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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. I'm pretty sure that is implied. People don't collect stuff otherwise. Why do I feel like I'm explaining something to my 6 year old? See , someone always has to pipe in with a fucking insult. NO it is NOT implied. You either collect cd's for value or for the music. Or must I explain it like you ARE a 6-year old???? Why does anyone collect anything? Cuz they like what they are collecting. If that's not implied then I don't know what is. I'd be better off trying to explain this to my tree in my backyard. It's not an insult, it's common sense. I know a lot of people who only care about the VALUE of something and not about what the piece actually MEANS. I guess I am the one talking to a tree.
  2. I'm pretty sure that is implied. People don't collect stuff otherwise. Why do I feel like I'm explaining something to my 6 year old? So you collect things you don't like? I sure as hell don't have any country music in my collection. The basic reason for collecting something is because you enjoy it. Actually, that's pretty much as far from the truth as you can get, but whatever...I could care less who has what. I'm only concerned with MY collection. EXACTLY my point. You just said it all Choc. THANKS!!! "I'm only concerned with MY collection." I agree. I would be pissed if I spent $200 on a knock-off......the great thing is that I have NEVER spent more than $20 on a cd so I am not concerned with originals / re-issues / boots. But that's just me.
  3. I'm pretty sure that is implied. People don't collect stuff otherwise. Why do I feel like I'm explaining something to my 6 year old? See , someone always has to pipe in with a fucking insult. NO it is NOT implied. You either collect cd's for value or for the music. Or must I explain it like you ARE a 6-year old????
  4. Dave has just make the most profound statement and has unearthed the truth behind the thoughts of the "anal collectors" We don't like bootlegs because either it cuts personal profits or it enable others to have some of the same rare CDs that you have. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IT BOILS DOWN TO and only a fool would disagree. Dave , you are the man!!! Kudos to you brother. SELFISHNESS rules the elite....and eventually all kings are de-throned. Oh man , I gotta have a beer after this - HAHA it's f'ing great!
  5. hmmm - you do it for the joy of "collecting"??? So it's not because you are a fan of the music?
  6. Well as a seller , I ALWAYS refund a buyer if he/she is not happy with a purchase (for any reason). I say: Send the cd back and you get a full refund. How much more fair can I be?
  7. Good post Glockose. I will add that if people cannot identify certain releases as boots then they really are naive. Many releases on the Rock-It / Time Warp / Hot Metal / Forgotten Steel and even Reborn Classics labels will never see the light of day on cd , so I support what they are doing. Maybe it will wake certain bands up so they will re-issue their own discs themselves or sign to a reputable company like Retrospect records for proper distribution and royalty rates. It's quite a simple equation. Think about it. I think you've already made it abundantly clear what RR is all about, as well as your thoughts about everyone and everything else. No , I don't think so Blue. That's why I have an open invitation to all you guys to discuss your thoughts and my directives. The man behind this computer is more complicated than you think. And Stormy , I do like your releases and support what you are doing too but I am going to address this statement "My grief as small indy label: By mass-booting an album it essentially robs the band or some label from the opportunity of investing time and money into proper re-issue. Especially valid for indy bands with limited market." The only way to combat this is to take counter-measures. Sign the band and make a better looking package with bonuses. The Greeks booted my band AXTION but I put a stop to it IMMEDIATELY. Fight fire with fire. Labels like NRR and Shrapnel are missing the boat by ignoring their back catalogs.
  8. Well... ya gotta be careful doing that too. Careful who you trust around here. You give them an ebay link and next thing you know the person you asked for help is out bidding you. I've seen that happen here. Unfortunately, in most cases, the more hard-core a collector is the more likely to stab you in the back he is. There are exceptions... but I wouldn't go around trusting everyone here. Man you are batting 1000 Dave!! Another great post. And absolutely 100% true. And I know EXACTLY who you are talkin about.
  9. Yeah right that's the same sort of argument that record companies have made in the past. The reality is that if the record companies had their act together and re-released the titles that the fans were demanding there would have been no reason/market for the boots....While I don't condone piracy I certainly understand fans frustration at waiting for a release that might never occur.....especially when there is an alternative even if it is a boot.. YES - finally someone who gets it.
  10. I will answer these discussion points... "I see.... so reselling to make a profit = bad, but illegally making or selling bootlegs to make a profit = good... talk about a fundamental moral disconnect." No you miss the point. If you buy cd's solely to re-sell then you will get burned - and your in the business for the WRONG reasons. Illegally making/selling boots is not cool but can be done for the RIGHT reasons. "Do you realize that with your statement above you just insulted anyone and everyone here who runs a music business or resells casually, whether that's NEH Records, AOR Heaven, or anyone else, on Ebay or otherwise, including the majority of the longtime regulars on this board?" uh no Dan - you really missed the boat on that statement. My statement was directed at re-sellers of oop titles. "Your contempt for everyone here is utterly amazing. Do you not realize just how many people you insult and alienate when you make statements like that or do you simply not give a shit?" Your contempt and lack of knowledge of the music industry amazes me Dan. If you spent 10% of your time concerning yourself with more important issues (like the ones I addressed in a previous post) instead of chastizing me , you might actually realize what is really going on with the labels you worship. Be part of the solution Dan. "See, this is the thing that just drives me bonkers: You are constantly claiming that I and others unfairly criticize and "gang up" on you, yet you come here on a regular basis and make broad sweeping insults to the community here. You act like everyone here is beneath your contempt and not worthy to bask in your august presence, and then you whine about unfair everyone is. Huh?" MY august presence? Are you kidding Dan? Every post you make is filled with a Holier Than Thou (a/k/a/ know-it-all) arrogance and yet you have absolutely no idea on what is going on!! THAT DRIVES ME BONKERS!! I have MANY friends and customers here at HH so your generalizing that "everyone" is insulted by my statements is just as juvenile as the very thing you accuse ME of!!! Like I said , I know who my friends are and more importantly , I know who my enemies are. I have proved myself and REMAIN humble in fighting for a genre that is losing battles every day. My insults are directed at the ignorant and the arrogant - if the cap fits then so be it. But Retrospect Records will be around for many years and will overshadow the true crooks of this industry one day at a time. You think I got 180 bands because I am an arrogant asshole Dan??? I will expose the frauds and soon there will be bigger and bigger artists joining my team and RR will be everywhere you look. I have a dream. I have goals. They will be met - one step at a time. You can help or you can be a hindrance. If you support Melodic Hard Rock - then you should support RR. "I've said this countless times over the years, but I keep coming back to it: Do you think that maybe if you didn't go out of your way to alienate, antagonize, ridicule, and belittle people on a regular basis, that maybe, just MAYBE, people would be more courteous to you in turn???" I treat people the way I am treated Dan. That's all that needs to be said. "Believe it or not, it goes both ways. You say that people here have to earn your respect. Right back atcha." Making the impact I have already made for our genre of music should have already earned the respect of fans , bands , and collectors alike. From Powerplay Magazine (UK): "Retrospect Records has become a force to be reckoned with in the Hard Rock / AOR genre , presenting a catalog and new release roster that would make Frontiers buckle at the knees"..... "nuff said" Your point is very moot simply because by supporting the bootleggers you pour fuel into their engine and they keep ripping off more and more. Go see the never-ending list glockose just posted. I personally know several small labels which were working on some re-issues getting the bands invloved, with liner notes, lyrics, bonuses, etc., but all had to scrape the projects out coz meanwhile the bootlegs popped out and presaturated the market. In short and to the point: legit reissues with fat booklets, bonuses and such aint coming if you support the boots, period! You have got it all wrong Stormy. Sorry.
  11. The great thing about buying Retrospect re-issues is that EVERY band gets a huge cut of EVERY sale. Unlike other supposed legit companies who haven't paid a goddamn cent to ANY of their artists since day one. Now Dan supports these other labels and YET AGAIN HAS NOT done his homework on how these labels treat their artists. Dan , have you ever taken 2 minutes out of your time to talk to guys like Ron Keel , Paul Shortino , Terry Ilous , Jeff Northrup , Mark Gendel , Tony Harnell , Skin and Bones , Snakeryder , Madam X , Jorn Lande and a HOST OF OTHERS who haven't seen a penny from the labels you worship????? NO YOU HAVE NOT. But I have. While you are here at HH I am in the field talking every day with these guys and getting THEIR take on the music industry. IT IS EYE-OPENING to say the least. So while you have no problem ripping me to shreds , you should be focusing on demonizing these CROOK label-owners who rip off bands left and right and DO NOT PAY THEM. And you seriously wonder why I get so annoyed? Please. Learn the industry Dan , find out what's REALLY going on and find some humility. You would be shocked by what you hear. There's a reason I do business the way I do and if you'd like to speak to me via phone call to understand where I am coming from then I WELCOME THAT. This goes for all. Dan , ZacharyAmelie , Glockose , Choc , Koogles , Blue Charvel and any others who are interested in knowing what RR is all about. OPEN INVITATION.
  12. That's EXACTLY the point and that was my feeling after buying supposed Originals from a seller which EBAY Feedbacks I trusted at that time-but as we all know situation has changed in the meantime and you can't trust most descriptions today-probably because many sellers can't even differ the Boots from the Originals or even want to get rid of them again. What makes me ANGRY is that I pay taxes for my business,that I spend a lot of time for my customship to get them Originals at affordable prices and some Individuals earn big money with producing and selling fakes or not licensed copies (also claiming that they paid these Bands which is as well doubtful in many cases) I understand that the music is the important thing-for some people it may be enough not to have the Original at higher price-that's okay.Would they also buy a Fake Rolex or Steiff-I fear not-they could probably be the fools of their wives or girlfriends!!! Sorry-but I will never excuse for carrying (Original) Quality with DSB! AND I'm sure there are some who still feel insulted about the convincing Boot FACTS - but I don't bother too much their reactions- like Dan said about Sam's concerns- sometimes replys are the hidden truth. If you cared more about collecting and enjoying music instead of re-selling and trying to make a profit then I would be more sympathetic. Sam-for sure do I collect and enjoy music-my taste is not only AOR,but also 80's Hard Rock and Metal. There are many people here who know my collection - without it I would not have been able to tell you how my Original CD of CAUZE looked like-totally contrary to your "Promo issue"! What I love is how people think they know stuff and yet are completely clueless about it (that goes for many peeps here at HH). The Cauze pressed 2 versions of their cd in 1987. One was for fans and one was for record companies. FACT. Do your fucking homework and stop pointing fingers. See Dan , because people at this board do NOT do their homework and people like me have been in this business for TWENTY YEARS PLUS , there are mistakes made. And you wonder why I get so annoyed???? Puh-lease.
  13. This guy gets all his shit from DavesMetal - and Dave buys directly from Greece. I have been to his house - I know all about it. Oh...and that's a FACT.
  14. That's EXACTLY the point and that was my feeling after buying supposed Originals from a seller which EBAY Feedbacks I trusted at that time-but as we all know situation has changed in the meantime and you can't trust most descriptions today-probably because many sellers can't even differ the Boots from the Originals or even want to get rid of them again. What makes me ANGRY is that I pay taxes for my business,that I spend a lot of time for my customship to get them Originals at affordable prices and some Individuals earn big money with producing and selling fakes or not licensed copies (also claiming that they paid these Bands which is as well doubtful in many cases) I understand that the music is the important thing-for some people it may be enough not to have the Original at higher price-that's okay.Would they also buy a Fake Rolex or Steiff-I fear not-they could probably be the fools of their wives or girlfriends!!! Sorry-but I will never excuse for carrying (Original) Quality with DSB! AND I'm sure there are some who still feel insulted about the convincing Boot FACTS - but I don't bother too much their reactions- like Dan said about Sam's concerns- sometimes replys are the hidden truth. If you cared more about collecting and enjoying music instead of re-selling and trying to make a profit then I would be more sympathetic.
  15. I have been in the music business for 20+ years - you get to know a lot of people :+) Not sure about CB , working on it.
  16. With the exception of Lonnie within the past few months, you can also claim that NOBODY at this forum has created more controversy and raised the blood pressure of others quite as much as you have. Yep , it feels pretty good too. Especially the anal collectors who think they are king shit (and you know who you are - there are many at this forum who know who you are). How does it feel to be de-throned? A TOTALLY unnecessary statement. I disagree. I only insult the insulters. 'Nuff said.
  17. Real Deals Dieter? With over 66000 successful transactions - THOSE are the real deals. There is NOBODY at this forum with as many. There was nothing fake about those cd's , just the guy who bought them. 'nuff said.
  18. end of story. New Birth was never before released on cd until I released it.
  19. I was referring to the Japanese and American versions of that cd. But I don't expect a moron like you to understand that since you have always been clueless about the music scene.
  20. Well, since I only collect the real thing, I wouldn't be buying your stuff anyway... ....and good luck finding the "real thing" of bands like Mariah , Defcon , XL New York , Mass , and tons of others that were never before released on cd......oh but you somehow got some of those didn't you Choc? More lies...you sold that many over a span of a couple months last summer. Dude - you are 100% full of shit. Get your facts right. Man , this gets really old - but it really is expected from you Choc (one of the detractors / unbelievers I always mention)...... First off, the 2 Retrospect cd's I do own I got through a trade, as you should know since you & a certain someone seem to still be buddies. And there are at least 2 people on this board who remember you selling the Hurricane cd's on a weekly basis, but we're both full of shit...please. This whole thing started because a Hurricane cd I just bought that IS A BOOT came from you...end of story. I just received some more info...apparently the REAL domestic pressings of "Take What You Want" have this number on the inner ring: DIDY-003098 Choc - the 2 people are unreliable sources. And that Hurricane cd didn't come from me - I have NEVER sold a greek boot of that cd - EVER. Got it? End of story.
  21. Well, since I only collect the real thing, I wouldn't be buying your stuff anyway... ....and good luck finding the "real thing" of bands like Mariah , Defcon , XL New York , Mass , and tons of others that were never before released on cd......oh but you somehow got some of those didn't you Choc? More lies...you sold that many over a span of a couple months last summer. Dude - you are 100% full of shit. Get your facts right. Man , this gets really old - but it really is expected from you Choc (one of the envious detractors / unbelievers I always mention)...... And yeh I knew I had found a fucking gold mine when raiding certain pawn shops in certain cities.... The greatest thrill I get is knowing that a select few of you hate everything I stand for and have tried to bring me down over and over and over. And it's all in vain isn't it? The fact that I have the power that I do just grates your nerves doesn't it? I fucking love that. To my loyal buyers - YOU I respect and you know what I'm about. You are my friends.
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