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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. it was for a certain amount of cd's sold yes. You don't sell 5000+ cd's (approx. $35000 worth) and not pay the artist - that's just freaking wrong. I hope we can ALL agree on that. Should I add other bands to the mix that have been ripped off by MM? Cuz I have plenty... But they don't matter right? It's no big deal right? Because it's me who's bringing this up it doesn't mean squat right? Because it's a God we are talking about that people just can't believe it , right? I hope when Ron Keel himself posts here that it will be an eye-opener for you guys. I'm not a saint (and never claimed as such) but as of right now there are 180 bands signed to R.R. - they are all over myspace. If I am the shitty businessman , the lunatic , the asshole , the fucknut that some of you think I am - why is there NO bad press on R.R.?? Did you ever stop to think about that?
  2. of course you are - that's been apparent since day one. Many other HH members are aware of it too. Just admit it and move on. Not trying to start anything here, just honestly curious. Why does the fact that Ron was never paid make the Metal Mayhem release a boot? If he sanctioned the release, it's an "official" release, isn't it? The fact that he never got paid seems like a totally seperate issue. It becomes a boot if Ryan keeps pressing it without Ron's approval. And he has.
  3. When will you get yours? When you are rotting in hell my misguided envious northerner.
  4. No , the Perris one is the same as the Metal Mayhem version. Ryan has a wake-up call coming very soon.
  5. Glockose can you possibly find any other seller to retrieve your little list from? I think not. There are hundreds of sellers out there selling boots but you take your list from one. Get a life dude , and thanks for the advertisement. Now , next... Keel has not received ONE royalty check from Metal Mayhem for ANY of his releases and I have coaxed him into posting about this here at HH very soon. The Right To Rock WAS initally sanctioned by Ron but since he has not received a dime from Ryan since 2000 - IT IS A BOOT. It is a FACT that Ryan has sold 5000+ units of The Right To Rock. Who got fucked here? OH SHOCK - THE HORROR?!?!?! Ryan booting cd's???? PLEASE PEOPLE , this guy has been booting cd's since 1996 and not one of you has said SQUAT about him. Or maybe you didn't know how the Lorraine cd got booted so that the 'anal collectors' could line his pockets for $600+ per disc?? Unbelievable. The guy you have worshipped is a common thief. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
  6. CD - Lorraine 'Boys Nite Out' CD - Axtion 'Look out for the Night / Live' (only OFFICIAL release is the Retrospect version) CD - ANYTHING by the band Heaven is a boot. CD - Keel "The Right to Rock" released by Metal Mayhem is a boot.
  7. "I think the more important question is, for how much do they end... I honeslty think BIN of $11.99 would be much more affordable for many people than trying to win 99 cent auction." They can end at $3 or end for $100. Doesn't really matter. Ebay is the best marketing tool in the world. "I agree with that and you get my kudos for having them at your site for fixed price. But why not make eBay store and have same CDs for the same prices on eBay too? " I probably will eventually. For now the prospect of a buyer being able to purchase a cd for under $10 brings in good business. If it ain't broke - why fix it? "Actually I'm hoping to avoid that. I hope to keep the passion and the fun of hunting down old bands and making good releases. If I delvelop the label with the business side being my main focus, I fear the passion will be gone and I'll not have the same interest and artistic freedom I enjoy now. As long as the label is self-efficient and can return the investment so I dont have to reach to my pocket for every new release, I'll be a happy camper." I have 180 bands and my passion for what I am doing is stronger than ever. Business is business - I am not doing this to LOSE money. "You see, I understand what you mean, and to certain extend I do admire you for the hard work you have been putting up, especially with keeping up with the extensive eBay sales you have week in and week out. Its a very hard job and I dont know how you manage to keep up with it (unless you have a hefty crew working for you). But then again, if we look at the band royalties, you see, paying $10 per sold CD of 100 units actually equals to paying $1 per 1000 CDs pressed. So in my eyes it is not so much. Besides, I care for the clients too, and want to keep the golden medium so the band gets some money, but the client does not have to pay arm and leg for their CD too. That's my simple filosophy. I pay a small fraction of what you say you pay to your bands, but I pay mine all in advance so the band does not fear I'll rip them off later, and I also cover all expenses on the release (pay for artwork, remastering, layout and design, etc.) - those expenses put together actually cost quite a lot sometimes, and many other small labels require the bands to take care of them. So to me its no really different if someone will pay $4000 to their band, and make them pay $3000 back for new artwork, mastering, design, etc. or if I pay my band only $1000, but fork the $3000 for the expenses out of my own pocket. P.S. almost forgot: I also give my bands 50 or more free retail-ready CDs for their personal use. Can you afford doing this at 100 units run?" The band gets however many they want. Stormy , I hope you are not suggesting that you pay a band $1 per cd made. Because that would REALLY disappoint me. Whats important to note is that I may do an initial run of 100 cd's but there's always room for pressing more. I just hope to God that you aren't giving a band $1 per cd - that's , well , unacceptable. Tell me I'm wrong.
  8. Well.... I'm not here to make everyone happy. I've met alot of great people here... they know my "true colors", not someone I've never had any dealings with. And to think I actually felt sorry for you when you were ripped on the Hurricane releases... Actually I still hope you get whatever you are owed. My only points here are that as a buyer you should be careful of what you purchase knowing the nature of this hobby. And... Many are happy just to be able to listen to a particular release on CD... if they pay $120 on a CD and it is not an original ... they were not ripped off if they like the music... In many cases that is why they bought the CD in the first place, You two definitely deserve each other, that's for damn sure. Enjoy the drinks paid for by all the poor suckers you ripped off. You guys must be Republicans No , I just like bush.
  9. Oh man , Dave you tore it up tonight - I wish we were playing Springfield tomorrow night - brother I'd buy you a few rounds. One of the most entertaining nights I've had in weeks. And I'm holed up in snowy Ohio - LOL. KUDOS.
  10. My point exactly...you can't. You have to rely on the seller. That's been the whole point of this entire thread. So big whoop , if it's a good seller he'll refund your money and it's all done. 90% of people who buy a cd like that could care less where it came from. That's what bootleggers bank on, those who notice just refund their money, those who don't and have paid top dollar for a boot then that's their tough luck they just got ripped off. If they don't get an original and don't complain then they didn't get ripped off... they bought the CD for THE MUSIC. Amazing how that works. So I can sell a fake Picasso painting to you mom for a million bucks. If she doesn't complain then tough shit and I get the money. Ahhhhh - you are learning mi amigo. If someone is dumb enuff not to authenticate a piece of art like that before shelling out a million bucks then they deserve to be taken. My point exactly...you can't. You have to rely on the seller. That's been the whole point of this entire thread. So big whoop , if it's a good seller he'll refund your money and it's all done. 90% of people who buy a cd like that could care less where it came from. That's what bootleggers bank on, those who notice just refund their money, those who don't and have paid top dollar for a boot then that's their tough luck they just got ripped off. If they don't get an original and don't complain then they didn't get ripped off... they bought the CD for THE MUSIC. Amazing how that works. Another awesome statement Dave. Well done!!!
  11. My point exactly...you can't. You have to rely on the seller. That's been the whole point of this entire thread. So big whoop , if it's a good seller he'll refund your money and it's all done. 90% of people who buy a cd like that could care less where it came from.
  12. Studboy - Pretty much every 80s Hard Rock fan in the know understands what I have to offer. Don't like? Don't buy.
  13. This is true, but could be a two-handled sword coz once a band sees their original CD (or boot faking the original) fetch insane prices they assume all 1000 reissue units will sell for $100 each and demand ridiculous fees. So it could be a mighty catalyst, or dreadful inhibition... And sometimes they come with the ideas such as "okay, lets make handfull of copies and put them one at a time on eBay to maximize the profit" which I personally dont approve. Because for me one of the assets of a good reissue is to be made easily obtainable for everyone at affordable fixed price. I start all auctions at 99 cents - how much more affordable can they f'ing be? ALL prices are set on the website and are extremely affordable. Stormy - you will learn in time that running an indie label is far more complicated than you think and you will need to become a good businessman to deal with 180 bands as RR does. SUPPLY AND DEMAND. One of the top reasons why Retrospect Records has become the world's leader in re-issues. And I guarantee you Stormy that I am paying the artists more than any other label. None of this $5 (or less) per cd crap.
  14. I highly recommend everyone doing that. I will be transferring my entire collection to hard drive in the next few months and will be selling off my entire 12,000 cd collection. At the end of the day , owning 12,000 cd's is quite pointless - i'd rather just have it all on a hard drive. I think my dad's death woke me up to the important things in life. I hate to see em go , but one of the world's largest collections is finally going to be made available for sale.
  15. From what you keep saying about your ebay status, this may come into play. Oh the irony... Is that a threat T-Bone?? Cuz I can fix that threat within 24 hours if you like. Oh the power.... Did it seem like one to you? You always rant and rave about your ebay status and how big you are and top seller, etc.... and then you make that statement. Thought it was rather funny Ok ok , we haven't exactly had a great past T-Bone. It's cool. Just sounded like a threat to me. I jumped to conclusions. Sorry.
  16. Dave wins some free boots And you win a free boot too!! RIGHT IN THE ASS. Sticks and Stones Asshole
  17. Dave wins some free boots And you win a free boot too!! RIGHT IN THE ASS.
  18. From what you keep saying about your ebay status, this may come into play. Oh the irony... Is that a threat T-Bone?? Cuz I can fix that threat within 24 hours if you like. Oh the power....
  19. To back that up....QUESTION - Why is it that some of the highest price indies that suck still fetch big bucks?... ANSWER - Because those releases make a collection "look good"... it makes the buyer feel like he is better then other collectors. It's about the VALUE... not the band or the music. Dave , you win hands down tonight. Your posts are right on the money bro. I'm hooking you up with some free cd's.
  20. Maybe so, but I'm speaking only for myself. I collect cd's because I LOVE music...specifically 80's metal/AOR music. Isn't that what brought us all to this board in the first place? I don't think I've ever read a post where someone was bragging about their collection being bigger/better than someone else's. The thing is, there's always going to be someone with more than you. That's why I said that I was only concerned about my collection. I don't worry about what anyone else has...why bother? THAT's the answer I was waiting for. Thankyou for that. Look , I understand much of what you guys are saying and I do not belittle your opinions - we all have our own stance on certain issues - but like I said in another thread , Boots can serve a good purpose under certain conditions. That's why I have always maintained that I am "on the fence" when it comes to boots. Just like I'm "on the fence" when it comes to political issues like what to do with the muslim threat. I'm curious...what would be the 'right' reasons? If a band has no interest in reissuing their stuff what gives someone else the right to bootleg it? Why not just offer the music for free download if you want to share it with the world? A bootleggers only concern is stuffing his own pockets...not the music or the musician. I have run into many many artists/bands who procrastinate when it comes to re-releasing their old material. Sometimes they need that extra 'push' to realize how important their music is to the fans. When they see a boot of their album going for $100+ on ebay they soon understand THAT money should be theirs. Like I said , it's a simple equation.
  21. Choc - judging by the attitudes and posts by various "collectors" at this forum - it IS a contest. And some of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
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