attractive women to make it good.
  5. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Ah! next years Blue Square Premier league fixture, getting into practice already?. Bet this will be an exciting one ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz Bollocks....... Indeed you are mate, indeed you are!! Not so,Not so....Say that after tomorrow......... Don't worry, I'll be saying it after tomorrow. One result, win lose or draw and you will still be Shit mate, that is guaranteed. Very harsh mate Yeah harsh..... But fair
  6. 3 pretty good albums there mate you mean 3 bloody well good albums right there mate (& the Hinder aint too shabby either)
  7. I never sort them. All in boxes cos ive nowhere to put them. Seriously if you asked me to find a cd it would take about an hour...maybe more. I have the most recent 6 in the car changer and everything else on my ipod which just connects straight through my speakers.
  8. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Yeah and after The Shrimpers mighty 3-1 demolition of Luton, I bet Chelsea are quaking in their boots! Ha ha, bring it one. Afterall we have knocked a shitty team called Man U out of the cup before, dont see any reason why we can beat a decent team
  9. Hope you had a good one mate
  10. Are you trying to help prove my point on purpose??? The '24 Days and weeks Later' films are pretty cool but the rest of that list is EXACTLY why I despise British film. I can't think of worse movies than those. Then I guess the 'Saw' movies are Aussie films? Haha... I didn't realise you were one of them too. Oh well, I guess I can understand the reason for your anguish. Better luck next lifetime. PS. Nick C is the exception to the rule. One of the most handsome gentlemen I've ever seen. I guess there had to be one exception with a population like that. Okay, make it two. Goddamn that Tim (2)'s a hottie too. And I take the fact that Australians look like "dodgy looking people" as the highest compliment, coming from a Brit. "Dodgy looking Aussies": That's the exact answer i'd expect from someone who likes Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 - however many theyve made. I mean come on mate, do you expect me to take you seriously???! And anyone can come up with a picture of a load of models on a beach and claim that it represents their population! Just head to TheSun.co.uk (PS, yeah Saw V probably is an Aussie film....pants mate).
  11. Metallica - Death Magnetic Journey - Revelation Hinder - Take It To The Limit Nightranger - Man In Motion
  12. I love it - i've been spinning it all weekend. Great great album IMO.
  13. Football : Luton Out Of Dropzone? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N N B C A
  14. Eyes Of The World - Rainbow
  15. Sorry hun but rather than list everyone I thought I'd just list the oldies 'cos they have to work harder at keeping their looks. (Did I get away with that one) this time..............just
  16. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    (i cant believe you counted them) I'll be the one laughing on Sat! We'll see matey-boy...... Ha, dont hold yr breath. Just imagine your shame and embarassment when you lose to us... We've nothing to lose..... Nor have we - I couldnt give a fuck about the FA cup. 2 days to go......... Couldn't give a fuck about the F.A.Cup ??...You seem a tad worried.... where do you get that from. No worries here mate......only the fact that I might split my sides laughing at the scoreline.
  17. you must be watching the German version Sounds like the British version I saw... But then again, I probably know less British "celebrities" than Aussie ones. All I know of British celebrities are those delicious large breasted ones like Keeley Hazel, Lucy Pinder, that gorgeous blonde girl who has short hair now and Jordan... oh and that one above looks to be a good sort. Do you even have any other celebrities there? We have at least 50k more than you lot, after your only one 'famous' person got eaten by a shark or whatever fish it was that fucking bit him!! But I never said we had any celebrities from here... even I outrank the likes of Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson, Huge Ackman etc. Who? I really couldn't care less and I only bother because work is fucking me off so much today and any escape's a good one, but isn't Hugh Grant pretty much the "finest" English export there is? As I've always said - like it or not, and I hate to say it, but America really should be the only country making TV shows or movies because neither Australia or England contribute anything worthwhile. Aussie stuff ; poorly acted and often poorly made... even if shot in nice scenery the shows are usually just bad. And extras/background girls are often more attractive than stars. English stuff ; poorly acted, amazingly ugly people everywhere you look, can't speak properly and subtitles are often required, scenery is shitty miserbale and grey and the shows/movies are actually, somehow, even worse than Aussie shows. But we may as well be discussing what's better out of urine and excretion. It just doesn't matter. I'm not discussing either , I'm winding you up 'Ugly boy' Don't hate me because I'm handsome. Just think, if you'd been born outside of the UK you might have had a chance too! I happen to think that men in the UK are way cool (like the weather) - you only have to look Nick, Jez and Wotty to see that. Gee thanks. & PS Geoff - sometimes you talk real bollocks Just to remind you of some recent(ish) British films you may have enjoyed.......... Lock, Stock....Snatch.....Hot Fuzz.....Shaun Of The Dead.....24 Days Later......24 Weeks Later.....Dog Soldiers.....etc etc etc Also I believe that Quantum Of Solace, Dark Knight and The Bourne Supremacy have all been classed as British films by BAFTA for the British connections (director, producer etc).
  18. Shitty Luton Are Virtually Extinct (I like this one!) J G D A E
  19. Strangely enough - Simple Plan - Generations (after slagging it off!)
  20. Where Are YOU Now - Steelhouse Lane
  21. Whats that like? I only have 'Full Contact'
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