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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. Pedal Point is not playing Rocklahoma this year. Sorry. There is a stage that is for "buy-on" bands. But as you can see , we have a killer line-up thus far.... c'mon ICON!!! I worked my ass off getting those guys to re-unite after 20 years!! WOOHOO!
  2. Just an FYI. The band knows nothing of the Krescendo release and the band is now doing a silver pressing of their own album with 4 bonus tracks. I also have them appearing at Rocklahoma!!
  3. Yeh , I think you'll find most Retrospect releases of better quality now. Try Defcon , Vyper and Valor for starters.
  4. Thanks!! Big Rocklahoma announcement tomorrow. Wildstreet will be set for release in about 10 days. Very excited about this one! ROCK ON!
  5. I offered them a distribution deal last year as well as a spot at Rocklahoma - honestly folks , we would do a much better job getting their stuff to you.
  6. I DO NOT make the cd's. And they are sold in Japan. I can tell you this for a 100% FACT.
  7. Steve - I wish you all the best my friend but Koch is an absolute nightmare and a complete waste of time and money. ManicEgo knows what he is talking about. Any deals where you have to WAIT to get paid is a BAD one. Just some advice Steve.
  8. Just a quick update. All main stage and sidestage bands have been chosen and will be announced very soon. If you have the money YOU NEED to attend this years Rocklahoma. I am telling you guys that you're going to want to see this AMAZING line-up that will probably never be matched in the U.S. again. The 12 nationals I have for the sidestages alone will be worth every penny and includes a handful of acts we all thought would never see the light of day again - EVER. No , I'm not talking about Retrospect bands - I am talking about major label acts from the 80s!! Add to these sidestage bands a killer line-up for the main stage and you will be blown away at the variety and talent we've selected this year. If you only have the money to attend one festival this year - Rocklahoma should be the top of the list. You will find out why in a few days. I am totally excited about this year and hope you will be too! P.S. no disrespect to RGW , DRF or STRF intended....
  9. Well , it appears I may actually be playing with one of the headliners....
  10. There DOES seem to be a possibility I will be at DRF!!
  11. Yes Ron is still a very good friend and we talked about the new Keel album. However , I wasn't able to fund it and was very happy to hear Bill Chavis had made a great offer to Ron & Co. for a new album. There's few people in this business I respect more than Bill. He's a great guy and will do Keel right. Congrats!
  12. yes Alias are back together and we are consdiering them but we have to choose between them and Nelson. I have a feeling Nelson are a bigger band and would draw better. Maybe I can find a spot for Alias somewhere else? Danger Danger - they are definitely on the cards!!
  13. thanks for your help...any comments would be appreciated.
  14. Kix is also confirmed. I need some help with something guys - please go to the POLLS thread and help...
  15. I certainly would like to be. Crash Alley would be a good reunion for Dakota Fest.
  16. Hey guys , just wanna say how cool Rocklahoma is going to be this year. I was totally honored when the owners asked me to be a big part of both sidestages and took to heart my suggestions for the main stage line-up. All I can say is WOW - this going to be a really really great line-up. I'm so excited to tell everyone about it but I have to keep my mouth shut for a while until Rocklahoma can officially announce the line-up. From complete AOR heaven to Melodic Power Metal bliss I think many will be surprised at the quality acts we are adding. Not to mention at least TWO amazing reunions that we've all waited 20 years for and maybe a band or two from Germany that haven't played the U.S. in YEARS!! My point of this post is to ask who is considering going at this point? I hope to see Jacob again and entice more HH members to come join us for this years festivities. JLPRocks , MButt , Mike Whiplash , DAN , hell everybody!! Question: Would you consider going if I could offer a special discount for HH members?
  17. hmmm , I wonder if they'll be doing a major festival in the summer here in the U.S.?
  18. I'm working with the singer right now to go higher in his register so he can get more of a Joe Elliott thing going on. These guys have a LOT of potential , I just need to produce them a little. I find myself going back to their songs practically every day....
  19. Thought I'd add their pic... These guys have a little to work on , but I'm helping them big-time... Ladies and Gentlemen , The NEW Def Leppard has arrived....
  20. very good!!!! Wildstreet are THE band of the future! I LOVE those guys! Press Release coming soon.
  21. Geoff , you've never seen Dirty Penny Live. I have. They can't pull it off. I LIKE the band but they are a studio band with an average guitar player and a pitchy vocalist. For the record , I can name at least 30 Retrospect bands that destroy D.P. in a LIVE setting. Heaven's Wish for starters...those guys are phucking phenomenal LIVE. Like I said , I respect DP and that album but it's pretty sad that it ends there. On a more positive note , I just signed a band that is the second coming of Def Leppard and LOOK like Dirty Penny. I can't freaking wait to unleash this band to the public - I'm telling you, these guys are Def Leppard all over again (circa Pyro / Hysteria) and I think these kids are gonna have a hell of a future....
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