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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. Of course it would be appropriately VERO'd as well.
  2. Dude , that's almost funny. I will say this much. I WILL NOT pay $30 for a band shirt (sold at shows) when I can find one for $10 elsewhere. I know bands make money off their merch but $30??? PLEASE.
  3. I have been notified that someone is selling another Lorraine boot on ebay. Item # 150118358857 Well we can't have that can we? Retrospect Records and its affiliates do not tolerate booting of its artists. Ladies and Gentleman , let the mighty sword be wielded and witness the power of VERO..... (lol - this is an extremely sarcastic post - please take it as such)
  4. Ron Keel and I were throwing around the idea of getting Retrospect shirts printed up. The shirts would have the Retrospect logo on the front and as many names of the bands on the back as we could fit. Bands like Defcon , Mariah , Weapons , Sharx , Eric Steel , Ron Keel ETC ETC... Whaddya think?
  5. Shirts is definitely an option. In fact I'll do a poll on it.
  6. I dunno about that - the country thang isn't too appealing - LOL.
  7. Hey thanks for the response guys. After my dad died last month it really put a lot of things in perspective for me about what I wanted to do with the company. (And thanks to everyone who sent their regards during that difficult time - I appreciate it). Anyhoo , I'll try to answer some of your questions.... Fat_Freddy , I will sell you my copy of Ronnie Lee Keel's country cd!! Heaven_&_Hell - The Steeler back catalog no , but we will definitely see the release of TWO Keel dvd's (one Live in Japan and one with all the videos on it). Also the re-release of Keel self-titled and The Final Frontier. And another Keel unreleased album. AND the new Keel/Shortino album. Retrospect has just released a Ron Keel 2 cd set with a bunch of previously unreleased Steeler , Ron Keel and IronHorse tracks - check out the website for that release. 30 Songs!!! Upcoming releases....I will post on a new thread
  8. Ladies and gentlemen , 2 big announcements... 1) Ron Keel is now the Vice President of Retrospect Records and will be taking over promoting and marketing for R.R. After signing my 200th band yesterday , I feel I have no option but to allow a long-time pro handle that side of the biz. It's just too much for me to handle. I'll allow him to announce a full press release shortly. 2) I just inked a deal with an amazing company that will now be silver-pressing EVERY RETROSPECT RELEASE. NO MINIMUM REQUIRED. That's right - NO MINIMUM ORDER. That means I will delve back into the many already oop Retrospect re-issues and re-releasing them once again as SILVER discs. Now before you all get excited I haven't actually held one of their products in my hands yet but judging from the pics , it's exactly what I , and some of you, are looking for. Once I actually see a pressed disc from this particular company I will let you all know my opinion and proceed from there. Some great news indeed! Maybe NOW Retrospect Records will be taken seriously and recognized as a driving force in today's music industry...
  9. I think Recordjnky would be. Me and Blue Tequila are completely the opposite. I cannot stand the old cryin in the beer twangy country stuff - but I can handle more of the AOR-tinged new stuff like Rascal Flatts , Keith Urban and even some lesser knowns like Restless Heart , Blackhawk , Buffalo Club , Western Flyer.
  10. Hi Stormy - thanks for the info - I wasn't aware of all that. Apparently they are about to release a new album with a bunch of songs in English and are looking for US distribution. I know that East European bands are your specialty so you might want to check it out. I'll have their US marketing guy contact you. Sam
  11. Hey man , I know you aren't gonna believe this but I actually referred a couple of great Bulgarian bands to your label. One is called BTR and is killer Uriah Heep sounding stuff and there's another one too. Can you please PM me so we can talk about it? thanks
  12. They are reviews from a magazine in the UK called POWERPLAY. I'll see if I can hook you up with the All-Sports Band material :+)
  13. POWERPLAY ISSUE 87 Retrospect Records are still keeping busy. The following overview is just a selection of some of their Hair-Metal titles that are currently available. We'll start with Canadian mob, Jester who play stereotypical glam/hair metal that's in a similar vein to the likes of Poison or Danger Danger. Standout cuts are the likes of "Hard To Be On Top" and the bluesy swagger of "No More". Looking like the bastard offsprings of Teeze (watch for a review of that album, next issue), Sweet Pain and Lizzy Borden and sounding like early Pantera meets the NWOBHM, Axtion are an Interesting band. "Look Out For The Night" is a glorious throwback to a long lost era. Eighties hard rock/Heavy Metal is whats on offer and Axtion do it well. The killer cuts are the likes of "Road Runnin'", the pulsating "Look Out For The Night" (Ozzy meets Icon) and "Shoot For The Stars". XL New York deliver a style of music that brings to mind the likes of Herricane Alice, Bangalore Choir and Gypsy!!!!! "Ice Cold Katie" is a brash opening statement whilst "Walkin' New York" is a hard hitting song wrapped around some cool backing vocals. If hair metals your thing then "Walkin' New York" should be right up your street. Poor old Blind Gypsy would love to be Cinderella, it's as simple as that. Throw in a few Badlands pretensions, and you have the Blind Gypsy sound, down to a tee. Whilst musically it presses all the right buttons, I found that vocalist Kelly Jones' style started to grate after a few tracks. POWERPLAY ISSUE 86 Retrospect keep on rollin' at an alarming rate. With an Imminent release schedule that would put Frontiers to shame, they've also released the Sharx and The Blitz CD's. The Blitz are purveyors of prime-time Autograph style AOR. Check out the Intro to the titular "Get It On", this could belong on "Sign In Please", and before we had time to call Steve Plunketts lawyers "Angel" and "Untouchable Lady" were going for Autographs jugular. Seriously, this is a great slice of AOR, all done on an Indy budget. Originally released in 1988, "Get It On" features ten tracks of eighties AOR that we all love and adore. The likes of "We Are One" is an AOR ballad of the highest order, whilst "I Need Love" is as anthemic, as it is Infectious. This is another winner for Retrospect. Equally as good is the "On The Rock" album from, Sharx. This was originally released in 1985, as a seven track album. With a surprisingly good sound, for an Indy, Sharx deliver a blend of AOR that wouldn't be out of place on albums by the likes of Preview, 2am and All Sports Band, hell, they've even got the obligatory dodgy AOR perms and moustaches! This album will appeal to the people that bought the likes of Boulevard, AOR Basement and AOR Classics Magazines, and devoured every page for the more obscure bands. Not for them the likes of Journey or Boston, oh no, they wanted stuff like Bystander, Moscara, Freelance and 8084. If you were one of those people (I certainly was) then Sharx will be right up your street. Both releases are available from www.retrospectrecords.com Once again the packaging on these albums may be minimal, but let's not forget that Retrospect are serving the collector with cheap, hard-to-find rarities that may not otherwise see the light of day. Long may they continue.
  14. Hey John , I know you are one-dimensional but at least try to do your homework thoroughly... SG Records (Ryan's boot label) Forgotten Gems (Australian label - either ran by Ryan or King Fowley or both) Burrrn (Japanese boot label) Japan Rock Re-issues (another Japanese boot label)
  15. I did not do it silver - I figured I'd see how the first 100 does. BUT the artwork and cd art is freaking KILLER - I tried something new and man they look good. I'll let someone else post about the quality.
  16. Sam, is this the way it is with ALL his artists? Or are you just more familiar with the Ron Keel situation? I have bought numerous CDs from MetalMayhem, although not nearly the number I have purchased through vegascds and RR. Sam, any additional tracks going on the two Keel re-issues? Very likely brand new tracks from Keel as bonus tracks!! I haven't heard one artist on the Metal Mayhem roster once say they were happy with his business practices and I have talked to at least a dozen. If you want emails for the artists I'll be glad to share them to prove I am not making shit up.
  17. What? I just said that The Final Frontier and the Keel self-titled albums are now owned by Ron and Retrospect Records will be re-releasing those bad boys shortly. No boots here.
  18. Tim , just know that whenever you buy a Metal Mayhem release - the artist isn't getting paid. Amazing how that works eh? :lol:
  19. I'm really shocked that nobody knows where the Greek boots are coming from....
  20. Stop the pathetic attempt at trying to make yourself look good, you're someone who bootlegs and can't tell the truth about it. You think way too highly of yourself and you have terrible people skills, at least on this board and on Melodicrock.com. Believe me, ALL HH members are aware of this. The only thing I'm jealous of, is you can play the keyboard and I surely can't. So I'll give you that one. Dude , the pot and the kettle - read about it. MM signed a deal with Ron. "But how's this. If Ron was so smart as to put out a record with A&M using Gene Simmons and some of Genes songs. And have the ability to retain ALL rights to this LP. I have to hand it to him Great Lawyers congratulations !!!" He didn't retain the rights. He agreed to boot it with Ryan. The following 2 albums are a different story. Ron got back the rights to The Final Frontier and the Self-titled albums in 1993 - those albums will be re-issued shortly. "But now how does he go and sign this crap deal and let it go 5-6 years without getting paid?" He hasn't got the financial backing to nail Ryan to the wall. "Then sign another deal with Parris and get screwed there also?" Ron never signed a deal with Perris Records but he DID say that Tom at Perris shafted him also. I'll let Ron elaborate when he gets back from SLC.. "Did he fall off his horse and hit his head?, Too many drugs?, desperate for money?, Listen to tooo much country crap and get confused when signing contracts? I mean how does this happen?" It happens when labelowners like Ryan promise the world and do not deliver.
  21. Glockose and 80s both made excellent points - well done. Dan , as far as your comment goes , I think most people are sick to death of the 'arrogant anal retentives'.
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