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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Are you planning on selling the demos?
  2. I've owned so many, but one that I particularly thought was truly a nice 'rare' collector's piece was: Akela - "Nasty Reputation".....not many own this, and a really cool tidbit is that they were one of the bands that competed on the show "Star Search" all those years ago. Here's one of their performances.... Akela on Star Search
  3. Vixen with just Jan is not Vixen.....you need ALL four, especially Janet Gardner! As for Guardian.....they recently released an EP with some vintage Guardian tunes, and if that is the direction they take...then that would be cool. However, they are an odd group....and they may put out crap like Bottlerocket again!! lol
  4. Just picked this one up....haven't heard it all the way through, but I read your review Mark, and at this point **still have a half dozen or so songs to go**, I don't agree wholeheartedly. I really enjoyed their EP that was released with Classic Rock last year, and all of those songs are on the disc....so...we'll see.
  5. I'm surprised no ne mentioned the latest Night Ranger disc......thought that was pretty good at capturing their 'original sound'...
  6. Agree with all of the albums listed......cool topic! And, I wanted to add Duran Duran's latest release!!
  7. I love that they're using their original logo still. I used to hate bands that evolved their logo's to suit the style of music that was popular at the time.....
  8. How anyone can say this compares to "Double Eclipse" is beyond me.....this new release is very Euro sounding in its delivery. Double Eclipse had an edge, a rawness and was huge sounding. The tunes were bombastic on DE. And while I love Gioeli's vox, these clips were very smooth sounding...and kind of bland. Maybe the rest of the album will be edgier and bit more rawkin'...we'll see. I will buy it, because I love everything Gioeli has done...but it ain't Hardline, to me!!
  9. KEEL, Kix and then Helix........the newest CD by KEEL is pretty darn good too!
  10. And, Metal4Ever, I'm really curious, as are others, as to what CD you found that didn't exist? Always love hearing stories like that!
  11. Rock Candy was never officially released on CD.......there, in fact, were conversations among elite collectors 15 years ago regarding this one, and the band story holds true. And, believe me....PLENTY of collectors were looking for it (MetalEver). It just didn't exist. And, before Suncity approached them, other people did as well...and the guys in the band couldn't agree on if the sky was blue or black, let alone agree to release their disc. Now....to say that it doesn't exist now in 'some' form is asking for trouble....lol, but I highly doubt it is legit. Delbert would be a good person to chime in on this, as well....as he made a fine transfer of it back in the day!
  12. Rattleshake is a really killer release! The sound production is phenomenal!! And, as always...the artwork kicks major ass! They definitely have a Tesla vibe to 'em!! Murder Bay surprised me.....EXCELLENT stuff!!! And, the packaging is stellar! These two releases are some of the best unreleased stuff I've heard....make sure you put 'em on your 'need to buy' list!!
  13. That was awesome!! Thanks for finding and posting this for us!!
  14. Seriously....I didn't, and couldn't read all the moronic comments in this thread about the new Van Halen even before the disc was released but I will say this...and I've been at this a loooooong time. This album fucking rawks.........end of story. If you don't like it......it's your own damn fault!! haha
  15. Good God does Stevie Rachelle's vox sound horrible.........
  16. I can dig this...have their last disc, and it was 'ok'. I like the song posted here...a little OTT, but no more than say Avenged Sevenfold, or Dragonforce. And...oh...I really liked that Falling in Reverse disc!!! I'm surprised that you didn't Geoff, as we have VERY similar tastes here.....
  17. While there are quite a few of those that I'm eagerly awaiting, one that kind of stands out for me is Von Groove.....loved all of their stuff and have been hoping for some time now that they would release another disc!
  18. The Rattleshake rawks.....lookin' forward to that one, fo sho!! ;-)
  19. So sorry to hear this...as we grow older I simply cannot fathom the day a dear friend passes. My sincerest condolences to you, Bernd....
  20. Have been waiting for their release for what seems like aeons!!! Thanks for the update!
  21. Love Quietdrive......need to pick this, and their last CD, up....have the first two and their EP..and love all their music! Amazon??
  22. Rubicon Cross Website Love Furyon........have the EP that came with Classic Rock a while back and it was excellent!!! Another cool tidbit of trivia is that the guitar player and C.J. Snare have teamed up in a project called Rubicon Cross that RAWKS, bigtime!!
  23. Uhh...'RAWKIN'...what else??!!

  24. While the lyrics are quite evangelical, the music on this release seems to have gone back to a more rockin' direction.
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