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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. releases just in... Pyramid Shyanne Naked City Victory Group Bombay Bootcamp Pair-a-dice Trexel Some are not on the website yet. ALL are silver-pressed. Many many more due in very soon. Please note that 95% of the catalog is now silver-pressed or will be shortly. Cheers! Official press release coming soon including a VERY VERY cool new signing. Retrospect Records is averaging a signing rate of 3 a week at this point. ROCK ON!
  2. For a change of pace, Hardrock Haven decided to interview a label behind the resurgent '80s musical movement. So, we got a hold of Retrospect Records' president Sam McCaslin to talk about Retrospect Records' musical mission; how he landed an entire stage to showcase 32 Retrospect Records' bands at the nation's greatest rock festival, Rocklahoma; the fact that he's actually going to be playing keys on the Retrospect stage with Ron Keel and the main stage with XYZ; how they are on pace to release upwards of 100 CDs per year; and a whole lot more. Tune in now to get to know the mind behind not only a great re-issue label, but a label that is finding new '80s sounding musicians and giving them a voice as well. Retrospect Interview
  3. ...and an unreleased Alliance CD! How could I miss that? Looks like I will be broke after my next Retrospect order... Will all these gems be available already in June? hi Kim, yes most, if not all, will be available by June! thanks for the support! Sam
  4. I think those releases will be available in the beginning of June.
  5. Hello all , sorry I haven't been around , just dealing with many many things here on the home front. Between some personal issues , Rocklahoma , new signings , and all the new distribution channels that have opened up - this has become a full-time gig which I am so proud to be a part of. Siin , Staxx s/t and Harlow are all definitely still on the cards. I thank everyone whole-heartedly for supporting the label , the bands , and hopefully the Rocklahoma festival which will be a phenomenal time for all.
  6. I am very interested to see what the H.H. members opinions are on this. Cheers.
  7. Jez - I will give you 28 reasons why you should book a ticket to America in the summer.....
  8. How about a H.H. meeting in July in the middle of the country? Jim , Dave?
  9. Just finished watching the movie "300". Great stuff! Almost as good as Gladiator. Definitely essential viewing. 9 out of 10. I took my son to see Transformers on Saturday and yeh it was good. Certainly not great. I was expecting a lot more. The effects were spectacular but the plot and various storylines were uneven and forgettable. 7.5 out of 10.
  10. Is something fishy going on here? Maybe someone is being protected? And MelodicRockOz , who was the twat who did that to you? I'd love to know - might as well make that public knowledge too....
  11. VeRo means Verified Rights Ownership of which Retrospect Records, Incorporated is a member of.
  12. Wow - what a shocker!!! I don't think anyones empire is going to fall anytime soon. It's just growing and growing.
  13. ummm , is it really that big of a deal to get a cd BEFORE anyone else? NOT trying to start anything - just asking a question.
  14. The band doesn't have a website but you can go to www.retrospectrecords.com and check out the band there.
  15. Not sure what you mean in your second paragraph. #1 I front the money and #2 my customer base far surpasses many bands who just put a page up and/or put their stuff on cdbaby. I think most people would be surprised at the sales figures. There's a reason bands sign to labels. Who's bashing Staryder? I hope you're not saying me. He instigated a war by suggesting my Blind Gypsy release was a boot. He deserved the mouthful I gave him. End of story. You won't find the "real deal" of bands like Wild August , Tyger Tyger , Mariah , Lazy Susan , Defcon and tons of other Retrospect releases - many of them were never released on cd before. Does that mean you won't buy them because you are suggesting I do not pay my bands??? The mega-high quality cd-r's my manufacturer has been using are guaranteed to last 5 times as long as a regular cd.
  16. Good points from both Delbert and Blue Charvel. I'm glad we (mainly me - lol) kept this civil as I do accept , understand and realize both sides of the coin. P.S. As a label-owner it can be extremely difficult sometimes deciding whether to silver-press a release or do high quality cd-r's. I've had disappointments and surprises. It's all a learning process.
  17. Delbert , before I say this know that I mean no disrespect as I do actually understand (to a degree) what you are saying. I am glad that you are in the minority , there are thousands of people around the world who have bought Retrospect product and are happy that the products have become available on cd (silver , blue , black , polka-dot , whatever) as they would not have heard the music otherwise. Most people don't want to dick around with transferring cassettes / LP's to cd. Not to mention that quite a few of the cd's I have released have never been released before in ANY format. The many emails I receive on a weekly basis are justification enough , but besides that it's the bands I support more than anything. Just read that email from Dan McCafferty of Wild August (retrospect forum). If that isn't a heartwarming email then I don't know what is. In my opinion a true fan buys music from a label (or band) to support the "scene" , the band and the artists who created it. Example - Fortress "Hands in the Till" (who have just been signed by Retrospect) had their album on CDbaby for like $12. It may have been a crudely made cd-r but Charlie Souza did it for the many fans who were bugging him to make it available. I , for one , supported him and bought that cd-r because it's a great freaking album , then subsequently signed a contract with him. My release will be much more professionally done (like all my newer releases). The true fans of Fortress bought that cd-r because of the music and not what the format was. Makes sense doesn't it. Let's see - fork out a few bucks to the man who created the music or fuck him over and burn it / trade it? I have come to know the "habits" of quite a few self-professed "collectors" whether it be here or on Ebay and I know who the true fans are and who the obvious greed-meisters are. If you don't want cd-r's in your collection thats fine (hell the only cd-r's I have in my collection are the Retrospect ones) , I'm just glad that thousands of people around the world don't share the same views (otherwise I'd be out of business - lol). I do believe though Delbert that your true colors come out in this statement... "Let me add one more thing to the CDR issue.....to me, the CDR thing leaves a taste of being "home made" in my mouth. Something less than top quality.........that's how I visualize it." Right there you prove how the FORMAT of a release is more important than the music itself. You are not a true fan Del , sorry man , but I personally find it offensive when someone makes comments like that. I cannot take you seriously when you make those kind of comments and I'm not alone. Finally , I'd like to add that "homemade" apple pie and "homemade" ice cream pisses all over the manufactured crap in the stores....
  18. Delbert - do you burn those cdr's before sending back to CdBaby? - and be HONEST.
  19. I am considering doing some mini-LP style releases. Would you prefer them or sticking to standard cd case releases?
  20. In case you haven't heard the mighty Wild August , I suggest you go to the website to hear them - great stuff!! Here's an email I just got from Dan McCafferty (guitarist) , I'd like to share this with you as it warmed my heart and validated what Retrospect Records is all about... Sam, Speaking for myself and all the WILD AUGUST members. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! A month ago ( and I'm sorry for the delay in writing you ) I received a royalty check for WILD AUGUST . To say I was shocked and pleasantly surprised would be an UNDERSTATEMENT !! The smile on my face stretched across my living room. Sam, you are a rare breed in the music biz. Someone who, 'says what he does and does what he says'. All the members of WILD AUGUST were amazed when I told them. I've been involved with many deals in the music business. Many times people promise things and don't deliver. There are a lot of hustlers out there and I 've met/ dealt with a "few" ( be it club owners, promoters, manages etc. ) and it very refreshing to be rewarded ( even after so many years ) for the music we created. I'm glad to see you carrying the banner for this type of music. It was, and still is, great music by great musicians. I'll be looking forward to hearing your web radio idea. I think it's fantastic. I love this music !!! On a personal note. I'm sorry for the loss of your father. I know first hand having lost both my parents. My condolences to you and your family. But you will get through this Sam. Thanks again for the check. You made a lot a guys happy and proud for what they did ' way back when'. Good Luck with all the "music that's fit to ROCK !!!" Dan McCafferty Guitarist/ Songwriter WILD AUGUST !
  21. Fucking smelly piece of shit. I hope I get a gig out his way soon - I really do.
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