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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Wow, great news mate. With our expectant twins we'll have 3 too..........I know exactly what you mean about a bigger house LOL.
  2. Wow, I saw Anberlin in concert 2 years ago... Edgefest in Buffalo with 12 other bands. I had to take my daughter since she was under 16 at the time. Out of the 12 bands, I only remember a few and Anberlin was one of them. Rockin' band! Yep great band.......great new album. You should check it out.
  3. Welcome Kate I think the Bob reference was from Blackadder. So youre still probably none the wiser.
  4. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Out of interest my friend, why do you support Luton? WHY ?????????????? Because I'm from LUTON,had trials for LUTON in my youth,supported LUTON since seeing my first LUTON game v Middlesborough in 1973 aged 9,was a season-ticket holder for 28 years before the MS dictated that I couldn't get to the ground anymore,that,and moving to fuckin' Thetford. THAT'S WHY....... And we're away to Wycombe on Saturday. And tonight,the World Comedy Awards,aka Crystal Palace,are "live" on SKY....... Didn`t realise you were from Luton mate, nice to see someone supporting a team near to where they were from What position did you play Ian? How far did you get with your trial? I played either,left side of midfield or center back...My trial seemed to last forever,but in reality not long at all.Numerous training sessions,practice games and a few meaningful games.I thought I'd done well,but they obviously didn't,there is always someone better...I played at a decent standard for a while,but a broken left ankle,ruptured tendon and ligament damage basically ended my playing days although I played " parks" footie till the age of 29 then the MS took over...........Lucky bastard ain't I ???????? Yeah, how's your luck........I mean having to support Luton
  5. Kids, people, Christmas songs and now Christmas movies! Merry fucking Christmas and Bah fucking humbug!! Why don't ya just go and hole yourself up somewhere, skip Christmas and come back in the new year when it's all over, ya miserable Aussie git but for me it's all about the religious stranglehold I place on this joyous time of year.
  6. I dont get what makes this album so great for you?? Just pretty bog standard straight ahead hard rock to me. 7/10 ish ?? Thanks God Mac went to Threshold and recorded some of the best prog metal ever.
  7. Hinder - Take It To The Limit Adelitas Way - Demos Anberlin - New Surrender
  8. Hinder - Heaven Sent Short but sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
  9. Due to a bit of a f*ck up on my behalf, this is spinning again and okay, I'll give them 'That's the way I am'. Pretty killer track. Delicious solo too. Yeah, this is pretty awesome. Admitted. In actual fact the more you spin this the better it gets. Esp the second half.....and those solos. Pretty much all of those solos are killer. Esp Sinner...I love that solo.
  10. There are no balls on it to Folie. It totally sucks. DAVID COOK - S/T ANBERLIN - New Surrender (really growing on me this one) Both of those albums are very good. Haight Street remains one of my fav tracks of the year.....although why they re-recorded 'Feel Good...' is still a mystery to me, esp when the original is better??
  11. £11.14 to collect a sofa........I might take an axe to it.
  12. After 12 hours of fuckin painting over the weekend, Im pretty fuckin glad to be back at work.......................
  13. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    They basically got stuffed by the best player in the league.
  14. http://www.myspace.com/sturmis 'Breakaway' is a fair example of the album.......although all 5 tracks on the second side are better and the last 2 destroy this song. Avoid 'A Million Miles' like the plague tho - that's the hideous ballad I was referring to. Not really sure if this would be your thing - if you liked the 1st Leverage album you will probably dig this. Yeah, heard the myspace tracks and they didn't work out well for me. I'll see how I go and if I can track this down for a listen I might try it. Some of the tracks might not be your thing, but i'd be gobsmacked if you didnt adore the last 2 tracks. 2 of the best songs ive heard all year. Plus 'Sinner' continues to kick my arse. Great rocker with a killer solo.
  15. Metallica - Death Magnetic Hinder - Take It To The Limit Sturm Und Drang - Rock n Roll Children
  16. http://www.myspace.com/sturmis 'Breakaway' is a fair example of the album.......although all 5 tracks on the second side are better and the last 2 destroy this song. Avoid 'A Million Miles' like the plague tho - that's the hideous ballad I was referring to. Not really sure if this would be your thing - if you liked the 1st Leverage album you will probably dig this.
  17. Oh and for the record its better than Eclipse as well.
  18. OK, Ive been listening to this all morning whilst painting and Im going to go out on a limb and say that this is at least as good as the FIRST Leverage album (which is MUCH better than the 2nd IMO). I love this thing - the solos are just mind blowing (esp on the second half) and the choruses really hit the mark. Miles better IMO than its rivals (ie 2nd Levereage, Avantasia, Edguy, Edens Curse). I harshly included this in my list at No 15.......after just 2 listens.......I reckon top 10 for this baby, and in a year like this has been, that's pretty damned good. & I still maintain that 'Life' is absolutely fucking wicked. AOR chorus made in heaven. Cheers
  19. Joe Swash worthy winner I reckon He entertained me throughout.......esp the farting
  20. The first album was in english 2nd album's much, much better
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