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Everything posted by embrock

  1. Thanks for the tip, I like 'em! Sounds also like Bryan Adams sometimes... Never had any problems with cdbaby!
  2. Shot O' Love for me as well, what a fantastic song! And what a sensational album...I prefer Laine's version by a mile by the way.
  3. Agree 100%! Don't know what the hell should be wrong with Adams, up to Waking up the Neighbours he was great (and definately rock!) and since then...bah...some great songs killed by poppy production...and well some crap as well, but Leppard and Bon Jovi aren't any better! Richard Marx is AOR
  4. Got that release back in march. Awesome record, completely agree on the Buckcherry-comparison. The last Icon is phenomenal!
  5. Boston AC/DC (by much more than a mile! Am I the only one who thinks Aerosmith are hopelessly overrated???) Stones Bad Company
  6. Seems like this week's been the DEFINITE breakthrough for your company. Agree, that with all your heartblood you could help to get our music back in business (I really hope so)! Best of luck!!! New metal-singing starting with M? Metallica? btw: I'm plugging them again here: Shot Gun - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=83090989 What about singing this band?
  7. Great news indeed, Sam!!! Congrats and best of luck to you! Btw: Any news on some upcoming releases?
  8. so does it get me. The Pledge gets me as well. Great movie btw
  9. Hell no!!! Thanks a lot for that. Somehow this girl is wearing slightly too much
  10. I got Roxxi on cd about three and a half years ago for 10 CHF (about 12 dollars)! Found it at a local secondhand-store. Didn't know it was THAT rare:-)
  11. The Frontrunner-myspace page must have been set up by Lonnie as well then, because the reiusses are mentioned there as well: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=94194565 Good eye "Columbo" Sam!
  12. Hey Sam, just wanted to congratulate you on the Staxx and the Wild August release! Awesome stuff and what a production (for demos). I can't even tell whether they are silver-pressed or not lol. Still, one question: Would it make a big financial difference to make a 4-page booklet compared to your inlays? (just wondering, 'cause I got your Virgin Blue release and it has a 4-page booklet) I think some of us would like to hold something in their hands (no sexual content here:-))
  13. Although I never dealt with him and fortunately enough didn't pre-order anything, I'm shocked! It's unbelievable how some things turn out to be fishy AFTER something terrible has happened: 1) a freewebs-website for a serious company? Seems oh so ridiculous 2) what about the sudden change of the record company's name without ever mentioning it here? Would "Never say die" somehow left any clues behind? 3) It seemed strange to me that suddenly he got almost a new singing every week, after he seemed to have put a lot of work into the Hurricane and Frontrunner releases. I'm sorry for all you guys who have been ripped off and I really hope that you get outta this without losing (too much) money! And yes, I agree, what an unbelievable story: It has been set up pretty detailed for probably half a year now. One question remains for me: What would have happened if NOBODY would have pre-ordered a cd? And although it doesn't matter at all, I wonder whether those "reissues" actually exist. Was he going to sell cheap bootlegs or nothing at all?
  14. Koontz is awesome. The only problem I have with him is that he cranks out so many books so quickly that I can't keep up anymore!! My favorite Koontz book was "Intensity" (which was also made into a pretty killer TV mini-series a few years back) Great, another Koontz fan! He's been definately putting out truckloads of books in the past few years, and it is amazing that every single one is between very good and excellent. Btw. Have you read Odd Thomas? This one was very touching in the ending. Intensity is one of my favourites as well and somehow I even managed to see the movie. Don't know how the psycho-character-actor is called, but awesome performance.
  15. When i got time I love reading Dean Koontz. IMHO by far better than Stephen King! I especially recommend Velocity.
  16. Great bands mentioned guys! I would add The Screaming Jets. Love their first two albums and World gone Crazy and I'm really looking forward to their new one! What about Airbourne? Is their album going to be good? I only heard one track and it rocked.
  17. (1) Hear (2) You'll never see me cryin (3) Bloodrock
  18. great movie. you know the kids really play their instruments Agree! And the AC/DC-riff of the title track is great as well! I just watched Final Destination for the x-th time. It's so dumb even i can enjoy it;-)
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