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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. It's collectors (who are like myself) who keep me in business , so that's just fine with me. And Stormy , I'll take a "Xeroxed" copy of something for $5 over buying such an irrelevant "thing" for $500....ANY day of the week. There are more important things to spend my $$$ on. Let's see...a Mona Lisa replica for $10,000 or the real thing for 10 million.....ummm no contest there. Hence why Friction and Rock Boulevard did so well. Who the hell wants to spend $800-$1000 on a single disc?? (+ahem+ Staryder +ahem+) I made them available at a very reasonable fraction of the cost. I happen to know of at least three people who frequent this forum who would sell their own mother just to have a cd nobody else has. WTF? DUDE - IT'S A COMPACT DISC!!!!
  2. Man , that's a loaded question. And I must be careful on answering it since I would open a massive can of worms that has been opened quite a few times already. I will say this without trying to offend anyone. There are definitely people out there who care more about cd value than the music. That's the truth.
  3. nuthin to do with me. I have dealt with Damien obviously and he has bought stuff from me but I didn't even see what he had up for sale.
  4. Where are you seeing this guy? The links you provided are not working.
  5. this one is definitely being silver'd. I'll let you know when you can order. thanks Sam
  6. Y'know there's still some unreleased bonafide gems from the 80s and I have been pursuing these guys for a year. The master was finally delivered today and holy smokes - this could be one of the top releases of 2007. I have been very fortunate to release some amazing bands on the label (Defcon , Mariah , Staxx , Stranger , XL New York , Weapons etc...) and this band just solidifies why I am doing this.... Ladies and Gentlemen for the first time EVER meet the phucking phenomenal band - ISOM CLICK TO LISTEN Hearts On Fire Summertime
  7. After talking at length with John Lorraine and Pat Baker we have decided to allow ebay sellers to sell their copies of the Lorraine "Boys Nite Out" boot. As long as someone doesn't have multiple copies of the cd then we are ok with it. So AORZONE and BurtSurff and anyone else who owns ONE copy of this cd. You are welcome to sell it. We decided that the publicity and the hype surrounding the ending bid prices for the boot is worth the free advertisement for the re-release. It's good business and another argument FOR the positive aspects of bootlegs.
  8. Dan , if you could move David's post to HIS side of the forum I would appreciate that. The bottom line is Ron was sick of waiting for David to re-issue their material. Maybe what David is saying is true - maybe it isn't (I have my thoughts) but when you sign a band in DECEMBER OF 2005 and here it is May of 2007 and still no product has been released then the band is not going to be very happy. I was happy to pick up the dropped ball and run with it.
  9. With Ron Keel on board we have been on FIRE this week signing some awesome talent. Firstly we have OHIO-based AORsters The Affair. This is Toto meets Dare meets Dreamstreet inspired Melodic Rock that will appease the AOR fans need for killer 80s Rock. The Affair released an album back in 1996 and this will be re-issued with FIVE unbelievable bonus tracks from 1984. You're gonna love this release! and finally , this will cause some controversy , the signing of Detroit's very own HEAVEN'S WISH. You read it right , HEAVEN'S WISH is now going to be released by Retrospect Records. (and yes...it will be silver-pressed....) Since I am not allowed to talk about the circumstances surrounding this issue on THIS public forum , I'll let you decide what happened.... I am very excited to work with Heaven's Wish and they were also excited to work with a label that already has 6 other Detroit bands on the label. That's all I can say at this point. ROCK ON!!
  10. BEWARE - Fierce Heart is being sold by a German seller that I'm sure is worshipped by many. It will be VERO'd shortly. Retrospect has not yet released this product on cd and it has never been officially released on cd previously. Therefore it must go.
  11. They aren't silver. The company advertises the cd's as being silver-pressed clones. Well they aren't any better than the company I am doing biz with now. Now personally , I like the way my newer releases have been looking and they will get better and better but the search will still be on for a company that can do REAL silver-pressed clones at a reasonable cost. Bummer.
  12. Got the "silver" discs in today. Ain't happy. Damn shame.
  13. The results are in: No good. Really disappointing.
  14. MotherFucker owes me a serious amount of fucking cash / cd's. Look , I am going to put this piece of shit away. WHY hasn't anyone else gone after his ass yet? Have you reported him to the Blytheville P.D. yet?
  15. Thanks - y'know it's time a couple of musicians ran a label for musicians and like I have always said , Retrospect Records will make a dent in this industry one day at a time - it's happening and it's all because of the fans of this genre and the musicians who still care about it. For those who have slagged me from day one....you don't know me....GET TO KNOW ME like others on this board have and you'll find out just how sincere and motivated I am about 'our' music. I have always offered an open invitation to guys like Tony , Dave (zachary) , Dan , TBone , Blue Charvel and others at this forum to speak with me for just a few minutes via phone. That offer is always open.
  16. Well , I made my first order for the silver-pressing of the band Mr Dangerous. If all goes well and the cd's are indeed silver then Mr Keel and I will be working our asses off to re-release the ENTIRE catalog of Retrospect releases as silver discs. They should be in on Monday so I'll give a report ASAP. FYI , this will be unbelievable if this deal goes through - this means I can order ANY amount of discs as silver-pressings. 10 or 10,000. This will change everything and , IMO , you'll see R.R. EVERYWHERE. You have seen the release schedule - I just signed another 5 bands this week including Glam act LIXX , German Metallers TX Barryt , Hawk (featuring Scott Travis on drums) and quite possibly the biggest Metal act yet for R.R. They start with the letter M and I will not post release info until signed contracts are in my hands. Things have gone extremely well since Ron jumped on board. I will not stop until I have swiped all the U.S. bands from the European labels. I am a very determined individual and Ron Keel adds fuel to this fire. ROCK ON P.S. I really want to give a shout out to Stormspell for taking risks and releasing some great obscure metal acts. We may not agree on everything but I respect you immensely. P.S.S. To everyone who has their own internet radio stations - Ron is creating an hour long Retrospect special in which he will host and do an interview with a different band weekly. I hope that you will contact R.R. and play this radio show on your station. Thanks.
  17. #1 you can't get in on the fun because you do not own a corporate label . #2 if the artists you are talking about had a problem with my auctions then I have already had conversations with them about signing with R.R.
  18. I don't understand how you guys are so anti-Rascal Flatts. Their songs are freakin killer and more importantly , the voice. Geez , I am a singer and wish I could sing half as good as that guy. Listen to their newest album - it's got hook written all over it.
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